friday. may 2,1980 daily nebraskan page 13 Rhonda H(FJto 311)' Hop final QO good for you next week. See you out at Little Bo'i Friday at 3:00-6:00. EVAO, Put it where the tun doesn't thine! P.S. That's 111. EM P.J. Remember Joe Schlep it DEADl Go for It! JMM SuperOana: It it true that you're faster than a speeding dishroom? More powerful than a case of anchov ies? Able to leap complaining waitresses in a single, bound? Lois Lane To Alexander and The Hippie, You're the greatest! Love yal Your New Roomie Lucy in the sky- Don't let politics change a spacy hair on your head. Have an enjoyable summer but watch the drug abuse. M.K. Mr.Z- Though my undergrad days are through I stil! hope someday to have coffee with you. Yang Patten Thanks for the sage advice and encouragement-l hope I'll make enough in this field to pay the rent. Notice that I no longer fall asleep in your office. Best wishes and a yipee-ti-yi-yo. M.K.W. To Mike, Margaret, Jill, Randy, Rocky, Kim, Frank, Mary, Rich and every other senior who gave me a hard time this semester-I'm going to miss you. When you're off winning your Pulitzer Prizes'don't forget us undergrads stuck in limbo land. Good luck to you all. Me, the sophomore Linda Abler: Someone told me once that your high school friends fade away when you move to college. And I heard good friends should never live together. We have proved them wrong and I loved every minute of It. I am ture our string will continue when we go our separate ways, because everyone Is telling me it won't. Thanks. Stafford Doctor Tuck, Thanks for the support. You are a special breed. Try and sur vive the hurdle-jumping. Margaret Jill, From shy copy editors to lazy senior editors, we have had too many good times to forget. I hope payola is as much fun. gret To my fellow senior editors (and Alice); Thanks for the laughter and the lessons. And remember, if we can survive this, we can sur vive anything the "real" world throws at us. MS Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney: Good luck in Springfield. If you ever need someone to tell you what to do, give me a call. We all get by with a little help from our friends. gret Barb, Bob, Gordon, Tom and Scratchy, Good luck next year. Try and keep the libel suits to a minimum and the laughter to a maximum. A three-year battle-scarred veteran Fast: Keep smiling and believing. And learn to write letters!) gret This is for the paraplegic weasel who made my life miser able at the rag. Rich MAKE IT WITH JHLDMCSH2 THEOREMS iMPOH'fD 4 BO'UeD B 'IQU'l jAnSCO S A V iUU'S MO 80 P00t a I ill A MOVING EXPERIENCE Congratulations, Carol Nodgaard, for winning a pair of Jocgers. See you through the summer and next falL Skate Rental mi Sales 1209 Q St. GLsj HeBjsife 477-6887 Casey; I'm leaving you one shaky desk, one Paul McCartney calendar, and your choice of concerts-at last. Thanks for my birthday present. S.P.- Late Happy B-Day. this is also a strange happening-understand? Signed The One Who Does Wacky Things, SK Jill, at times I find your licorice .fetish hard to Fathom but getting half -blitzed before a test is perfectly understandable -it was only a pseudo-event anyway. Your lunch partner Pam George, Here is your first and last personal. Let's keep in touch. Rich Patten- From the most gorgeous, witty, talented, organized and PROMPT bunch of investigative reporters ever to grace your office (see how much confi dence you've given us?) -Thanks and kick ass in Philadelphia. M.C.. P.G., M.J.P. and M.K.W. Ronco: Everything I said this semest er was true. Kim LCB. Got your note. Don't be shy, I don't bite. B.E. Burr II P.S. Better tell B.L Burr III about mix up. Shelley: I 'm me and you're we so just remember that. Okay? Kim "An utter delight." MURIEL FOSTER'S. FISHING DIARY If you enjoyed Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, you'll treasure Muriel Foster's Fishing Diary. 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