JurM?S3 Zvmmtr NtbrwJccn Campos Briefs Summer evening course UNL flag, dance corp General registration for summer evening courses at the University of Ntbra&ka-Lincoln is open now. Register for either first or second summer session at 51 1 Nebraska Hall, 901 North 17th St. Registration hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., including the lunch hour. First session registration closes on Friday, June 6, at 4:30 p.m. and second summer session on Friday, July 11, at 4:30 p.m. The evening courses are regular UNL courses offered through the Division of Continuing Studies. Accounting, art, English, economics, history and math are among the subjects available this summer. First session classes will be held from June 9-July 10 and second session classes from July 14-August 14. Courses can be taken to fulfill college degree require ments or for personal growth. For more information and a listing of classes, call 472 1924. A Summer Film Festival will be presented by the UNL Division of Continuing Studies Instructional Media Center each Wednesday beginning June 11 at the Ne braska Union from 12 to 1:30 p.m. The festival will feature a special film program de signed to provide a variety of interesting visual materials and selected short and humorous films from the early movies industry. The program on June 11 will feature "Mideast: Land and People,'' which explores thedands, peoples and life styles of the Middle East, and "The Monkey's Paw," a classic horror story. "Busy Bodies" with Laurel and Hardy, and "Hardware Wars," a parody of the epic "Star Wars," will also be shown. There is no admission charge. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Flag and Dance Corps auditions will be held for incoming freshmen women from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, June 7, in Room 123, est brook Music Building. The Flag and Dance Corps function as an auxiliary unit of the Comhusker Marching Band, according to Rose Johnson, UNL Band secretary. "Members of the Flag and Dance Corps perform ever ywhere the band does," Johnson said, adding the women receive free admission to home UNL football games and will also travel free of charge this year to the KU game and possibly a bowl game over Christmas vacation. "Women trying out for the corps must wear tennis shoes and shorts," Johnson said. "Lunch will be their ex pense. "Students who are selected to be members of the corps must be dedicated," she said, noting daily practices are scheduled. "No previous experience is necessary since marching, flag and dance routines will be taught." Costumes will be furnished to new corps members. Johnson said, how ever, they will need to purchase their own boots. While the auditions are primarily for incoming fresh men, Johnson suggested that returning students unaware of an earlier audition may make arrangements for the tryout. More information about the audition can be obtained by calling Rose Johnson, 472-2505. Omaha-Lincoln Service In an effort to assist summer commuting students conserve energy and reduce the cost of commuting and parking, the University is experimenting with a daily bus service from Omaha to the Lincoln campus during the first five-week session, June 9 to July 11. A 45-passenger, air-conditioned, University-owned bus will leave the east parking lot of Omaha Westside High School, 87th and Pacific Streets, promptly at 6 ajn. each morning. The bus will proceed to PapUlion High School, 402 Centennial Road, and depart at 6:20 am. The bus will arrive at Nebraska Union at approximtely 7:15 am. in time for 7:30 classes. Parking is free at each high school. The bus will depart from Lincoln at 1:40 pjn. from the Nebraska Union on the Lincoln campus. Bus fare is $15X0 per week or $75.00 for the five-week session. The daily, seat available rate is $3.25. Passes will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis in the Summer Sessions Office, 106 Teachers College. This is an experimental commuter service partially funded through a grant from the North American Associ ation of Summer Sessions. Graduation deadline The deadline for applying for graduation in July is June 12, according to Shirley Thomsen, assistant director of records and registration. National Videodisc Programming Symp The state of the art of videodisc pro gramming will be the topic of a national symposium at the University of Nebrak-sa-Lincoln this fall. Leading designers and producers of videodisc programming in the United States will be brought together as a group for the first time to preview video disc projects and discuss latest disc de sign and production techniques, research and development, videodisc applications for the future. Sponsoring the syposium are UNL's Nebraska Videodisc Design and Prod uction Group and Station KUON-TV of the Nebraska ETV Network and the Of fice of Engineering Research, Corpora tion for Public Broadcasting, in coopera tion with the UNL Division of Continu ing Studies. Brown bag lecture During the first five-week summer ses sion, the University Program Council City Talks and Topics Committee will present the Brown Bag Lectureship. Scheduled for noon each Thursday in the Nebraska Union Mian Lounge, the pro grams will include brief presentations by University faculty members or citizens from the Lincoln community, followed by informal discussion. 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Spices.Coffees and Para phernalia. EUPHORIA HERBS 2339 Randolph 474-0040 Vosque Cascade Hiking Boots. Reg.S90.00.Now $47.95 at Bivouac 1335 Que Thonk you Mike Stricklin for help with the V.D.T.S. Euraka Timberline Tents 4 man $129.95. 2 man $89.95 at Bivoooc Solo Lite Sleeping Bags IS percent off at Bivouac 1235 Que Driver needed, must be atle to go on overnights, expenses will be reimbursed, mlnimun wage tin eludes waiting time), state car will be provided, contact Shelley Hutch inson at 471-2891 or home 477-3407. Wont to houseslt 10 days at the end of June. Can provide references coll 475-M34, may teove message. To the grounds people sleeping in Avery Library on Wednsday morn ing. . .is this where my tax dollars are going? Hiking Shorts by Woolrich & Spor tif now available ot Bivouac 1235 Que Janitor needed at St. Mark's on the campus. 474-1979 please call for an appointment. ALL TENTS NOW ON SALE AT BIVOUAC 1235 QUE Art. We're sorry! The ON file disrupters Phoenix Kayaks now available at Bivouac 1235 Que 203 N. 66 th