The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 06, 1980, Page 6, Image 6
A JuntMftO Summer Hebrcskcn Susan Stephen and Tom Segal stretch muscles and warm-up to dance. Dancers' bodies hurt; moves are graceful . ByLynnMongar Taut muscles strain as a slender body stretches headfirst toward the floor. With deliberate movements, the young dancers limbs move freely and fluidly to music. The hour warm-up excercises are a part of Susan Stephen's and Tom Segal's lives as professional dancers. Stephen, 23, is the assistant choreographer for the re cently formed Lincoln Ballet Company. Segal, 21, formerly of Lincoln, is a dance major at Adelphi University in New York City. He is visiting friends and family in Lincoln before he returns to New York. Stephen will be performing with other Lincoln dancers in an afternoon dance festival from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday at Pine wood Bowl in Pioneers Park. Richard Haisma, formerly of the Murray Louis Dance Company will also perform at the festival, which is sponsored by Lincoln JayCees, Women JayCees and the Pine wood Bowl Commission. 'Dancing Painful' "Dancing is painful if you do it right," Stephen said. "As a dancer you should al ways have aches and pains." The grueling excercises and three to eight hours of practice six days a week extend the body's limitations and make dancing graceful, Stephen said. Pushing herself is part of her attrac tion to dancing, she said. '."It's exciting doing something tomorrow that I could n't do today." Although she said she likes modern and jazz dancing, her "passion" is ballet. Stephen doesn't spend all of her time in the dance studio, she also works as a bus driver for Lincoln Public Schools. "I work so I have money to dance," she explained. She said she wears out three pairs of ballet shoes a week, and socks and leg warmers also often must be replaced. Taking lessons twice a week also adds to her expenses. She plans to stay in an city compara ble to Lincoln, and to continue dancing for as long as she can. Her long-term goal, however, is to be a choreographer, limited Profession "It's a limited profession," she said. "I can't dance when I'm 40." Segal disagreed with Stephen and said that a dancer attains his artistic sensi tivity in his 30s and 40s. But, he admit ted that dancing is mainly a young per son's profession. "I don't think the people realize how much strength and skill is required. "I'll perform as long as I think I can," he said. "A dancer knows when to quit." Segal began dancing at 18, and he said his appreciation of dancing developed gradually. "It's infectious," he said. "When you can dictate your body in clean and grace ful moves. It's a magic moment." The magic has helped Segal overcome some cruel comments and misconceptions con cerning male dancers. "The established stereotype of male dancers is that they are all flaming queens," he said. "But, what could be more masculine than dancing with a woman?" he asked. I JL r , -W!b. 1 w-m. ... IiIm'1'''1''1"" 1 "m ""'"""" TomSegaL .V StoH Photo By Jantt Hammer mm Receive S10.C0 for each donatiorv This means you can earn up to $20.00 weekly or $11.60 monthly In your spare time! lus your initial donation includes a free physical. Each visit takes only about 90 minutes and is virtually painless. Bring your books and catch up on your reading while you're earning money! SPECIAL BONUS WITH THIS AD New Donors Receive an Additional $2! You must be eighteen or over to donate. Federally Licensed & Regulated Open 8:30-4:30 Saturday morning Monday-Friday 8:30-1 2:30 SESLF-SGftiJECG P3GQ Vt Clock From love library All Copies "no coins needed' 330 No. 13th PHONE 475-COPy Seven Dsyi A Week Mon.-Thurs. 8:00-9;CX) Fri. 8:00:00 Sat 9:00-5:00 Sun. 2:00-5:00 i i J...,L- "T OM HOI W A MOT F1W TMg WHT-, UtT, MOST f XCITINO l-MTEO VEM TWW M) A LOMQ TWt TMMCitaMMl it MVkfMtMHfMCllMWl into w we and kawto iplw. HOWtW' tote wpwtof H Tlw ttey 01 Jomm". "JENNIFER WEUf it a my lot tc r Walk LOOKS Of UCtOU .- tt It afcntl SCMNA it mrtaMi to tt MONKVMI. 1 totlMtkM.aiMMy takJaWctu" tot saimaoo "NOIieV'IC kM tMNHMlIf tMf lof 4 Utuklv AJull r.K.. fwodum TXfCtknlB Gat XT!T3U KAU BT STCWOfXWNH - - - - S8S8 MS xtfritt JENNIFER WEUESi rwnui umUUZ YiZliU ri SERENA 08 u t (3.