The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1980, Page page 3, Image 3

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    friday, march 21, 1980
daily nebraskan
page 3
City parking fines
may be increased
Fines for orUtrcet parking may increase to S3 and
finci for parking in a bus loading zone may increase
to $5 according to City Councilwoman Margrethe
Ahlschwede said the support from downtown
businesses for a fine increase makes it easier for council
members to make a decision.
Lanny Jorgensen, executive director of the Lincoln
Center Association, said the association supports an
increase in the fine foron-strect parking downtown be
cause some employees tie up the meters all day but on.
street parking is intended for clients and shoppers. The
association is a group of downtown merchants.
retailers, and ptofcssionals.
The only reason to have metered parking is to con
trol the use of space, he said. There should be eight to
12 people a day who use the space, Jorgensen said.
The fine has to be large enough to keep people
from parking in an on-strcet metered space.aU day, he
Jorgensen said he wished there was an easier way to
stop the problem. It is bad public relations to give fines
to people, he said.
Charlotte Fieselman, clerk of the municipal court,
said part of the money from fines goes to the perman
ent school fund and part o the city for court process
ing costs.
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