The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1980, Page page 13, Image 13
friday, march 21, 1980 Youngsters' artwork displayed downtown View 4Tbmpd.V gaze at Julie,- or look at a simple house. You can see these and more March 22 to 29 at the 33 rd Annual Nebraska Elementary School Art Exhibit in Lincoln. Artwork from young artists across Nebraska will be on display in the auditorium of the Miller and Paine Lincoln Center Store. Exhibit hours are 10 ain to 9 pjn. Monday through Friday, 10 ajn. to 5:30 pjn. on Saturday, and noon to 5 p m. on Sunday. Hie 204 pieces of artwork in the exhibit were chosen from 3,210 entries by students in kindergarten through eighth grade. The two-dimensional artwork was done with various media including pencil, ink, charcoal, crayons, water colors, oil paints and print techniques. "Pompei," a linoleum print, was done by Keith Smith, 13, of Grand Island; "Julie," a collage, is the work of Dianne Luebke, 13, of Millard; and Mark Langrud, 7, of Broken Bow, used crayon to create hispicture of a house The judges for the exhibit were Dr. Roscoe Shields, Jr and Marvin Spomer, professors at UNL and Verna Mae Peterson, a retired Lincoln Public School art teacher. The exhibit is sponsored by the UNL Division of Con tinuing Studies in cooperation with the Miller and Paine Department Stores. According to Orvid Owens, UNL pro gram coordinator, the exhibit is designed to stimulate ele mentary art in schools throughout the state and to pro vide a showcase for outstanding artwork done by ele inentary students. Insanity ... . Continued from Page 12 The main view of "normality" that is given to pit against life at the hospital is the home of a friend of Vin cent and her husband (Jessica Walter and Gene Ilackman). In contrast to the freedom and spontaneity of Lilith, this household appears edgy and artificial. If, as someone in the film says, insanity is really no more than unhappiness, Lilith raises serious questions about the definition of mad ness. It is interesting to note that Robert Rossen was black listed for some time during the McCarthy era, and he finished Lilith just before his death. Jean Seberg commit ted suicide last September, at which time it was revealed that she had been the target of an FBI plot in 1970 to be smirch her public reputation. A rumor was planted in the news media stating that Seberg's child was fathered by a high official of the Black Panther Party, in hopes of dis crediting her support of the movement. Rossen and Seberg visited a number of mental hospitals before they made Lilith because Rossen wanted to avoid giving a hackneyed view of insanity. In the early parts of the film, madness may be slightly romanticized, but later Vincent and Lilith deal with serious problems that have devastating consequences. daily nebraskan pago 13 This Weekend fa 11 CliASGt Ellarch i1,82&83 Hidden galley 108th & Pine Lake Road 423-2532 M W If 22) RADIO FRIDAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT MOVIE Monty Python's THE LIFE OF BRIAN Admission $1.50 (R) onrw mi w mi -STARTS FRIDAY MATINEES DAILY AT 12:30, 2:50, 5:15,7:30,9:35 dOUOlEIB 3 STAHTSTODAY!! 5: 30-7: 30-9:301 Nomiimtmns ..ievA - 1 THE BET IS ON! WHOEVER , CATCHES A GUY RBT1 -WINS, u IMlelDarlings DON! IfT THE TITLE FOOL VDU IBBM KM RfSIU I SIEVE HUEODSS KH Km fWi TO MM Ksavvmiwm mmtitmmmmm snip web WW 1 MMf I' MfWHI KCeWfTll (JLI fUflT M U4t ftMMUl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gicikalaus-icis United Artiste A u cii AOMtTTto B H A Tnnsamenca Company -f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ BEST SUPPORTING 0 ACTOR-Mickey Rooney 0 ' 0. BEST 0 EDITING A Robert Doh a 0 0 0 0 4. 0 0 A V "TOE BLACK STALLION" sanity KELLY RENO TER1 GARR A CLARENCE MUSE HOYTAXTON V MICHAEL HICG1NS ind MICKEY ROONEY f.AWCtS O.P COTPOiA - COPYRIGHT f MCMLXXX SV PARAMOUNT PI ADDLE! IMMIGRATION LAWYER Stanley A. Krieger (New Address) 478 Aquila Court Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska 68102 (402) 346 2266 Member, Assn of Immigration and Nationality Lawyers 0017, Ol li i as Friday and Saturday March 21 and 22 )J v FHAIRi vk7 tn ttd y si. 4yy-u4 SORRY, NO PAUtS Friday and Saturday Nights at 12.-00 Midnight Sparttt Admission 13.00 Eat i?nnAniFyK ILASTHOUSI THE LUFT r- R 2 "AOT F THE GAP" -3 "nocKV c:onnon PICTURE SHOW" R ilirv II IDtfiHrSlniaili til! ftlMltedMlllMil i 6-J) j y s I it y l fr 1 i! Rf V. -M r 1 If , I JAMES CAAN in D for n 1 1 Based On A True Story TniMint-lT MUM rKtocn 1 a JAJWCO wAATM in tUUC LTi riUXt SiUti 1 , J AC 9 a AC. AJsosUitu; JILL OKENBEJUIY' ROB ECTVIIIAXO'BARBIIARAE :4b Ck y:40 JOEGRIFASI'KENNETH McMILLAN'XJSEF sommex-dannyaiello WEEKEND SarmpUy by SPENCER EASTMAN Ba an the book b, LESUE WALLER MATINEES original Musk by LEONARD ROSENMAN Produced bv ROBERT CHRISTIANSEN and RICK ROSENBERG rxmdb, JAMES CAAri A CHRISROSE nOOUCTKM TkHUVSKti METWXOUOR PGwBarr.taagggsaTac2j Read the Dell MGM rxn. nebr. 685081