The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
L monday, february 25, 1980 daily ncbraskan page 1 1 --.' - - ... o , ' . . . . o j Kf Photo by Mark Billingsley Dennis "Dexter" Adams juggles grenade replicas at Friday's draft registration protest. ' upport protest heard a t rally j By Mary Jo Pitzl J Mixed reactions greeted the anti-draft rally Friday, Ranked by the Progressive Student Union. Shouts of otest and bursts of applause punctuated the presenta 5ns outside the Nebraska Union. N Al Krause, a sophomore broadcast journalism major, d he does not support the draft but would "most sly" register and serve because of the potential jail pen y for refusing conscription. "There's; a part of my religion that states I'm not posed to kill anybody," Krause, a Methodist, said. ;fThe threat of a jail sentence also would affect soph r ore Randy Zurfluh's attitude toward the draft. The art ication major said he doesn't support the draft but ether he would serve "depends if they'd throw me in !." .. , Jerry Hay ward, a junior in chemical engineering, and if Castle, a sophomore in art education, said they would ister if the draft should be enacted. Junior theater and speech major Dennis "Dexter" Jams response was to'the point when asked if he would gister for the draft: ' - - ' "Of course not. If the draft comes into being and they send out cards, I wouldn't send mine back," he said. The former Army volunteer said he doesn't support any type of military action. "I don't think anyone should be a warrior anymore," he said. Dressed in Army fatigues, his face striped with red and white paint and sporting sunglasses, Adams said he dressed "to make people stop, look and listen." Carol Ringenberg, a junior home economics major, said she would register for the draft if necessary. 'This is going to seem really big-o American," she said when explaining her reasoning, "but all my family is here and I feel obligated -well, not obligated. . ." She explain-, ed that a sense of loyalty to her country would motivate , her to register) .- ' Another female in the crowd, Gayle George, said, she supposes she would register, but admitted she hadn't given the subject much thought. ; ' The Equal Rights Amendment would have to be passed before conscription of , women takes place, she said. If women are asking for equality, that must include the draft, the Psychology Dept. secretary said. ... Watch for the- I -' ...... !.' Daily Nebraskan's Lei us puv some money in your pockei! Every Tuesday Coupon Page. Whether it be the mountains or the Gulf, We've got an economical package " for you! iililitMi: D Brown leases 8-, 12-, antf 15-passenger luxury vans. Call today! Di: BROWN LEASING, INC. !7&NSt. 477-7253 . QUICK... where can you save lotsa $$$ every Tuesday? Right here in the Daily Ne braskan. Our Every Tuesday Coupon Page will save you money all over Lincoln. Tuesdays in the i o ( o ur 7 u I Em) uiiivsnsnv f insai omen 1442 'O' STREET $10.00 PAID PER DONATION (AND YOU CAN DONATE TWICE WEEKLY) n $2.00 OONUS Will 0(3 pnio TONOU DONOnS ON TIICIR FIRST DONRTION. with this coupon CALL FOR APPOINTMENT! o475-8645o Open: Mon.-Fri. at 8:30 "It Pays To Help" ) Q: What kind of person is happy to . deal with your complaints, ' .... gripes, and criticisms? a: An o:jEyE22Eearj! The Daily Nebraskan's 'Ombudspcrson is U Austin, and she wants to hear from you. Just call 472-2588. ULvJCit ..L.JU