The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday, march 5, 1980 daily nebraskan page 1 1 1972 Saab automatic, air, good mileage, very sharp. $1,900 or offer, 467-1659. Pioneer SX-650 receiver and Pioneer HPM40 speakers. 423 2968. New pair Altec Lansing 15, $625.474-2900. King "3-B" value trombone, excellent .condition. 472-0744. Hogan Music still offers 20 student discount on all pur chases, stringed instruments, sound equipment and acces sories. HOGAN MUSIC 630 West P 474-9134 Apt. size kitchen table; 10' x 12' high-low shag carpet; 2 wooden frame lounge chairs with black cushions. Best offers. 488-6496 after 6 pjn. CLOSE OUT SALE Everything reduced for quick sale THE NUTTSHELL Gunny's, 13th & Que 35mm SLR camera; 3 lenses, tripod; thyristor strobe; many accessories. Make offer. Call 477-2833. Kingsize waterbed complete $150. BSR Turntable $40. 477 9061. T E S TpM0$MEr TBTO T H A C T I A 1 I A P II I L J II l HE 1 S I T I ff I R I E Tb V UIsItIiI 1 r ' I A I R I Ll 0 LIT 1 0 W D 0 SI iHlAlRloluryf IwIoIeUi, . . J I k R A Tl iTlE N IS t il il 25 'ft' All Hair Care and Vitamin C with Student ID. Offer Valid until March a t. xt i .i:r:J mn. w-J1nmi ooninrc i lie iiavy is seciung uuauueu uuuc ior tne wuciear iropuision uiiicer aiiuiuai f Program. Applicants must be in pursuit of a bachelor s rlomwA .t . av-A',oA ooIIoctp nr university and be uigicc at cui nuiAuwu avov within one year of graduation. They must nave successfully completed one year it . i i 1 J ... . a( nrtvei(C uirougn integral caicuius aim wk ju u. v , 30 days' paid vacation earned each year. Non-taxable quarters and subsistence allowances. Insurance, medical, dental pacxage. For more information, (402) 221-9386 or see tiie wavy Officer Information Team on campus March 3-7, URBAN MOTORS FIAT LANCIA Family Cars & Sports Cars New & Used 1021 North 48th Street 467-2559 Utilities paid, large, clean 3 bedroom, partly furnished, parking, bus; 19th & Sumner. $275.475-6669. Spacious older two bedroom duplex; off-r.reet parking. Cablevision. Available immedi ately. $200. Near East Campus. 467-2952 afternoons and even ings. 2 bedroom unfurnished, 2nd floor, close in. 435-7336. ' Two bedroom apartment in East Campus area. Call after 5 Pn.. 4664252. i Large 3 bedroom townhouse 3 minutes north of City Campus 1702 Knox. IK bath, carport. $273mo. Monthly lease. 475 6144. Farm help wanted, tractor operation, experience necessary. J.D. equipment. Full or part time. VVaverly786266: $51 0thousand for envelopes you mail. Postage paid. FEEE INFORMATION. Contact R.S.. Box 196u, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814. , . ASUN is looking for poll workers for the elections. Wed. March 12 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If interested stop in at the 'ASUN office, room 115 Nebraska Union by Monday at 3 p.m. , COACHES WANTED For youth teams in YMCA soccer league. Call 475-YMCA for more information. ' , Summer help wanted. Soft ball site supervisor, youth base ball coaches and Softball and baseball umpires. Call Lincoln Parks & Recreation, athletic section at 475-2656 for further information. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer urn unn: 0F - k 1217 8 LineeLRr; OFF c jj c0Hect: v" mT Make some extra money for spring break. Work three even, ings, 9:30 pjn.-2 an. at $330 hour. March 13, 14, 15. Call Karen at 466-8557 for interview appointment. SERVICE MASTER Part-time evening help. Mid-night-7:30 an, 2-3 nights a week. 475-8521. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT . Need 3 lifeguards for 14 week swimming season. 30-35 hours week at $3j00hr. Extra earn ings possible for swim lessons or swim team. WSI, CPR, & Pool Operator's Certificate required. Prefer 19 or older. Call Rich Lake, 467-1561 evenings. Part-time work available after 4 p.m. weekdays, 34 hours per day cleaning produc tion machinery. Apply in person to Weaver Potato Chip Com pany. 1600 Center Park Road. Part-time help needed Mon days, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 11:30-2. Must be able to work through Spring Break. Apply in person to Crow's - Nest, Ben Simon's. Downtown after 1 :30. Afternoon delivery person wanted. Apply in person, Dittmer's Greenhouse, 14th & High. " - PART-TIME ASST. KITCHEN MGR. TRAINEE Need mature individual who can work evenings and weekends with good starting pay and opportunity for rapid advance--ment. Call Billy Chan for inter view appt. 467-2800 or 435 8251. