tricky, may 2,1980 page 2 K:vXx-x-x-x-:-:vXx SOFTBALL TEAMS I 1 1 3 ALL SUMILlER HORSEFEATHERS- THE WATERHOLE TfdDQJ CAS E5X CEO" QJP TO dDifii CDWUlC ; We're more than a bookstore m i daily nebraskan Pub Board. . . Continued from Page 1 tag him earlier, Brown said. The somewhat mild reaction by the board the first time might have been a sort of invi tation for more. he said. Kathy Chenault, next semester's Daily Nebraskan associate news editor said, "I wanted to work for a paper where people have pride in what they are doing." She asked the board to "severely punish" Strunk be cause the ramifications of his actions were greater than just damaging the credibility of the Daily Nebraskan. Cuca then changed his motion to call for dismissing j- m til ll?" j --fj flu - -'...J iv rw ni m Open Monday-Friday, 8-5:30, Saturday, 9-5:30 1 2th & R Streets in Lincoln Center 476-01 1 1 Strunk rather than accepting his resignation, and to also withhold his pay. The motion passed unanimously. Strunk, speaking briefly after the meeting, said, i rewet that it had to happen to the University of Nebraska, the Daily Nebraskan, and the staff." Newt editor: Mike Sweeney; Associate editor: Randy Essex; Managing editor: Frank Hassler; Associate news editor: Margaret Stafford- Magazine and specials editor: Jill Denning; Night news editor: Bob Lannin; Features editor: Alice Hrnicek; Layout editor- Denise Andersen; Entertainment editor: Kim Wilt; Sports editor- Shelley Smith; Photography chief: Mark Billingsley; Art director: Rick Hemphill; Assistant night news editor: Andre Everett; East campus bureau chief: Barb Bier man; Legislative bureau chief: Gordon Johnson; Ombudsperson: Li Austin. Copy editors: Diane Andersen, Barb Bier man, Roger Budden. berg Michelle Carr, Nancy Ellis, Pam George, Kris Hansen, Lynn Mongar, Martha Murdock, Barb Richardson, Kathy Sjulin and Mary Kay Wayman. Business manager: Anne Shank; Production manager: Kitty Policky; Advertising manager:Denise Jordan; Assistant advertising manager: Art Small. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publication Board Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters, except during vacations. Publications Board Chairman Mark Bowen, 474-3838. Professional Adviser Don Walton, 473-7317. Address: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14th and R Streets. Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Telephone: 472-2588. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68510. Just received new shipment, extending our Ovation sab. 40 OFF ANY 0VATI0I1 GUITAR ORDERED OR 111 STOCK with case purchased at regular price 1200 N Street 2nd Level Atrium 4774266 SELF-SGOU1CE COPIER Vt Block From Love Library All Copies Scven Day A Week MOn.-inurS. b:UU-V:UU Fri. 8:00-6:00 Sat 9:00-5:00 Sun. 2:00-5:00 All Copies "no coins needed" 330 No. 13th PHONE 475-COPy El " R 9 the Daily Nebraskan wants YUS Now hiring for the following positions for fall, 1980: o Reporters o Copy Editoro o Entertainment ond Sports Writers o Artists o Photographers o Night News Editor and Assistant o Columnists Interviews May 5-0. Sign up NOW at tho Room 34 - Nebraska Union