The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1980, Page page 20, Image 20
friday march 2t,t930 page 20 daily nebraskaa Clrk part-time. Hour 4-10 pn. Must be over 23. H & L Beverage. 27th & Holrtrtge. Student-to Student Adviser Col leg of Art and Sciences. 1930-81 academic year. Job is t5 hoursweek; applicant must be in. the College of Arts and Sciences with Junior standing by Fait. t93a Application forms available 1223 Oldfather. Deadline: April 11.1930. Part-time computer tap librarian, no experience neces sary, wilt train. Hours 8:30 a-m.-11 :30 a.rr, Monday thru Friday Must be able to work during summer months also. Contact Virgil Motine 423-2455 Ext. 75 for an appointment. Surplus Center has immedv ate openings for full and part time cashiers and sales persons. For more information and appt. interview, call 435-4366. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LIVE-IN POSITION Camp Catron, near Nebraska City. Approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day. Assist Girl Scout troops with summer camp activities. Senior Lifesaving re quired. WSI desirable. $100 week, includes lodging. Send re sume by March 31 to Exec. Director, Homestead Girl Scout Council. 1701 S. 17th. Lincoln. NE 68502. Spring BreakSummer Job Opportunity Minneapolis based company is expanding across the nation. Need safes representatives with excellent possibilities to move up into management. Hours are flexible. A unique jlob oppor tunity for am ambitious, re sponsible individual!. Call for an interview, 475-5164. Conkliini Company, INC. Married student with farm background and grain farming experience needed to perform general farm work, operation and maintenance of targe farm equipment. Modern farm home, monthly wages. Twetve miles from Lincoln. Reply with back ground experience to Box 94833. Lincoln. 68509. Immediate opening for physical-therapy orderly-aide. Desire permanent, full-time employee to work En progressive growing, newly remodeled and equipped department specializ ing in multi-disciplinary rehabili tation. Day hours. Monday-Friday. Must be high school gradu ate in good health. Apply to Bill Barnes. Director of Physical Therapy. Madonna Professional Care Center. 489-7102. Part-time opening in City Circulation Dept. Hours include 5:30-8 a.m. Monday-Saturday, 5:30-12 noon Sunday; 2 days off, will rotate. Must have auto and knowledge of city streets. Mileage expenses paid. Please call Jim. 473-7340. JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY Wanted: Mature couple or woman to be houseparents housemother beginning next fall. Call 474-6985 after 5:30 p.m. for interviews. Need someone to perform light body work on bent fenders on my VW beetle. Call 475 6622. Lead vocalist andor key board needed for excellent band Call 488-4183 or 477-6485. Female Roommate Cs). Own room(s). Bus close. $50 part utilities. 475-6297. Desperately need 2 room mates to share 3 bedroom town house. $95 month. Call. 475 6033 or 472-0707. FEMALE CHRISTIAN Share furnished. 4 -bedroom house in south Lincoln. Own bedroom. On busline, near shopping. $S5mo. 14 utilit ies. 423-3694. Need roommate (si for spaci ous apartment. Great location with second floor porch. $117.50 utilities. 435-6703, Brenda, Met you at the Hole Wed. night. Hope you made it home. 464-0337. Dave Hove- Go get preppy I! Have a mar velous time' in your East Coast adventures. Greet mutual friends with toy. MKF Kay Gloor, Spring break is almost here. Keep up the good work. Some times we don't realize your po tential. Seventh Floor Eunice M.. Your rumors wild catch up with you. Beware! You know who Attention survivors, and the apathetically uninvolved: Party tonight at 1022 Y. NO NAME: You're on! What's on for to night? Tig Cheryl!. Here's a. personal to a very special friend, I want to keep. Thanks! Kevan WANTED: The person who ran their keys down both sides of my van Wed. night in front of Schramm Hall. $25 reward or more for information leading to the arrest, and conviction, of the p re-mentioned felon. Reply via personals. The Silver Knight Don't let them ban the bong Wear a bandana on Monday. Against LB991 Jim Bertrand. I've seen you run and I like your style. Extremely Secret Admirer Lo