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES If you're serious and sincere about people and kids. Lincoln YMCA day and resident camps are now tak ing applications for all posi tions.'' For job list and appli cation call or write: ' , YMCA Camp Office ; 139 North 11th Lincoln? NE 68508 (402)475-9622 " BUYING SILVER COINS Student will pay fifteen times face value for dimes, quarters, halves and dollars dated 1964 or earlier. Reuben, 464-7088. Imp (cSTI I Mini mr Need 4 tickets to second round NCAA basketball games Saturday. Call 475-5802. Bass player needed for rock roll band. 488-1193, Tim. Groupies for professional rock band. T-shirts provided. 475-0289.474-3441. WANTED Clubs or organisations interest ed in a profitable fund raising projects. Contact "TOWN TICKETS", 483-5257. Toy farm machinery of brand names; John Deere, IH, Case, AC. Will pay cash. John at 472-0840. the magazine is seeking poetry, prose, black white photos, line drawings. Deadline: March 14. Submit to Room 142 Andrews. iZflflMlMMR Female roommate needed. Very near East Campus and bus lines. $80-1-13 utilities. Non smoker. Call 466-9051 after 10 pjn. 14 block from Campus. Need immediately 1-2 house mates. $73 per mo. utilities. Call 474 6694 and leave number. Male roonmiatewanted to share 2 bedroqm basement apartment in NE Lincoln. Fur nished. $87 .50 month. 475 3616 days. 467-3311 after 4 pjn. Roger. Guys. Thanks for making "Surprise your Roommate" such a great time I Pound 2 Women Les. Happy Birthday a day latel (I missed the deadline) Remember, you're at the age everybody wishes they were. Thanks for the ride Friday night Another woman you have no time for Brian. Selleck 4300. Law Stu dent: See you every night at dinner. Would like to get to gether and discuss torts with you sometime. Hope you reply. Interested Blonde The Battle Of The Big 8 ' , Returns To Lincoln . The meet that swimmers from every Big Eight school have been ' training for all year is about to begin: . The most intense swimming competition to be held in Lincoln is almost here. The Big Eight title is on the line. Don't miss the 1980 Big Eight Summing and Diving meet, March 68. Tickets now Tim Meyer, Happy Birthday one day latel Hope you had a great day. Shy Friend M ft M, Another reason is because sometimes we use 'em for belts. JJ My Poop, Yes, you are worth . . . You know the what? Ich Uebe dichl Your Lil Brat Wanted: 2 Girls Must be: 1. Female 2. Cute or beautiful (prefer ably both) . 3. Intelligent (waiverable) 4. Sweet affectionate (un waiverable) If you can fill the above position, apply via personals. X&YINC. Rocky. K. some A. at your tennis tournament this weekend. Have fun at hornet We'll notice you're gone. . Guess Who! (KT.LH.JL.RR.CH.MF) Shylo & Frisbee Freak: ' Happy Birthday to two great friends. The Hammer Corp rides again and this time, NO BAR SHALL GO UNTURNED! Wild Ferp To the new girl from Texas who was at the Grove Sat. nite. I was impressed with your per sonality. Hope to see you again soon. ' Arch Doug O. If No. 1 is taken, I must ad mit, my heart would Milt over the right one. However, like the majority, I can't take much Motif. Groundsick Mr. Bob and ATO team memb ers: ...... CONGRATULATIONS! It took the MEN of NU to show the BOYS of Baker U. how to win a tournament! Your favorite B.S.'er P.S. Next year you'll have cheerleaders : ' Pseudo-Iranian I'm a dreamer. Guess what you are. 23 Hoy MSM- I was serious about camping over Spring Break. Are you interested? Reply via personals. Sarah on sale at the South Stadium Ticket Office. Session times on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: 12 pm and 730 pm Come out and support your Huskers. I "i Annie, Didn't you know? Rick Mockler is the STAR In my show. , N Craig, You have made these semest ers in the Crib fun. Dee Dee Robin l Thanx for the shower scene the other night, the suds really did the trick. Geoff Jane, You almost pulled the wool over my eyes, about Friday night 10 p.m. However, both you and I know you were giving your cold away. Love, Greg BUNNY and C.C. strike At SWEEP LEFT tonight 9:30. Come and frolic, Mark Kennedy that means YOUI (and friends). California, Like, have a good trip man, y'know. (To Chicago that ' is) Tracy S. Your eyes are still fascinat ing. CHCC131RTW LM, Call me at 489-8567 if we ever hope to meet. Ask for Ali. AB Patty (Butch), Thanks for the great haircut. I appreciate it more than you think. Your roomie Kyle, n . Happy birthday to the greatest pledge mom in the world! Sheila To the girl with massive acne craters picking her nose in Calc 203: wanna go out? The guy who sneezed on your hair (sorry). T. GOO OF SIGMA CHI (alias buckwheat or caca face) 1) Happy Belated Birthday 2) Good luck Friday night 3) Catch ya at Kountry Kitchen on Friday morn. - Two Dizzy Blondes P.S. Lost any Lab reports or composites lately? Robdob, Happy 20th birthday to the only redheaded twa-man in the Delt house. Hope you didn't break your collar bone again skiing yesterday. Sheik. Pistol and Little Pooper .