The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 30, 1980, Page page 6, Image 6
page 6 daily nebraskan LB221 o o o Continued from page 1 Another amendment tacked onto LB221 was a grand father clause, introduced by DeCamp. The clause would allow those who are 19 when the bill goes into effect to continue to drink legally. If a person's 19th birthday falls after the date the law goes into effect, he wouldn't be able to drink until he becomes 20. : ! Sen. Gerald Koch of Ralston moved to kill Kelly's bill, but after lengthy debate withdrew the motion. As the de bate continued, Koch called for action on the bill. : "Some of us are becoming emotionally drained at the time because it (LB221) has been before us so long," Koch said. .. To ensure that college-aged people can work in bars and liquor stores, Farnam Sen. Tom Vickers introduced an amendment which would allow 19-year-olds to serve alco. hoi. The Vickers' amendment passed 25-6. i Sen. Eiroy. Hefner of Coleridge moved that the biil be amended to take, effect Jan.: 1, 1981. This amendment failed with a vote of 17-24. Without the amendment, the bill would go into effect 90 days after the Legislature recesses. Another amendment that failed to receive approval was introduced by DeCamp, Hoagland and Yard Johnson of Omaha. Correction The i deadline for nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Awards was incorrectly reported in Tuesday's Daily Nebraskan. The correct date is Mar, 1 . The , Hoagland-DeCamp-Johnson amendment would have struck a portion of the law which allows police to impound the car of a person arrested for driving while intoxicated. Hoagland and Johnson argued that they have heard of cases where the family car has been impounded for weeks , and sometimes months until the case has been disposed. The amendment failed to receive .approval and Sen. Martin Kahle of Kearney called the various amendments attempts to kill the bill. - C "flu's is just another attempt to screw up LB22 1 ,? he .said. . ;; ' . Kelly said he was pleased with the final vote to advance the bill. Even if the drinking age was not raised to 21, the Legislature has shown the people of the state that it does, not condone teenage drinking; he said, ' " ; The bill could be amended before the' final vote is taken by sending the bill back to select file. Senators voting no were: Chambers, Cullan, Dworak, ler, Burrows, Carsten, Clark, George, Goodrich, Haber man, Hefner, Kahle, Kelly, Kennedy, Kroner. Labedz, Lamb, Maresh, Marvel, Merz, Murphy, Nichol, Pirsch, Powers, Reutzel, Rumery, Sieck, Stoney, Venditte, Vickers, Wagner and Warner, Scneators voting no were: Chambers, Cullan, Dworak, Fowler, Hoagland, Johnson, Keyes, Koch, Marsh, Newell, Schmit and Wesely, Senators not voting were: Chronister, DeCamp, Cope, Fitzgerald, Landis, Lewis, Simon, vr- irr L:Y -I., L.. A awe. I IT'S. -v .. .. .aMc: x . ill ' . I fx.--"- , V . A "Can Do" attitude is apparent the moment you arrive in Austin, The Highland Lakes invite you to enjoy a myriad of water sports such as skiing and sailing, Top-notch educational facilities, including the University of Texas, staunchly uphold a tradition of excellence. A positive outlook is every where.., the Capital Building, the transportation system, the low cost of living.. .it's a way of life in Austin. We've developed the same approach at the Motorola MOS. Division in Austin, challenging electronics professionals to be the best you can be at what you do. And, one reason we're among the leaders in the semiconductor industry is because we believe that "Yes you can," if you try. As an electronic engineer, you'd find the environment at Motorola stimulating and rewarding, much the same as the city of Austin. . ' The opportunities are now, so do something positive. We will be interviewing on your campus February 13. To arrange for your interview, or for more information, please contact the placement office. n070raOil INC. MOS Integrated Circuits Division Semiconductor Group Pit Cockburn, Employment Manager, 3S0I Ed Biuestein Blvd., Austin, Texas 78721 (SI2) 928-6843 An Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer Wednesday, January 30, 1980 CFA chairman resigns position By Kathy Stokebrand The chairman of the Committee for Fees Allocation resigned from his position at the Tuesday meeting because he said ASUN doesn't take the committee's recommenda. tions seriously. "I don't think the senate will give these recommenda. tions their just consideration and if that's the case, then 1 don't see why 1 need to stay J im May said . . "If some of them (ASUN senators) aren't going to take what we're doing seriously and yet vote on what we do, why stay?" he added. Last year May called it "close to civil war" when the committee's recommendations went before the senate. The committee had the impression the senate was making decisions without putting the thought and time into the allocations that the committee had. , ' After the CFA makes its recommendations, the allocations go to ASUNs Budget and Fees Committee. That committee sends its recommendations to the senate for approval. Last year, the Budget and Fees Committee altered the CFA recommendations by three dollars per student fees, "CFA felt there should be no change in its recommend, ations and took the alteration as an insult," May said, "1 think, that there are too many people on the senate and some people on the Budget and Fees Committee will not give these recommendations the proper amount of time they deserve," May said. According to May, the Budget and Fees Committee has to make a change in the CFA recommendation to justify its existence, although he added that it was not a conscious action on the part of committee members. The former chairman said he felt the conflict between the CFA, Budget and Fees Committee and ASUN could happen again this year. The process for fee allocation needs to be streamlined, especially the ASUN portion of the process, May said, "I don't see any way of doing it differently now," he said, adding that it was too late to alter the allocation pro. cess yet this year since fee user hearings have already begun, May said he would give a report to ASUN about some of the problems concerning the allocation process , ,1 ...... 4 ..11 '. n ,1 ..11. .... 1. . ll A 1 yet to be determined, "This was one of the hardest decisions Ie ever had to make," May said. He would not attribute his resignation to any personality conflicts on the committee or else, .where,", f : ' : : ' v., , , - "I think student opinion in the student fee process is vital and viable, I don't feel my -resignation should be? considered as a shadow cast against the process " May said, "My actions reflect my personal opinion " he said, ASUN now will have to appoint another permanent chairman for the committee, Prior to May's resignation, the committee approved a tentative allocation of $53,324 for the Union Program Council, Last year, the council was given $57,607, Neon sign approved to announce Josh Bright lights shine from a sign outside the Nebraska Union announcing the coming of Josh, but the emphasis dims, according to Union Director Daryl Swanson, when one find's out that any recognized student organization or university department also can advertise in this way, If one of these groups reserves space for the advertis. ing, they can set up the displays, Swanson said, However, the use of an electric sign also requires the sponsoring groups to request permission for the use of electricity, The groups in charge of the Josh campaign are: the Campus Crusade for Christ, Inter-varsity Christian Fellow, ship, Baptist Student Union and the Navigators, according to Swanson, Advertising which appears inside the Union is governed by regulations set by the Campus Activities and Programs office, Swanson said, The sign outside the Union calls attention to the appearance of Josh McDowell, a speaker who will appear Wednesday, Thursday and , Friday in the Pershing Auditorium and Nebraska Union Centennial Room. Dac!iotbc Fono! Get a pitcher of beer for only $1 with your Nebraska game ticket stub and a food purchase, (game days only) W; 701-P'Sr; WlCWJMl Open till 10 pm Sun-Thur UpmFri-Sat mj