thursday, december 13, 1979 Telling a Trip Over tiic Holiday? JUL- . !'.'' v -j daily nebraskan , ,, V- ,. Don't .Go Amjvhoro Without a Tan! THE ULTIMATE TAN- Your First Visit FREE! It's Fast, Easy, & Safe LA The Atrium 1200 W St. ' Lincoln 475-9027 eiMi w".; 'tV .Yx . " , Daily Nebraskan Photo Funonthe.sando. . .JUUUUUUUUUUUU Set. r1979 Pia Hut. Inc Cash value V20C Bring this coupon to any participating Pizza Hut restaurant and get $3.00 off the regular price of your favorite large pizza. Offer expires Expires 1220 One coupon per customer per visit. r $2 i i i WW 1979 PiZia Hut. Inc Cash value 1 ?0C Bring this coupon to any participating Pizza Hut restaurant and get $2.00 off the regular price of your favorite medium pizza. Offer expires Expires 1220 One coupon per customei per visit. ......... By Kent Warneke Orlando, Fort Lauderdale and Miami are . the tourist spots for vacationers during the Christmas break, but space on airlines and accommodations are almost nonexistent, four Lincoln travel agencies said. ,- Hal Mischnick, Lincoln Tour and Travel, said Orlando offers one of the nation's pre meire attractions in Disney World, but that Orlando's temperature fluctuates more than other tourist areas. 44You could still probably estimate that five out of seven days will be swimming, type weather," Mischnick said. "And be sides Disney World, there is also Cyprus Gardens and Sea World for tourists." Fort Lauderdale 'offers the best beaches and water facilities, Al Peters of Via Van Bloom said. Miami offers a great deal, he said, but an older crowd frequents Miami while younger people head to Fort Lauder dale and Orlando. However, no matter how attractive the tourist havens are, the availability of air flights and hotel accommodations is limited.- . . , "If arrangements aren't made by now, the chances are going to be slim to be able to arrange a trip," Peters said. Trips during the immediate Christmas season are almost all booked, and only after January 10th is any sizeable amount available, Mischnick said. "The only possibility right now would be to be put on a waiting list and hope for cancellations," Mischnick said. Jon Van Bloom of Nebraska .Travel said that if a person is going to Florida, he will find a large amount of tourists, many of which are from the East Coast. 'You'd be surprised at how many peo pie vacation in Florida from New York City, Philadelphia and even Montreal " Van Bloom said. "It's just so easy to get down there for them, one easy flight." A lot of families with children in high school also vacation in Florida during Christmas in lieu of Christmas presents and because it is often the only time that every one in the family can take time off, Van Bloom said. Steve Cuddy, Travel Unlimited, said that vacationers will find higher prices during the vacation season because businessmen know people will pay the higher prices. "We usually estimate $45 to $150 a day for hotel, depending on the quality and $25 per person per day for meals "Cuddy said.-;.- , .., ,,.,,lt. , , Airfare will cost anywhere from $220 to $330 a round trip. Souvenirs and drinks will increase the total price of a vacation, 'i Cuddy said. "There are higher prices, no question about it," Peters said. "But by the same token you can spend whatever you feel you can afford to spend ." Peters said that although there are many expensive restaurants, .' there is always McDonald's, too. It is all a matter of Individual prefer cnce.he said. "The warmth, the beaches,; the water and all of the, unusual tourist attractions make Florida an attractive spot, but the prices and the large crowds of other tourists are also there ," Peters said . L - J M p ine vvisaom oi tomorrow- Today. R. Buckminster Full- ri er has distilled the wisdom ',v of a lifetime in two com- y . panion works. m cplorations . Ml of Think- SYNERGETICS: Explor in the Geometry mg $Z7.5U SYNERGETICS 2: Further Ex plorations in the Geometry of Thinking. The seminal thinker and deisgner- of this century continues his systematic pre sentation of the mathematical and philosophical bases of his challenging world view-a view that may well spell the future v ot our pianei. ms.uu -"0 : 1 - LCEOIEI Tm mm Bmm. CHRJSTMAS SHOPPING HOURS Monday-Friday. 8-5 30. Thursday "W 9. Saturday. 9-5 30 12th & R Streets in Lincoln Center THSMiJS A U0th) "t2 Si a J fAA CENTtH , TUT FIISFiMATION tt cuusra twcf ma VWt Any Cwtftr And Sm For YouimM Why Wt Mkt Th Oiffsrvnoi. CN btft, Evn, ft TVMktndi Call Collect 402-330-3011 113 Ebn St. Oowh.NE 68144 For othr cntn only CALL TOLL FREE . CC0-223-1782 M 476MJ111 c