The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1980, Page page 5, Image 5

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    re h
monday, march 17, 1930
daily nebraskan
page 5
hfl&m t tSis edit?
Continued from Page 4
In the first place, Mr. Coe categorically claims that
"there have been no refusals of South African gold by
black African nations." This claim is not only unfounded,
but is also veiled in fallacy. African nations have refused
and are still refusing South African gold.
Mr. Cog also makes a mockery of common-sense by
Puzzle omission
crosses readers
By Liz Austin
It happened again.
One would think that after last semester a lesson had
been learned. But, once again, the crossword puzzle was
left out.
And once again this semester a tirade of angry readers
flooded the Daily Nebraskan office with phone calls and
letters protesting the decision and demanding an explana
tion. We can't even use the excuse of a bad memory, because
the crossword puzzle wasn't forgotten; it was left out on
The reasoning for this as one reader called it, 'Inhu
mane and intolerable' decision was the overabundance of
The size of the Daily Nebraskan on any one day is de
termined by the amount of advertising space sold. Because
of the ASUN elections, there was more news that day
which couldn't be held until a later date.
If the crossword puzzle had been printed, then a news
story would have been left out.
It doesn't seem illogical that a newspaper would con
sider it more important to print a news story instead of
the crossword puzzle. Any editor on any newspaper prob
ably would have made the same decision.
All things considered, it was probably a brave move on
the part of the editor to run the news story over the cross
word puzzle, as some of the complaints from insanely ir
rate readers have been near life-threatening.
If editors are forced to make such decisions again, I'll
fear for their lives, but will agree "that news should get
preference over the crossword puzzle.
claiming that the hydroelectric plant in Mozambique was
donated by South Africa with South African personnel
operating the harbor "as a free service." Using his logical
trend, I may be right to say that the Soviets' action in
Afghanistan and to the Afghan is "a free service."
A second revelation of nonsense with confidence is
seen in Mr. Coe's claim "that the blacks of South Africa
are not the original owners" of the land. This statement
rebels against all historical evidences. The black man had
not only been living in South Africa as early as 13,000
B.C. as evidenced by the Fishoek human fossils, and the
piercing and projectile tools found in the Cave of Hearths,
but also further archeological investigations in 1905 and
1929, using radio-carbon techniques indicate that these
blacks living in this region had organized social structures
was typically African. Even when the Dutch (the first
known whites to come in contact with the blacks) arrived
in Southern Africa, they found the Hottentots and the
men (as they were labeled by their new friends and sett
lers). Thirdly, Mr. Coe delves more irresponsibly into
absurdity when he claims that no black can claim South
African citizenship and is thus not eligible for membership
to labor unions, etc. The blacks in South Africa are de
prived of their rights to exploit their natural resources and
forced to succumb to hazardous, inhuman and servile con
ditions for their livelihood. Is this Mr. Coe's conception of
a free work-force? Mr. Coe's article echoes the existence
of clearly apparent racial discrimination in South Africa,
and claims that he was not allowed to buy anything from
a black-owned store; but he does not say who prevented
him and how. Was it the blacks? Doesn't Mr. Coe know
that government laws prevent blacks from competing with
whites even as skilled laborers and businessmen? Doesn't
he know that the average yearly earnings of the black
South African is less than $250, which is more than 10
times less than that of his white counterpart? Doesn't he
know that before the blacks are even employed in these
gold mines, they have to undergo a grueling steptest 6,000
feet below the ground? Doesn't he know that
South Africa is not only a police state, but is the only
government on earth whose government is based upon
race and which practices as well as propagates the doctrine
of racial supremacy. South Africa is therefore a threat to
world peace and to mankind; for it upholds racialism and
colonialism and equally challenges the world movement
towards the dignity of man. Principles of human equality
and self determination are denied by law and the constitu
tion. Didn't Mr. Coe see all these during his visit to South
Africa? Mr. Coe might have gone to Mars thinking it was
South Africa, otherwise the voice of his education would
have brought him closer to reality.
Finally, Mr. Coe made mention of murders. Who
murders who? News media repeatedly depict the black of
South Africa as cooks, servants and laborers of white
families, yet Mr. Coe is audacious enough to claim that
blacks murder whites at every opportunity. Such a state
ment can even make angels in heaven weep. Steve Biko,
Nelson Mandela and hundreds of black nationalists and
scholars have been tortured and killed. Thousands of in
nocent children are being massacred in an attempt to
reduce the black population in South Africa. In 1976 over
132 black school children were shot and killed because
they protested pracefully against the imposition of
Africaaner language in schools. If this is not murder, give
me your conception of murder. What has Mr. Coe to say
about Amnesty International's Report of South Africa
1979? Most daring of Mr. Coe's revelation is that aU
African Nations admire and respect South Africa. What a
good spokesman! May African Nations respect and ad
mire Mr. Coe just as they respect and admire South
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