The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 30, 1980, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday January 30, 1980 daily nebraskan paga It DePaul . . . Continued from page 10 "The pressure of being No. 1 is beginning to show said Meyer. "We're not playing basketball like we were earlier in the season. After watching the Blue Demons Monday, it's hard to imagine a team better than DePaul. But as Meyer said after the game, the night will come when the shots aren't dropping for his team, and they won't make 18 out of 19 free throws like they did against Creighton. With all the publicity and pressure, Meyer and his DePaul team have stayed close-knit and down to earth. After the game Monday, Meyer remained on the playing floor for 15 minutes to sign autographs and shake well-wishers' hands. Upon breaking through to his team's locker" room, one of Meyer's assistants said, "Ray, why don't you keep that pen put away.' Meyer smiled and shook his head. After 38 years, he knows what it took to reach the No. 1 plateau, and he is not about to let it go. Mat men tangle with Drake tonight ByTadStryker The UNL wrestling team is in a precarious position. The -team has been sliding slowly backward for a few weeks and is almost at the point where something big has to happen, according to 167-pound senior Tim Neumann. "At4his point, things could really go bad, or they could start going uphill again, the Pehstigo, Wis. na tive said. The Huskers face Drake in a dual at Des Moines to night, in a "must win" situation for Coach Bob Fehrs' squad. "The Drake meet is very important,' Fehrs said, "because they're about the same caliber a team we were beating earlier in the season. We need to get our selves regrouped and we need to beat Drake to help get us going again." Saturday the team returns to the Bob Devaney Sports Center to host Oklahoma and Kearney State in a triangular meet. The Sooners are traditionally among the top wrest ling schools in the nation. However, UNL's outlook Saturday is by no means pessimistic, Fehrs said. Fehrs said the Huskers' defeats have been to several of the nation's best teams and said he felt the Big Eight . is undoubtedly the best wrestling conference in the country. "Five of the six Big Eight schools with wrestling programs are ranked in the top 15, Fehrs said. Both Fehrs and Neumann said the Hustlers' future looks fright. "We've shown 150 percent improvement from last year, and with continued maturity and improvement, we could be real good next year," Fehrs said. But for now, the team faces the task of ending a troublesome skid. "We're starting to look at things more realistically starting to re-evaluate this year's goals," Neumann said. Fehrs added, "We want to rebuild, starting with this Drake meet. What we need is a spark-some positive momentum generated by someone. - Furnished house, 3 bed rooms. 2-3 adults. No pets. Bus stop at door. $180. 435-2691. URBAN MOTORS FIAT-LA NCI A Family Cars & Sports Cars New & Used 1021 North 48th Street 467-2559 WANTED: good lead Guitar ist for an established rock roll . band. Call 466-8822 or 474-5181. 1976 MR-250 Honda Dirt Bike. Like new. 950 miles. 472 9650. - Peavey T-60 electric guitar amp and speakers. 423-8010. Bose 501 speakers. Call 475 2242 ask for Phil. Ski boots, 1 pr. Dynafit, size 10, 1 pr. Kastinger, size 8. Hardly used. .423-7597. ; "MOVING BO Turntable, Weight Bench, 2 Empire carts, chair, lamp, poo' table, other items. 435-7576. Electric piano-Wurlitzer 145B. Call 477-1 751. TI-59 Programmable calcul ator. 4 mos. old. Good shape good price. Will give credit fo trade on Tl 55-56. John 472 8897. , Stereo, good condition. $62 or best offer. 472-9221 after 6 IS EVERYTHING RISING BUT YOUR ? DOUGH? CHECK THESE BREAD SAVERSI Hohner Guitar list $324.95 our price $219.95 Yamaha Guitar list $270.00 our price $185.00 Hohner Guitar list $169.95 i our price $119.95 Similar discounts on electric guitars, banjos, auto harps, sound equipment and all accessories. HOGAN MUSIC 630 W. "P" St. A block from campus. One bedroom apt; Utilities paid. $150. Call after 6. 435-2430. Now renting East Campus, 33rd & Huntington. Sharp 1 bedroom apartment, . carpet, central air, dishwasher, disposal, range, refrigerator, shower and. Parking. $190month elect ricity deposit. Call 466-8611 nr 474-1666. Two bedroom house. $235 month light gas. Close to campus. 2419 Lynn. 474-2848. MOVING? Rent a Cargo Van from De Brown Leasing. Call 477-7253. 