The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
page 12 monday, december 10, 1979 daily nebraskan Spanish speaking person needed to assist in Montessori classrooms. Call 489-8110 days or 475-9265 evenings. Wanted-Students for Agri cultural work during Christmas vacation. Farm experience pre ferred. Call 489-7419. Barrymore's Lounge Interviewing waitresses for lunch and evening shifts. Apply in person for interview between 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Any schedule! Avon sales fits youf Limited openingsl Call today! 472-9859. . Godfathers Pizza is looking for a part-time cocktail waitress. Day and night hours available. Apply in person. 12th & Q. We need part-time evening and weekend help. Good pay. Apply in person, 6-8 P.m. BINGO-RAMA 2608 Park Blvd. 475-8088 PART-TIME POSITION Excellent opportunity for university student to learn management in sales, service and collections work ing with young people, par ents and customers. Must be available by 2:30 p.m. and have auto with mileage ex penses paid. We offer "vacation and holiday pay plus other bene fits and the opportunity to advance within or outside the company. , Contact Mr. Genrich for appointment, 473-7361 . JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY DAILY NEBRASKAN ADVERTISING DEPT. SECOND SEMESTER CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISING SALESPERSON: This person must be avail able 3-4 hours per day morn ings and afternoons. Job en tails contacting present accounts and procuring new ones. Sales experience de sired. Apply at the Daily Ne braskan, Rm, 34, Nebraska Union. An equal opportunity employer DAILY NEBRASKAN ADVERTISING DEPT. SECOND SEMESTER PROOFREADER This job requires 2-3 hours per day In the afternoons. Responsibilities Include checking over both display and classified advertising for accuracy. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan, Rm. 34, Ne braska Union, An equal opportunity employer DID YOU ENJOY THANKSGIVING VACATION? ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS BREAK? OR DO YOU HAVE MONEY WORRIES ALREADY? FACE IT, THE BOTTOM LINE IS MONEY, RIGHT? PENDING LEGISLATION FOR BENEFIT INCREASES IS FLOUNDERING. HELP US HELP YOU. THE STUDENT VETERANS ORGANIZATION IS STARTING A PETITION DRIVE, TO GETOUR . REPRESENTATIVES TO IMPROVE G.I. BENEFITS. WE WILL HAVE MEMBERS OF OUR ORGANIZA TION ATA BOOTH IN THE NORTH . LOBB Y OF THE NEBRASKA UNION EVER Y DAY DURING DEAD WEEK. IF YOU CANT FIND US THE RE. TRY OUR OFF ICE -ROOM 338-IN THE UNION. WE CAN'T HELP YOU WITHOUT YOUR HELP. SO COmE U tU iU $i SS t$ t$ i, KiiaHHaHMBHHBiHiliViiVBiMfliHH9IOft9Hi9H Tutor desparately needed to help graduating senior through French 201. Big bucks offered! 466-1204. Coming Wed.-Brandeis Christmas College Night. See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de tails! Waitresses, full or part-time, weekdays, Saturday and Sunday Apply Red Rooster Restaurant, 32nd & South St. 483-4567, ask for Ron. vCMllUtfel " Acct. consultant excellent hourly pay for about 3-4 hours only. 475-0383, Dave. Coming Wed. Brandeis Christmas College Night. See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de tails! '?imnint?ft' Share large, sunny home just 2 blocks from Nebraska East Union in quiet neighborhood. Huge bedroom with attached study. Fireplace, dishwasher, laundry, shade trees, garden space, bar-b-que. $100 plus 13 utilities. 466-5343. . Roommate wanted for large house, own room, lots of space. $92.50 includes all utilities but phone. Between campuses. 475 8105. Graduate student needed for January 1. 3 bedroom town house near Knolls. Rent $120 13 utilities. Call Lin or Pam 423-5686. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED 3 girls want a 4th to share apt. in nice neighborhood. $62.50 V gas, 475-5539 after 5:00. Female i: roommate needed for nice, newer ' 2 bedroom apartment. $90month plus Vi utilities. Call 475-0394 after 5:30. . CAMPUS CLOSE Three roommates to share large, nice house with two baths. $82.50 low utilities for second semester. Call 474-6527. 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Roommate needed. Nice 4 bed room house, own room. Upper clasman preferred. Call Bob 435-8622. IflifimiliHlk Comp Scl Trio: Let's discuss terms of your surrender! J.T. Perry Ladette, Some people live in Nature, some for what their money buys. My life needs more than sun shine. It is you that I prize. Happy Birthday I Rob VETTEISAN IN AND SIGN OUR Pound Six: Thank you for your Christ mas spirit. Cather Six HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAR LA WOOLSTRUM Hugs Kisses from B. Bob M. Moos Ron, Hoses are red, violets are green. Today let's get kinky and very obscene. Dinner, a movie, porno sounds fine! Then back home to snort and get what is mine! Happy 2 yr. anniversary. Love you always and forever, Kym Kim of the North, Happy Birthday, A Fish on a Bicycle Beth. Happy Birthday to a "sweet little ADPi pledge" who makes a crazy roomie. Don't go too wild tonight (wait a month and I'll join you) Love from your roomie, Karen Julie Hiatt Kermit told me to wish you 'Happy Birthday, so here it is HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (ribet).. - Love, Puddin' P.S. Only 6 more months Disco Baby (Bob W.) .The Motel 6 offer is still open because "I want you to night and feel like