needs rest to grow and keep her beau in tow. Sorry I let go so. Jo Cheryl, Happy Birthday to a real cutie, I think I'm in love. Will identify myself at your party. Your Secret Admirer Bunny, Thank you for always being around to help me. Without you I'd really be nuts. Always re member I love you I AJC-CC Paula Mitchell. Call me even if you aren't free over spring break. Clint P.S. you promised To whom it may concern. (Pre ferably Abel 8 & Sandoz 7). Please allow me to clear my name The personals are not mine. I'd really like to take the blame, but my interest did de cline J.C. Russell The one and only P.S. Good luck fellow PLAY BOY. Wayne Jr., Hope your year is extra (!) special. Have a happy spring time. Sunshine & Smiles, Button Rick. We're not mad. but well get even. Ruth & Janice In celebration of the Vernal Equinox, a virgin, D.J.B., will be sacrificed on our front lawn Fri day at midnight. Michael-Michael-Michael-Mich-al-Michael. I'm crazy over 20 of you the water I can get anyplace. Attention Hoyt: PARTY I! Help Susie and M.C. celebrate Lynn Penfield's B.D. Saturday night. Call 477 3297 for details. Tell me more. I need a call. M.C KJudy, You're a great roommate and riend even if you are a neat freak. Have a fantastic birthday. McKathy Curtis and James. Thanks for the wild and crazy road trip to Breckenridge. Let's do it again sometime. Bear and Cyndi Rick S. Alfred W. Jeff E, Brian. H. Ground rules for formal : no checking in before 2 p m no priming without a Charone. Brian behave Lori knows your mom. Rick beware of Tanv queray. Alfred no skipping dev sert, Jeff the party room closes at 12. no checking out before 11 a.m. The Uncalled Four Markfours, WCLobsters, Beth Edwards, B Party tonight anytime after 8 p.m. Details call 475 9663. S.D.R. This is Val Newton's person al wishing her a Happy 20th Bi rthday I Annie Happy Birthday Hermana. You know I love you. Your "little" sis Is there life after death? Is there sex after death? Are there ASUN elections after Death? Find out at Jonestown Reunion '80 1022 Y St. tonight. To Hank ITKEK Happy Birthday one day early to a great little brother! Love, Your Big Sis LINDA, JON I. KANDt, VICKY. DEBE, AD, JOHN,, BRAD: "We value nothing so much in this world as real friends, to whom we impart our most secret thoughts; who comfort us in sadness, partake of our joy, and whose company is an ever lasting pleasure to us." I love you. Pilpay-326 B.C. Mickey-1930 A.D. Nancy Hope you did well on your calc test. Did you remember to practice your laughs, giggles and smirks for this morning? GAF Diane K. (Sorry, it's fate)! Hey wow like intense. I mean this could be a fantasy. You're 21 today -al l I can say is. Oh bab,oh baby. Happy B-day . Candy -O and Pat IP.DJ Alex. I would do anything to un do what I've done if I could. Please try to understand and forgive me. I love you so much. Tessy Spring is the time when this young man's fancy turns to Cowboy Pants (britches?!. BBG unt Ted Wolff is back in town. Call Rob J. or BobW. 2 rows down, 1 desk. over. Thanx for the "alcoholic beverage", but the next one's on me! nene (Red Hair) Mary C (Chi 0). Happy 19th Birthday. Now you can spit in the yellow bucket legally. I'll be waiting for you but take it easy. We love you I Tigger. Pooh, Snoops Rodney Cheryl. Happy Birthday to a SUPER roommate. Be ready to party hearty tonight. Your roomie Bernie. Now you have a legitimate excuse to be carried home this weekend! Happy 19th I Love. Ert, DoDo. Ginny P.S. Lose any bras lately? Annette Stastny, Hope your birthday's pur-r-rfect cuz you're the cat's meow. Love, Whiskers ECONOMICS OF SCARCITY WORKSHOP How will a land of plenty react to. a world of need? Workshop willi analyze problems of de creasing resources. March 23, 2 p.m. Luthern Student Center, 535 N. 16 St. "A LINCOLN POWER STRUCTURE" Speaker: Jack Siegman, past president of Lincoln Alliance Chautauqua tonight, 9:30-11 p.m. at the Glass Onion, 235 N. ttth.. Admission is free. Sponsored by Nebraskans for Peace. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVES The Electrifying Pre-Easter Fry-Out with aJt.a.. the Grapes, Punky and the Doo Dads. & Linda Wegner. 