17th & N St Duplex, downstairs apart ment. $225. Near campus. Heat Paid. 474-2848. Large 3 bedroom townhouse 3 minutes north of city campus, 1702 Knox. 1J4 bath, carport. $273month. Monthly lease. 475-6144. Busboys needed for Delta Gamma. Free Meals! I Please Call 476-3522 if interested. WANTED COCKTAIL WAITRESS Full or part-time. Part-time Fri., Sat., Sun. from 5:30-1:00. Call mornings 475-5141 or evenings 474- 9296. Permanent . part-time help wanted. Must be available on weekends. Starts at $3.25hour. Apply at BingoRama, 2608 Park Blvd. between 6:30-9 p.m., 475 8088. ; SUMMER POSITIONS. City-of Lincoln Park and -Recreation is currently recruiting for summer positions of swim ming pool managers, asst. . managers and lifeguards. Call 475- 2656 for further informa tion. ; . .' AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER REWARDING SUMMER in the Colorado mountains for sophomore and older college students working with children in a camp setting. Backpacking, horseback riding, wildlife, ecology, crafts, many outdoor programs. Must be minimum 20 years old. Write now; include program interests and goals. SANBORN WESTERN CAMPS. Florissant, Colo. 80816. PART-TIME POSITION Excellent opportunity for university student to learn management in sales, service and collections work ing with young people, par ents and customers. Must be available by 2:30 p.m. and have auto with mileage ex penses paid. We offer vacation and holiday pay plus other bene fits and the opportunity to advance within or outside the company. Contact Mr. Genrich for appointment, 473-7361, JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY YMCA SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM DIRECTOR-Must be able to manage people and programs. Experience preferred. Call Anne (475-9622). i Part-time bartending jobs available. Contact Gregg or George at The Knolls Restaur ant, 2201 Old Cheney Rd. 423 2843. Experience necessary. Sweep Left now hiring part time day bus help, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and part-time evening dish washer, 15 hrs. and have one opening for night food waitress. Apply 2nd floor. Sweep Left. 815 "O" St. . $50.00 Reward for a live opossum. Call 435-4798 after 6 p.m. 7!lifiinTr!tte Young disabled adult desires living situation with responsible roommate to share comfortable apartment. Free rent in ex change for some personal care. Call Allan; 466-4060. WANTED: 1 or 2 female roommates. East Campus loca tion, Approx. $80 per month with utilities. Call 464-8723. Male roommate to share apartment $120 utilities. Near East Campus 466-0806. - Male roommate wanted. Large 5 bedroom house. 24th & J. Rent $67 plus 15 utilities. 435-7484. Wanted: Male Christian to share basement apartment, near , East Campus. Call 467-2693 after 6 p.m. Five Luscious Ladies, Call REAL MAN cleaning service 474-0742 Wage Benefits Negotiable OH once great Malcor now illustrious Master of Josten shall Elric survive another such adventure? Time will only tell. Elric shall cornel On a scale from 1 to 10, Schramm 5 IS a 5, on a good day I Concerned MEN Why Go It Alone When there's Professional Organization for Business Majors for information on the upcoming rush contact: Mary Halsey 474-0475 Mark Johnson 466-7554 66 Codl Urn 99 Lips for Lovers plus Cards & Gifts for ijour Sweetheart on V-daij footiiohto w n Gunntj's o 13th GQo 474-0004 ) Denise LeMunyan, Happy 19th Birthday to A GREAT ROOMMATE! Deb KEN:- IYDKTATTQBN, YNWH HMTD I HTTYTI LYB YWBM? LYL, TERR I P.S. HA! (5M) FAHLBERG IS FIRST CLASS -SAVE- Cheryl S., First the-one way street, then the elevator trick. Just wait, your time's coming! Ray P.S. Consider this a fair warning. Hinky Dinky Brian, I talked to you Saturday and said "hi" Monday. Would like to get to know you. Reply via per sonals. -. " ' S.C. ALPHA XI PLEDGES: You're the greatest! Your secret admirers (All 60 of us!!) Smith, Thanks so much for a won derful birthday, and remember Lock & Key! Karla Steve, Happy Birthday to my favorite "over the hill" coach. Peg ChiO's. . Thanks for the surprise B-day party. It was heavenly! Happy Birthday Chuck Buller From the gang in HAH 413 Skinner,,. Thanks for the fun weekend. You make me so happy! -350 Vot mr sobb nasos Jon. 30-Fob. 2' t 1980 Summer Sessions Summer Sessions ' ' Class Schedules are available in 106 Teachers College & Informatixm Window No. 2 Administration Building UNL is an Affirmative ActionEqual Opportunity Educational Institution.