( ! thursday, december 6, 1979 Hothouse . . . daily nebraskan p33 11 DECEMBER GRADS! Continued from Page 10 Deborah M. Brooks triumphed as well. Her rendering of the alternatingly confused and commanding Jody was utterly convinc ing. Jody's normal teen-age bewilderment frequently gives way to hints of deeper dis turbance, understandable given her up. bringing; Brooks handled all aspects of this complex character beautifully. Members of the supporting case also are to be congratulated for strong perform ances. Beth Marie Hansen as Ma, Jonathan R. Ondov as boyfriend David, and Caron Buinis as family friend Dol contributed a number of excellent moments. And, in a few brief but memorable appearances; T. Marni Vos and Richard Dinsmore made a fine pair of benighted, besotted wanderers! The play was often funny but most often funny in an ugly way. The characters are as contemptible as they are' pathetic. And they are stupid. They do not grow. They are as lost in the end as they are in the beginning. Perhaps that is all one can do in a hothouse-sustain what exists, with, out altering or improving it. There is validity in this concept, but Terry's script is unrelieved ugliness; for all of its realism it is frustrating to watch. Thanks to the virtues of this production, the vices of the script did not overwhelm the evening. Technically the production was fine. Timothy J. Case's set played a trifle obviously on the show's title, but it work ed well. The sound design by Bill Honvlez was evocative and well chosen. Michael A. Rice's lighting complemented the play's moods well. , The production was not without weak nesses, nor was the script. The combined strengths of the two, however, provided a fine evening of theater. Hothouse author Megan Terry is "currently playwright in residence at the Omaha Magic Theatre. Violinist, symphony to perform The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Robert Emile, will present a concert on Deo. 11 at 8 p.m. at O'Donnell Auditorium on the Nebraska Wesleyan campus. California violinist Zina Schiff will, appear with the orchestra, per forming the Sibelius Violin Concerto. Schiff has given recitals at Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and has appeared with orch estras throughout North America, Eastern and Western Europe and Israel. She also, recorded the score of-MGMVTTie Fixer, Also on the program will be Academic Festival Overture, Opus 80 by Johannes Brahms. Symphony No, 3 in A-Minor ("Scot tish"), Opus 56 by Felix Mendelssohn will complete the evening's performance. Tickets for the concert are available at the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra office, 1315 Sharp Building, or by calling 474-5610. Share -411 Year 'Round I THE JOURNEY BEGINS TOMORROW ijHiit 1 IH ii THG MOTION PICTUHfc. " t jv,.. n n... n nrnc rmnnrMDCODV lint A DDCCDT UflCC Cilm RTflR TOK THF MfffiflN PICTURE Copyright P MCMLXXIX Py Karamount riciur m h" n.w .... A Paramount wure FRIDAY AT! 7: 15 & 9:45 WEEKENDS ATi 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 . MO PASSES ACCEPTED THIS ENGAGEMENT Stfonloy CCubcpieFr' A (CDaxcIbwDirlfe (Dn3i(n(D(B Bog. 0&7 0 Tl .5 Stfudonff IC r-w chnidon n no n Film V-y, V mm 1 tbh v 0 it a'- "1 UU M Order Now Your Cap and Gown for Dec. 22nd. THIS WEEK ONLY 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Lower Leve rrrhrxTKrh Nebr. Union C City Campus VthJ 1 rr 1 ;! l.. rrn rro n irr mrr -n-n . .. ISil VAl " n iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii im i iii fx A' 1 i i nnnimiiiinii nil i.'i ... i "f " " j auJUmUmiUM iMMMiM I II '"n I I' t starring WOODS AS DE&uiE rj730 "O" St. 43?54Tl T 1 V 1 ) 1 : 13th & P 475 2222 r 5:20-7:20-9:20! Ai iocki thej wtrt Joke d:u9-:o-:4D THANKS FOR 'YANKS'... I " Vbc today show 5:40-7:40.9:40n KUCLAYSUCN rit!na HJ U PC-East presents V lO) xr . xi Ml i x U 1 i I aaiiiuI lou can uirui again ui uir ni4ip.ei tuuiiu in all the wrad. mTiiTiif(NTtivfnmiMMi t B0OGERS- HAMMERSTEIN-S I Thursday, Dec, 6 7:30 pm Admission $1 .50 East Union - Great Plains Room Sponsored by Films Committee. genu liptfiyjire ociploy - Featuring the works of UNL senior sculpture students: Dave Thomas o Gordon Goulden Regina Jones o Bill Fulton Paul Van Lith i.fiiw i"irT ar ri bi-i iwi I ir r m Sponsored by Visual Arts Committee. I Thoatro LJ CITY LlEast