page 16 I I spring fashion supplement to the daily nebraskan monday, april 7, 1980 MM J'V :r, The future looks bright! Primary brights of red, yellow,, blue and green. Sliced with white. Patterns and stripes that are fun to look at. find to wear. For you. For Spring. For the 80s. Jrs. Downtown on Three, and Gateway. hovland'Swanson LINCOLN GRAND ISLAND OMAHA Lincoln Downtown: 10 to 5:30, Thurs. til 9, Sun.1 to 5. Gateway: 10 to 9, Sat. til 6, Sun.1 to 5. A Photo by Mark Dillingstoy Makeup spring palette draws colors brighter By Lori Merryman Makeup for 1980 focuses on brighter, splashier colors; to bring out a new sense of individuality, John Sullivan, RevlonlGroup One public relations manager, said. This year's spring palette is the largest yet, Sullivan said. Women are all very indi vidual today, so it is important that their makeup also is, Sullivan said. "Revlon's color Story for spring is based on Rio de Janeiro," Sullivan said. And even the name suggests a multitude of colors. The makeup line for darker women is called "Red Your Way." It is a very bright assortment, composed mostly of reds, Sullivan said. 1980 include makeup designed for wo men in, a hurry, Sullivan said. Charlie will be introducing color blend pencils for cheeks, eyes and lips. The pencils are deisnggd so the women can take the tips off and the .reverse side will be an applicator. "Fall colors this year are going to be more dramatic, Sullivan said, with more specific tighter color groups. One sample of this, from Revlon's color story for fall, is called Saturday Night Reds. "For a long time makeup was aimed at younger women," Sullivan said. "Now the cosmetological markets are aiming at the women in the mid to late 20s," he added. "This is because that woman is now the decision maker. We must create makeup for her," he said. This ties in with the new sense of in dividuality strived for in the new color schemes, he said. Also, 1980's makeup will further emphasize skin care. Sullivan said the pro ducts are now designed for "easy skin care." One big step that has occurred in the past five years has been makeup labeling, Sullivan said. The ingredients are now all listed on the container, he said. M .A ""V A. K X if 4fessm to i m Si MMiititf fiifcuHta limit 4 mm ft wM$MWm1i