8 p.m. until lilt At the Hall: 27th & Randolph F Live in fellowship, gay Christian community. (475 57101 Box 81645. Lincoln. The innocents society is currently taking nominations for "Outstanding Senior Awards.' If you would like to nominate someone please contact: Jim Todd-464-0928 or Jim Reimer-466-0579 or leave a note in the Innocent box Room 115. Nebraska Union. FREE MONEY! Contact the Fund Allocation. Committee for more details!1 472-2454. UPC'S Free University needs teachers! Contact Art Morrow, 472-2454. The Progressive Student Union is in solidarity with the March 22nd National; Anti-Draft, Anti-Registration March on Washington. ACROSS 1 Unproductive $ Fleshy fruit 18 Spoken 14 Borge.forone 15 Poignant IS Return ship for Columbus: 1492-93 17 Book of the Bible 18 Weill's" Opera" 20 Shark or hellbender 22 Equivocates 23 Went astray 24 Belt 25 Disturb 27 Malicious 31 Intertwines 32 Hardwoods 33 and all 34 Assyrian god of war 35 Vestige . 3$ Cougar 37 The"Hindy" was one 38 Mountain ridge 33 Ecological stages 49 Losers 42 Leprechaun 43 Foxx 44 Destroyed 45 Brackish 48 Stiffened 51 Baseball player's double 53 Stow 54 Dolly of "Hello, Dolly!" 55 Papal vestment 5t Aims 57 Some works of Keats 58 Accused 5$ Pierre is its cap. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 19 11 12 EXHIBITION AND SALE PAINTINGS By Shirley Luke Schnell (Lee's Summit, Missouri) CERAMICS By William Bracker (Lawrence, Kansas) March 18 through April t3 Spring Fling Party 8 :00 p.m. Friday,, March 2t at Eagles,, 14th & P Cheap beer and drinks. Come drink, and dance with us! WORLD PREMIERE PLAYS Three comedies for MATURE AUDIENCES Saturday Sunday, March 15-16,, 22-23,, in the Regency Suite of the City Unioa 8 P.M. HFREE!!1 SKI WINTER PARK 6days,5nites-$T59. Hurry, filling fast. Call Tom, 477-9635. Daytona Beach 6 days, 5nites-$99. (Bus $120 additional)) Hurry ! Call Tom , 477S635. The day of the ALL-GREEK PLEDGE CLASS DANCE has finally arrived!' Get your tickets at the Union this afternoon, or at the door tonight. To get to. the Flying "V", simply go west on t-80 to the Utica exit, and go north 3. miles, BLACK BERRY WINTER and the GREEK SYSTEM! are anticipat ing a night you won't ever for get! See you there! Farm House Beta Theta Pi Theta Chi Blarny Party this Sat. at 8 p.m. Little Sisters and friends are invited. SIGEP&BUDWEISER All-University WRIST WRESTLING CHAMPION SHIPS Thursday Mar. 27th 7:00 p..m. Hilton. Ballroom, Register at City Union March 24-27. Featuring the Sandy Creek Pick ers. AGRICULTURAL AND "RURAL TECHNOLOGY STUDY GROUP meeting,, Fri.. Mar. 21, 3 p.m. East Campus Union. Everyone welcome. DOWN 13 Sets down 19 Sulks 21 Greek god of war 24 Flight reservation 25 Marketplace 28- Artist's stand 27 Installs in office 28 Tie 29 Not yet solved or considered 30 Charter 32 Vogue 35 Exploits 36 Athenian statesman 38 Field of conflict Actor West Siamese king Three sheets to the wind Runaway Gabble. Felt sympathetic Murmuring sound Corroded Adjective for rapid, rank growth Tense Best man's concern Boleyn 2 I 5 s R R s 19 I 11Q lit 112 ita - 5-5- " a" - jj 23 """" 24 2& 2 """" zf -" iri2r"i j . - s si 3 -IZZ nim LZZ " I I I I r 11 1 I I Is' 1 I Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT it a confidential helping hand. 477-8021. POWERS & POWERS ATTORNEYS Simple Bankruptcy -$225-340 costs Most 1st DWI.'s-$200 General Practice: FREE FEE ESTIMATES 4745054 Need a. ride to Dallas Thurs., March 29. Will share gas and! drive. Call 475-9412. Need riders to Lawton, Okla., homa over spring break. Refer ences, share expenses. 466-616? Need ride to California over spring break. Call Jeff 435-6651 Going, to St. Louis for spring break, if need; ride call 472 9802. Ride needed for 2 passengers to Northern Illinois after March 23. Will help with expenses. Call 464-2798 or 466-1832. fc've lost my keys,, t need them, please. Tuesday in front of Selleck,, turn in Selleck Desk. LOST: Leather Spalding basketball at Coliseum., Sunday No. ques tions asked if returned.. Can identify. 472-8343. --EF11?. ,.,-v. IHsrK " -Sp IS" 39 Bandy words 41 African antelopes 42 Scheduled 44 Steps over a fence 45 French city 4S Inspired with reverential ' fear 47 Nothing, to Nastase 48 Make-believe 43 Icelandic literature 50 Secretary 52 of Good Feeliug used & ttmm