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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1980)
tfiursday. august 28, 1980 daily nebraskan page 15 anted. Experienced and de ZLfable. Set Joe StegsaO in jSSTit Misty III. 6235 Ha lock Field supcrviaors and re totes for flag football and -occtf. Abo need volunteer coaches for these sports. For more information call 475-9622 Wt275. WEED EXTRA CASH? We're looking for fraternity, ororitv. and dorm representa tiues. See Merle Railing at THE GRINDER. 242 N. 13th. 476 8876. Oowntown salespersons wanted. Days and evenings. Apply in person Dittmer's Greenhouse 3225 So. 14th. The YMCA is in need of a bus driver and dance instructor. Contact Bob Tlustos at 475 9622. SEARS Need permanent part-time main tenance persons to work 7-10 AM daily. Sears benefits in clude: 'Life insurance 'Paid vacation 'Paid holidays "Profit sharing Employee discount Apply Sears Personnel Office, upper level. Gateway. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Wanted: College student for part-time year-round work on Reg Hereford operation. House dose to Lincoln. MAAHS HEREFOROS 423-9102 ATTENTION STUDENTS Sweep Left now has part-time positions available for cocktail waitresses. Excellent starting wages plus tips, and flexible hours. Apply first floor 815 -O" St-IOSo-m. ' Bus boy for 11:30 or 12:30 lunch and 5:30 dinner. 475 1143. Wanted: Readers for several different classes. Will pay minimum wage. Call 476-0995. ask for Gary. Lead vocalist and keyboard player wanted for progressive rock band. Phone 476-3021. Need student football tickets for season. Must have ID. ID will be returned after season. Call Vin at 331-7169 (Omaha). Senior male neadt rvui. sible roommate to fill nice, roomy. 3 bedroom apartment in historic house. $92mo. utilities- available immediately; in cludes sunporch. fireplace, activity room. Bob K. 435-0834 home. 475-2856. office. Non-smoking roommate needed for 3 bedroom house. $87 13 utilities. 477-5154. evenings. Two roommates needed to share 3-bedroom house near East Campus. S92month plus 13 utilities. 466-1446. Responsible roommate need ed. House close to campus. Call 477-4948. 1 roommate for 4 bedroom house. $125. utilities included. 4356810. 1 or 2 upperclass persons to share 3 story house. A fair degree of responsibility desired. Call 477-9935 or 4352621. I need a responsible, non smoking roommate. If you're tired of temporary housing, male, like an open-minded environment, and wnat to share a modern 2 bedroom apartment with a fireplace, then call 475 1988. Need a female roommate. 5 blocks from campus. $100 13 utilities. 4353842. on r Don ! settle tor sporting goods. Get Sporting Greats from Lawtor's SJzuuitiw Jf4tJtlC' SORE GATEWAY 164.GOLERY AVU LINCOLN CENTER 1118 0" Assembled, Fitted And Ready-To-Ride At No Extra Cost, Free 30-Day Checkup, Too! Trade in your old bike on a new Schwmn or SR 1 0 or 1 2 speed. See The ALL New SR Bikes No Time Limit Warranty. And: A Complete Line of PRO Parts And Accessories. Lawlor's The Bike Experts, with a complete selection of models, frame sizes and colors; lifetime warranty on all frames; certified mechanics on duty to answer your questions. 6 mm Cannondale Packs and Panni ers. Touring Systems with quick and easy attachability; utmost stability, even under adverse road conditions, for greater safety; proven Cannondale dura bility. Panniers from 55.00 Handlebar bags from 1 6.98 Seat Bag from 6.95 Schwmn Bikes Downtown Only. 1U8 0'St. Open Thursday Until 9. H gj4 a! tMo oft oals pirccc qemII 2232 1? Sft How? I used my Student Discount Card. It's a full color photo ID that gets me special deals on regular priced merchandise all over town! It only cost $10.00- and I made that back on my first purchase. You can get one