The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
tfiursc&Y. august 28. 1980 daily nebraskan pago tl Exhibit to battle TV appeal rhmn? the first half of this century. I2jn$ were one of the most powerful cut turai forces in the United States. But after WWII, movies lost much of their import ance in the eyes of Americans. With tne auvcni ui icwuisiun, uic oaoy boom (which made television appealing to .t.,,c wha could not often afford babv sitters), and the increasing costs and profit motive of fd making, movies have become less accessible to audiences. It is especially inaccessible to those who are poor and from rural areas. n order to give more Nebraskans a chance to view some of America's most cherished film classics, Sheldon Film Theater is starting a state-wide travelling film exhibition titled "Rediscovering the American Cinema." Director and curator for this pilot pro ject is Terry Nygren. Nygreri has a master's degree in English from UN L As a graduate student, she spent a year at the University of Paris studying cinematography, film theory and film history. Also a part time fellow at UNL's Centennial College, Nygren, has a continuing interest in the image of women in film. Besides her duties as curator for the travelling film exhibition, she will also be teaching a course with Prof. Mary Jo Deegen on Women in the Media. Films selected for exhibition are Charlie Chaplin's The Gold Rush, Fritz Lang's Fury (starring Spencer Tracy), John Ford's Ford's Stagecoach , (starring John Wayne), The Grapes of Wrath (another John Ford film starring Henry Fonda), Alfred Hitch cock's (Suspicion, Orson Welles' Citizen Kane and George Cukor's Adam's Rib (starring Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy). Each month Ms. Nygren will visit each participating community at least once. Along with distri buting brochures, she wrote for the pro gram. She will visit classrooms, clubs, and organizations and lead discussions. Topics to be considered for the lec- Bl I l l l l l l SiCONO NNUAl SOS SALf 5 tures and discussion inhtt. in turyt a popular depression era film; the jovcl'to-film transition of The Grapes of wrath stereotyping of native Americans in Stagecoach: sex rotes in Adam . . Rib: and spectator psychology and the pleasure of the spectator when watching Suspkbn. Nygren said she will let the sponsors decide what she will do when she visits their community, since the success of this program lies mainly with them. Tw projects similar According to Nygren, only two other projects similar to this one are in progress . One of them is in Minnesota and the other is in Colorado where foreign films are pre sented. If the program in Nebraska goes weU, Nygren hopes to see it continue as well as begin including foreign films, and recent American pictures made by independent film makers. Communities and sponsors participating in "Rediscovering the American Cinema" are: Aurora - Hamilton Community Foundation and the Plainsman Museum. Beatrice - Beatrice Public library, Ser toma Beatrice Community Players. Fremont - Midland Lutheran College. Gordon - Gordon Regional Arts Alliance. Grand Island - Edith Abbot Memorial Library. Kearney - Kearney State College. Lincoln - Lincoln Indian Center. McCook - The Optimist Club. Omaha - The River City Film Festival and Westside Community Schools. PapiUion - Papillion Area Arts Council. For information concerning the location and dates for screenings of the exhibition, contact the community's sponsoring organ ization. "Rediscovering the American Cinema" was made possible through grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Nebraska Arts Council and the Nebraska Committee for the Humanities, CHEAP! 20-25 Of F EVERYTHING!! WEONESOAY-AUG 2? CONVENIENT LOCATION B ' BLOCK SOUTH LOVE LIBRARY 330 No 13 m ia copws tanduig, . passport ahotco M Aiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiniiiiig COME AND ENJOY SimhmuihI Hv CHI ALPHA Thursday, August 28 From 2:30 to 8 00 pm Near the fountain on UNL city campus. Students: Did you leave home without the daily World-Herald? If you did, we've put together a special student subscription rate package that makes it easy and affordable to begin receiving the most comprehensive coverage of world, national and regional news a vailable in the state. To order The World-Herald, circle the date you wish your subs6ription to begin along with the price of the corresponding papers you would like to receive. If you order for the full semester, your special rate will include the equivalent of two weeks free. Thfe special student rates below have also been adjusted to exclude vacation dates scheduled by the University. For more information, please call or write: Omaha World-Herald, P.O. Box 2712. Lincoln, Neb. 68502, 483-5874. 1st Semester Deliveries Start Monday, August 25, 1980 Start Monday Dec. 1 1980 Stop Wednesday, Nov 26, 1980 Stop Friday, Dec, 19, 1980 r SPECIAL STUDENT RATES OFFER Apt. or Room 4JL Nsm&, Dorm or Addrett- f31 97 914 t11 15.70 14,50 1330 1210 9.20 850 780 7.10 6.50 6 00 5 50 5 00 For subscription beginning: I2S Dally A Sunday: 18.40 Dalty Only: 9.90 Sunday Only: 928 10.90 640 4.50 Find a Roommate or just say 'hi use the Daily Want Ads Nebraskan Sllllllllllllllir; it -t UM ANNUM SWtMtftSk W i CHEAP i ii 2 off B i EVERYTHING!' B TUESOA-AUG 2$ XVEONESOAV-AUC 2? 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