daily'nebraskan State Department attacks Soviet criticism on Iran n Cft to 6to A Seed thursday, december 6, 1979 SI MTU WASHINGTON -The State Department reacted sharply Wednesday to an official Soviet commentary accusing the United States of using "crude military and politi cal pressure against Iran in its attempts to free 50 American hostages. Department spokesman Hodding Carter called the commentary, which appeared in the Communist Party newspaper Pravda, deplorable and said Secretary of State Cy rus R. Vance conveyed this message per sonally to Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. Carter said the Soviets appear to have a two-track policy toward the Iranian situa tion. He noted the Pravda editorial con trasts with the "positive and constructive steps" the Soviets have takn in support of the hostages in the United Nations Security Council. The Pravda editorial said the United States has decided to "intensify the crisis and turn it into one of the most serious in ternational conflicts of the, post-war era. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the State Department's- Iran task force, George Havens, said U.S. officials were aware of rumors that several of the hostages in Teh ran had been executed. But, he emphasized, "We have no in formation that would in any way substan tiate this report. Rumors of this nature have been circulating" for a number of days." . i v" i phal, who helped resolve the cease-fire dis pute, told The Associated Press of the accord after Patriotic Front leaders Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe met with Car rington for an hour. Carrington, chairman of the peace talks, said a British governor, whom he did not identify, would be traveling to Salisbury in the next few days to take power during a transition period for free, internationally recognized elections. Female excommunicated WASHINGTON-Feminist Sonia John son, whose family has been in the Mormon Church for five generations, was excom municated . from the church Tuesday be cause of her campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment. "The verdict is excommunication,' Mrs. Johnson said in a telephone interview. She said she would make no further comment . until probably Thursday. 'Flirty fishing' advocated NEW YORK-the latest summary of teachings circulated by the "Children of God" details its recommended use of sex to lure recruits. ' "Flirty fishing," it has been, called, by . the leader of the widely dispersed group, David Berg, known to his followers as ?'Moses David," "Father David," or "Mo," u GHHISTfJllS Gif t Cef tifieates 1 U Irt &a tnHrti. rrf i-M ta cr fib v:iu)2. a a r u l wOv JuGlXjU VSC?iju Lincoln Cantor jr 11th ft M f 474-4244 Lincoln Cantor "PeSole todav are terrifically desirbus I . ; . . . of sex and in need of sex, therefore if you KhOueSian aCCOrd reached dont' satisfy their sexual appetite they have a hard time believing that you really love them " he .writes. LONDON-Britain, the Zimbabwe Rhodesian government and the guerrillas fighting it reached agreement Wednesday on a cease-fire, British Foreign Secretary. Lord Carrington announced, clearing the f way for election and an end. to seven years of war. , ' Carrington, spoke to reporters after a 15 minutes session with representatives of the Patriotic Front guerrilla forces and dele gates of Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa's Salisbury government. He said some details of a cease-fire agreement remained to be worked out but he hoped the momentum could be main tained to wind up the 13-week-old confer ence within the next few days. Earlier, a spokesman for Common wealth Secretary-General Shridath Ram- "So sometimes we have to satisfy that appetite to prove to them that we really care and we're concerned and that we love them." The advice is part of a new compilation of Berg's "love letters" currently mailed to possible recruits, seeking to enlist them as members with pledgesof a 10 percent tithe of income, a $10 montly or other regular contribution. The group, founded by Berg in Califor nia in 1968, is now scattered in 70 coun tries, according to a recent study by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, and currently claims 8,000 young people belong. I . .V. L VyfT 1 ( wer&raoe fcrtho merriest.. dress up this elegant black velvet blazer with a pair of flannel tweeds for holiday merrymaking, or dress It down with jeans for your casual hours. Sizes 36-44, by Spatz, The Young Mens Shop, all stores , 3 J JEAN 9.99 and (Male, Brittania, Zeppelin) 30.99 I ' i, (Metro, B.P. Britches, Pierre Cardin) (Calvin Klein, Nino Cerruti Slacks 39.99) CROW'S NEST Dave Uandis 5:30 - 8:30 WfSTROADS, OMAHA, THE ATRIUM, (13th & N) & GATEWAY, LINCOLN