too. at the Women's Resource Center on the first floor of the student union on city campus. The card is good for one year, too! Don't wait to get one- they're only available for a limited time, and besides Ym cmiEdl lbs ssiwingj bmoms aft ftUness 52 imeirdhainiftsS The Big Red Shop 10 off aH merchandise The Brodkey Jewelry Co, Nebraska and Iowa 15 off al merchandise (excludes some franchtsed lines and all repairs and services) Caesar's Pizza $1.00 off large pizza. .75 off medium. .50 off small Can TV end Appliance Leasing: 5 off on leasing, or one week free lease withe month minimum. Retail: up to 10 discount on already low-priced TVs, stereos, ap pliances. and accessories Centers tags Shoe Boutique 10 off all merchandise Chesterfield's (C.& & P.) 50c off any burger, Monday through Wednesday Deluxe Bicycle Shop 10 off all repairs, parts and labor Flower World 1 0 discount on fresh flowers and plants Lawtor's Downtown and Gateway 10 off all merchandise Lincoln Army and Western Wear 1 0 off all Levi's. Lee s, and Wrangler jeans Logos Bookstore 1 0 off greeting cards (does not include boxed cards) Maguire's Hair Designs 10 off all Roffler products Malbar Vision Center 10 off aH merchandise Music land $2.00 off any album or tape regularty priced at SS.99 r more Oak Creek Plant Store 10 off all plants Pearte Vision Center, Downtown and Gateway 1 0 off complete pairs of glasses or contacts Pearson's Upholstering and Restoration 10off Pet Ark 1 5 discount on all items Phidippides 1 0 off on aH shoes Pickle Bill's Barbeque Free order of onion rings with purchase of platter or sandwich. Mon. thru Theirs. Pickle's "10 off Sansui stereo equipment, Sony, Hitachi, RCA Foreign Auto Parts 10 to 15 off most parts and select accessories Foreign Auto Repair 5 off book on all labor. 10 to 15 off most parts end select accessories Fred Wilson Jewelers 1 0 off any item in the store Freewheelin' Bike Shop Free labor on tire change with purchase of tire and tube television, Sanyo car stereo Gaga's Greenery and Flowers Porter's Possessions 10 off aH flowers and plants 1 0 off aH merchandise Gateway Western 10 off all merchandise Glass Onion Shear Design One-third off entire menu (except beverages), Monday t o off aH services through Thursday, 5 to 9 pm The Good Earth 10 off entire stock Grease Monkey $1 .00 off lull service price Seifert'sConcept 21, Lincoln and Omaha 10 off aU merchandise Great Expectations Precision Haireutting Atrium. East Park Plaza, Van Dorrt Plaza 1 0 off aH merchandise The Hobby Store 10 off aH merchandise Holiday Skate World North and South 2Se off regular admission pnee dunng public skating Hollywood Bowl Buy 2 games, get one free dunng weekday open village Sound Dimensions 10 off tapes, accessories and Hitachi components Soupersaladalley Pitcher of beer (Miller Lite or Blue Ribbon) for $1.50 Tan Huts, Inc. 20 off package of 20 visits and Sunbed Program Thorn sen Musk Company 40 off guitar strings; 20 off guitars, banjos, drums, sound reinforcement, band instruments and supplies; 15 off pianos, organs, accordions; 10 off sheet music and repairs T.O. Haas Tire Co., Inc. 10 off aU merchandise The Vlckerkfge Havetock, Gateway, Rathbone bowling Husker Bottle Shop 10 off wine, 5 off liquor and beer International Contact Lens 1 0 off aH merchandise Jason's 10 off aH merchandise J. Bragg's Shoe Salon 10 off entire stock Landon's Clothing, Omaha 1 0 on aH merchandise 10 off aH merchandise Walker Tire Co. 10 to 15 off regularly priced items The Waterbed Company 10 oft aH merchandise Wendelln's 1 0 off wine, 5 off liquor and beer Whitcomb's, Centrum i0 off aH cards and select gifts The Student Discount Card is promoted, manufactured, and told onty by Imact Systems Cash, check. Vita, MasterCard accepted. Room 122 Student Union