The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1980, Page page 3, Image 3
o monday, february 25, 1980 daily nebraskan page 3 Ssminar to focus on Democratic process Administrator: Electric rates to keep rising Lincoln electricity rates are expected to increase 8 percent each of the next four years, the Lincoln Electric System administra tion has told the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. The rate increase is because of the higher cost of obtaining power, but still is below the inflation rate, said the administrator, Walter Canney. Canney said the rate rose 7.6 percent last year and an average of 6.2 percent during the past four years. He said there is "no end in sight" to the increases in . electricity costs. Inflation and higher energy costs are driving the rate up, he said, adding that 76 percent of the LES budget goes for obtaining and producing energy, LES will have public meetings to review its current rate structure in May and August, Canney said: ' c" -.. In the future, energy ' conservation and alternative forms Of energy may reduce energy costs, but so far have had little effect, Canney said. "There are set costs, including manpower and administrative costs, that don't change as fast-as the amount of energy used does,' he said. Canney said energy usage in Lincoln the last two years increased 4 percent, but four years ago it increased 8 percent. LES is researching alter native forms of energy, Canney said, but it will be years before any of them will contribute significantly. I- (Dp V L rJ CtMltM TI3T MOMATICN Visit Any Cnttr And Sm For Yourwlf Why Wt Mike The Difference. Call Days. Evts. Si Waakands In Lincoln Call 435-3316 Omaha-Call Collect 402 330-3011 11288 Elm St Omaha. NE 68144 Lincoln classes no fanning. CALL TOLL FREE 600-223-1782 Thirty Nebraska teachers will join 20 or more Nebraska lawmakers, Democratic and Republican Party leaders and other political experts to, explore the processes of the American Two-Party system in this year's Taft Seminar for Teachers at UNL. The Taft Seminar will be June 9-20, under .the direction of Dr.' Willis Moreland, professor of secondary and adult and continuing eduction at UNL and Dr. Richard Marvel, professor of political science at Nebraska Wesleyan University and a member of the Nebraska Legislature. UNL was selected as one of 36 colleges and universities throughout the United States to sponsor a Taft Seminar in 1980. Although there is great competition for sponsorship of the symposium, UNL hasbeen among sponsoring institutions, for the past several years. The Taft Seminars are selected by the Robert A. Taft Institute of Government; They are organized to increase knowledge and improve teaching of American democracy and the supporting two-party system. The Institute recognizes the critical role of elementary and secondary teachers in passing on from one generation to the next an understanding of the American principles and processes of government. At Taft Seminars, politicians and teachers meet to discuss the meaning of the U.S. Constitution for Americans today, functions of political parties, the wavs elected officials represent the people. Teachers also develop new ideas tor teaching the realities of politics and government to their students in elementary schools as well as high schools. .v.w. . . . s ii i A . . bvi mpi ft! , , , , , Kate 3W O ' V f. I .. vv, ...,. , A .,,,, ( ;....-;: , , ,V,..lf . Snrs3t ' fc I -..v y , '. '; ;;: 4 ... r-. , .... ... . x At Is v s , ?',''ss s s V .Kvx.:. I t .JLf ,:";Y 7 - - , ? 4 , ;fJ - C;! rri xiiiiJ ( Come as you are! 'Cause you'll never have to leave your car for the juicy, flame-broiled burgers at Burger King. It's a cinch with our fast, convenient drive-thru service. So, drive on over for those hot, delicious burgers; cool, frosty shakes; great fries, whatever pleases your appetite! 1221 N. 27th Street 5221 "0" Street BurgoKing-Rcq US Pat Oil c 1978 BwrgoiKirxj Corporation u uy Ono WHOPPER Ocndi-jich, got another WHOPPED D 0 Ccndnich, Frco! 0 0 D D D 3 C3 u , D V -4 11 u Rease present this coupon before ordering. Limit one coupon per customer Void where prohibited by law. This offer expires. March 15. 1980. Good only at: 1221 N. 27th Street 5221 "O" Strwt o i () mm D D 0 0 0 0 0