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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1980)
Wednesday, august 27, 1980 daily nebrsskart a. LajI ItAHiAfSffni CV. CELLENT CONDITION. Must fill Dy Auyui . vm toj' 5966. For Salt: Blue carpel squares Fits any m room. 477657, 1975 Yamaha 050. Good shape. $950. G-14 Radial mom. 150 Four Chevy Rally wheels 2S" and 2". 475-6304 afttf 5 p.m. RECORDS, RECOROSI Adult party records, pop, westerns, rock and children, new LP', reasonable. Sat. 5:30 8 00 Sun. & Mori. 10-8. 2630 "H" St. 1970 BSA Lightning, rune greet. Alio 1972 Honda CB175. 489-5150. 1969 international top step van. Runs and looks good $700. Day 489-0440. Night 435-8158. Light Blue Shag Carpet. Ex cellent shape. Cut to fit dorm room. $60 or best offer. Call Paul after 7 p.m. 475-2519 Bach Mercedes II Trumpet $175 after 6 pn. 476-0477. Autographed footballs of the 1980 Nebraska football team. Call 477-3018 between 9 and 10 p.m. Custom-made banjo. Alvarez folk guitar. Hard-shell cases. $225 each. 4354070. Separate Pioneer Amp, Tun er, 60 watt, $275 complete. Greg. 464-7160. Quality health insurance at a, reasonable cost. For informa tion call Paul Schupbach Ameri can Family Insurance, 489-9681 Upright piano, Marble 1 x 4', Fender 75 champion guitar amplifier, Dynamo foosebalf table. 435-0240, evenings. ' New portable electric type writer. Schwinn unicycle. 435- 3640. 1971 Plymouth Fury. Auto matic, heater, radio, price negotiable. 472-4467, 474-1194 1975 Suzuki 175 Ertduro $350, 1974 Suzuki 400 Enduro $550. Morning or evenings, 791 5368. FOR BASKET LOVERS ONLY Ail wicker items 25 off this week only. PLANT TALK 4501 'Q'St. 1976 Kawasaki KH500, 2-stroke, 7,000 miles, luggage rack. Very nice. 423-2640 after 5 p.m. Sofa and chair, bedroom set, dining table, big shortwave radio editorviewer, desk. 474-2209. JIL 20 watt in dash AM-FM 8 trk. radio with digital clock $150. Garrard belt driven turn table $75. Entire 8 track tape collection: Beatles, Cars, Boiton etc. 467-4945. 1940 Sumner-2 bedrooms, entire ground floor, remodeled no pets, $255 all utilities paid. 475-4831 after 5 or weekends. i:s:iii:iii;i;i;iii;i;i:i;i:i!i:g 9 nVM"S! SCCONO CHEAP H EVCftYTMNGfl WEONCSMV-MJC 27 SO M S n 2 CONVTMIENT LOCATION 2 BLOCK SOUTH IOW UBRAHY S 330 Mo 13 m fiiic Mutt Suhl- AAA , vr 2203 Vine. Call 435-6850. EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR STUDENTS 1327 H Street Furnished efficiencies start at $145montb. One block from the bus line or grocery store. Heat paid. Resident manager available day or night to assist you. Immaculate, cozy with oak woodwork throughout. Antique lover's dream. Enjoy our roof deck to sun bathe I Call 435-7762 for an appointment to see these charm ing apartments. STUDIO APARTMENT Nice, clean unfurnished apt, near downtown on mini-bus line. Ideal for art student or other $150 all utilities paid 435-7074. The Beitmann Archive !l iiiuiX WO miV --v. 1 f" awwa i M flmumwmmm K m (Site Rent Cargo Van from De Brown Leasing Call 477-7253 17th ft N St. ENJOY THE SUN DECK DURING COOL EVENINGS Furnished one bedroom available immediately. Clean, cozy, one block from the bus that goes directly to UNL. Heat paid. Resident manager available evenings or weekends. Oak woodwork throughout. Laundry facilities. One block from grocery. $175month plus de posit. Call 435-7762 for an appointment to see these charm ing apartments. Furnished apt. 645 S, 17th, Near Capitol, spacious 1 bed room apt. S175 deposit. No pets. 423-5442. if X -iter Li n- St S i 7 V $ v.-. We still have torn rooms! Air conditioning, parking, co-ed, dose to campus. Call Corn husker Coop, 474-9772 or 474 9723. Four bedrooms, partly fur nished. Four blocks to campus, $250,475-6669. WHAT A BUY!!!!! We have a two bedroom apart ment available for immediate occupancy. Large, convenient rooms with color coordinated kitchens. Rent starts at $220 month. We have a one bedroom starting at $195 month. Add ed features: off-street parking, pool for summer use, four laun dry rooms for your convenience with brand new washers and dryers, shopping one block away. On bus line, 1215 Arapahoe 423-5729 Day or Night mm iV4 &" ' .If . - "St ' ! L M i 7 -Yf -A Is JUL r RENT ASSISTED HOUSING FOR MARRIED STUDENTS The Heumann Project-24 th & T St. If you qualify, you and your family of 4 or more can live in large 3 bedroom apt. Your rent mil be determined by your income and expenses. You must be willing to abide by set rufes and regulations. For more information or to make appli cation, calf KATHY at the Mega Corporation; 475-8407 (Equal Housing Opportunity, 3-bedroom house 4 blocks north of stadium $225 plus electricity and gas. Range, re frigerator, shower, garage, 477 5049 leave message. Close to campus, 2 to 3 bed room duplex, carpet, air, appli ances, off-street parking, 439-1933. 1980 Beer Brewed by Miller Brewing Co. , Milwaukee, Wt. .x lift i AKlti i, in ii yi i i"f i i Vfi1 Wo M I1 WW J I ii ik , i M ;i ' i,i Hi 0 it I APARTMENTS between campuses. Nearly new. $190, 475-1373 or 4730610 after 8 p.m. Unfurnished 1 bedroom apt. 1207 St. $165 1202 F St. $155 Two bedroom apt. 315 So. 26th $225 1415 CSt. $200 Ron Hinkley TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 439-7833 LADIES: Free room in ex change for light housekeeping. Call 474-3182. PM delivery person wanted. Apply in person, Drttmer's Greenhouse, 3225 S, 14th, s-rit I I 1 II fil. W, i' 1 I II 7 1