getting crazy." Love and Hugs, Elaine The mightly alliance of , Harper-Smith has begun. Onward to Schramm. Go fot it Bill! " Buffy, "1 ' .. ,r Happy 19th t Birthday you cute little ADPi pledge. ,'. The Mistletoe Fiend SHIRL SiFRANK- I just wanted to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to THE couple who made it work beau tifully I See you X-mas. Love, Scott P.S. I know this is early but we stop publication Friday. Harper 5: Looking forward to hearing your Christmas voices at our Caroling Party, Dec. 16. Be there or be square. Smith 10 Lizanne, Bizarre is beautiful. So are we. Your loving raccoon Cramming? Do it in comfort on a pillow, 313 N, 27th 4744689 PETITION 3 H AN WOMEN-Do you have musical talents that you would like to contribute to help KZUM's Women's Music Show? The benefit is Wed. Dec. 12. If you would like to perform, contact Julie-474-5086, Linda -474-6492, WRC-472-2597. Dan Brooks, Air Force Engineer-Scientific Placement NCO, will be on campus each Tuesday from 9 ajn. to 3 p.m. at M&N Building, 2nd floor. Attention Tassels meeting Dec. 11 to slate new officers. All members requested to be present. . . UPC-CULTURE CENTER INTRAMURAL MEN'S BASKETBALL TEAM if you are interested in being a -part of the team, please sign up at the Culture Center, Office of , Campus Activities and Programs (200 Nebraska Union) or at the Educational Learning Center (705 Selleck).- The deadline is . 14 December 1979. Games start January 15," 1980. Coming Wed. Brandeis Christmas College Night. See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de tails! CASH PRIZES Pi Mu Epsilon's Prize Exam. Dec. 11 at 7:00, Burnett 320 for Math 106H, 107, 208 people Centered on Math 107. Great Review for finals! I , ' You borrowed it, you bring it back, UPC Art Prints. City and East Campus. ... Spice up your party! Have Mateo the clown create some laughs. Call 488-6927 or 464 2941. Coming Wed. Brandeis Christmas College Night. See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de- tails! " ACROSS 1 Word with front and ground S Jupiter 9 Edible nut 14 Water pitcher 15 Global area 11 Convex molding 17 Peruvian of yore 18 Building feature 29 Profit 21 Slow 22 Playing cards 23 Bookkeeper's concern 21 Scathe 27 Town near Boston 31 Another name 33 These are missing on a pilgarlic 33 Swiss canton 33 Hotel customer 37 Pother 38 Less exciting 43 Misdo 41 Buddy of TV 43 Came up 44 Mormon state: 1849 43 Move 47 Lowest temperature possible 52 Fortunetelling card 54 Galena and bauxite 55 Male heir 53 Of poetry 53 Greenish-blue 53 Superior C3 Guthrie 11 Deteriorate 82 Whiskers 63 4 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 . 8 9 10 11 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential friend. Call 477 8021 for help. . a Reasonable, fast, accurate typing proofread. Close to campuses. 477-2803. VINCE POWERS; ATTORNEY Uncontested divorce-$1 50 "cost Bankruptcy-Affordable Most D.W.I, defense, $100 474-5054 If you need a top quality resume, call the professionals Costello fit Associates 475-9777 CASH, CASH, CASH To loan on anything of value DIRTY DICK'S PAWN SHOP 909 "O" St. v 474-4007 SAVE 35-45 now through Dec, 24 on all current womens shoes. BACKSTAGE 12th & Que Going to Scotland? De sperately need favor done, will pay, 435-2227. . Coming Wed." Brandeis Christmas College Night. ' See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de tails. THINK SNOW. SKI WINTER PARK 6 days, 5 nights in condo. Only $159. Hurry, limited space. Call Tom at 477-9635, or Kory at 472-9187. DESTINATION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Need rider to Ventura, CA, or nearby. Leave PM Dec. 20 with a two nite stop in Durango, CO. Return Jan. 5, share driving and expenses. Call 475-6622 or 472 1760. " Comlrtg Wed,, - Brandeis Christmas"" College Night. See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de tails! Jumble . Apportion am 12 City in southern ' France 13 Neither's partner 19 Word with circle or tube 21 Wall surface 24 Woeful expression 25 Type of atom 28 Fanciful musical composition 29 War god 38 Mud 31 Old 32 Entice 33 Must 34 Fruit drink 33 Apache State: Abbr. DOWN Maneuver by a Musketeer Proprietor Those who right wrongs Initials in the news Bridge expert Honshu city Plastic made from a resin Break bread ' Totalitarian places Made level Small secluded bay 1 555 T f P 1 ' ' I" I" I13 i .is - 1 -11 15 " 2i J55 3 2 2S ' ' ' 3l Jaj jhi mi I - 5r aT ST"" a LJ, L 4? """" a-T.4 JY hr - o I 1 1 1 I I I I Rider wanted to Chicago 14th afternoon. Share gas, lodg ing in Chicago. Call Martin at 475-0494 after 10 p.m. 'Ride needed: share gas to Rochester MN area. Leaving Lincoln Jan. 2 returning Jan. 6. Suzi 475-4610. LOST: Love Library or Burnett a set of keys on a gold key ring. Please call 472 8567. LOST: Billfold containing IDs etc. around East Campus or Mead Lab Field. Lucas 467 4105. 472-3655. Coming Wed. - Brandeis Christmas College Night. See Wed. Daily Nebraskan for de tails! LOST: 35mm Yashica camera in Neihardt dorm. RE WARD. 477-2876. . :) m-. y . ' I tVji)') 'if is o iimtiKisiitau Will ill I MVS' 42 Defeats 45 He brings home the bacon 43 Dictator's aides 48 Riverof France 49 Soviet range 59 Haul out of bed 51 Colonizer of New Mexico 52 . Record for TV 53 Instrument, in Roma 58 Alehouse 57 Surface-to-air missile 58 Locale of the brachium