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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1979)
page 16 da" nebraskan tnursday, november 29, 1979 tfir -mite '69 VW Fastback. Runs good 30 mpg $600. Call 472-0093. UNITED price coupon. $55.00 Call 474-4039. WATERBED SHEETS SAVE 50 off retail Easy sewing pattern lets you convert flats to. custom fit your waterbed. Send $4 Dewey Design Box 2824 Dept.D. Lincoln, NE 68502. Christmas Trees. 56th and Holdrege across from Goodrich Dairy Store. Open daily 10 a.m. to 8 p.m; Alvarize 12 string, $75, good deal. Call 477-5030 or 472-1686 ask for Tom. IRISH HARPS for sale. Vari ous sizes and styles. Easy to play. Contact Sylvia Woods, Box 29521, Los Angeles, CA 90029. We have & V size violins, student guitars, autoharps, Mountain dulcimers. Christmas Special 30 off with this ad Gift Certificates also available at: HOGAN MUSIC 630 West P 474-9134 Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READY. Must rent by Dec. 1: Very nice apartment with 2 separate bedrooms, wall to wall carpet ing, central air. You pay only electricity. $200month de posit. 21st & Washington . 477 5774 or 474-4070. Ask for Dan. HAVE THE DORM LIFE BLUES? Try Cornhusker Coop, reason able room and board rates. 474 9772 and ask for a house officer Deluxe 1 bedroom apt. 2933 'P Furnished $190, unfurnish ed, $170. No pets. 464-4461 or 483-4553. to IhtAiMricm I id TtCoo4 hi. ui:- Vic ski for more We ski for cost! UNL Ski Club skis for: $200, Aspen, Jan 512 . $185, Steamboat, Jan 5-12 $141, Winter Park, Jan4-9 All trips include TRANSPORTATION, Lodging, lifts & parties -Summit Travels skis for $249? Aspen. For info, call Jim 435-2371. n mm 2 bedroom apartment near east campus. $220 utilities, deposit. Available Jn. 3. Call. Joyce-464-0592, or Sue at ' either 472-0331 or 464-0469. Christmas College Night is coming to - Brandeis-GET READY. Two large bedroom remodel ed duplex, close to campus, deck, off-street parking. Utilit ies paid, $220. 464-0771 . 3253 Dudley. 3 bedrooms, . appliances, garage. 2 blocks to east campus. $275 deposit. 466-3361 Century Realty 483 2958.; December First; 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom -apartment. Heat paid, laundry facilities, off street parking, walk to campus. $260 and up. Call 477-4060 be rore 1 p.m. or after 6 p.m. House for rent, clean, close to campus, off street parking. 4-4-5 students. $350. 475-6791 or 423-5134. Large 3 bedroom townhouse 3 minutes north of city campus, 1702 Knox. 1V4 bath, carport. $273mo., monthly lease, 475 6144. RENT BREAK 2 bedroom, 3 minutes north of city campus. Under mild govern ment subsidy program for middle income family situation. Rent from $159 up. Monthly lease. Tenants pay only lights. 475-6144. 35mm camera, preferably with zoom lens. In good shape. 466-2867. Avid tennis player to play on weekends at Sports Complex, Call Mike, 474-0812 after 6 pm. Need to rent garage on monthly or Vi yearly basis. At least 20' x 20'. Not looking for bargain, Call 472-0487, evenings best - . Wheelchair vet needs live-in, little help. Free room and board male or female, Starting Janu ary, Call Bob at 475-5228. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis GET READYI , Christmas College Night Is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI WORD PROCESSING MetroMail currently has full time or part-time permanent positions available on our , second shift in the Worrd Pro-1 cessing Center, Qualified appli cants must be able to type 50 wordsminute with a minimum amount of error and possess ex cellent spelling and language skills. Previous experience oper ating mag card typewriter is de sired but will train. For more information contact the Personnel Department METROMAIL 901 West Bond ' 475-4591 An Equal Opportunity. Affirmative Action Employer Wanted: Full time main tenance 4 a.m.-12 p.m. Apply at McDonald's 1141 West Bond. We need part-time evening and weekend hlep. Good pay. Apply In person, 6-8 p.m, BINGO-RAMA 2608 Park Blvd. 475-8088 Barrymore's Lounge Interviewing waitresses for lunch and evening shifts. Apply in person for interview between 1:30 and 5:00 p.m. Part-time student snow scoopers needed on both campuses $3.05hour. Contact Grounds Department for details 472-2679. EOEAA Part-time help wanted. Hours to fit your schedule. Apply at Capitol Tire, 24th & O St. See John or Jim, Waitresses, full or part-time, weekdays, Saturday and Sunday Apply Red Rooster Restaurant, 32nd & South St. 483-4567, ask for Ron. National corporation has challenging positions available, and offers real growth oppor tunity for individuals who enjoy dealing with people on a daily basis. For appointment, call 475-4449, Mr. Miller. Temporary two weeks, on campus. Interview other stu dents. Work around your class schedule. $3per hour. 435 3437 or 472-3384. Sales oriented individuals. Must be aggressive. Hours to fit your schedule. Apply in person, Capitol Tire, 24th & O St. See John or Jim. Female roommate needed for 2nd semester. 2 bedroom, $107.50 month, heat paid, V electricity. Call 475-1432. Need 2 Christian roommates to share large, newer, furnished house. Fireplace, own bedroom, $80 utilities. 489-5490, Alan after 6 p.m. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI ' Need roommate to share 3 bedroom house with garage on 10th and "Y". Rent 13 of $225 utilities. Call 474-6694. Need housemate. Vegetarian) non-smoker preferred. Own room. Rent food utilities, $200month. Close to campus. 1010 N. 8th, 477-4948. Need female roommate for second semester-$110 utilities. Call 475-6721. To S of Brown Here's that personal that I promised because I wouldn't forget my Sue-Boo would I? Love, The D.B. Dear Wanjiku, However old you are, you still ' look like you did eight years ago at Alliance. Happy Birthday. Guess Who 6346, I'm comin around. Danger Nan Love III, Thank you so much. You are all very special people. Carol MARK GOODSPEED, ROD HORN, L.C. COLE, BILL BARNETT, RANCY SCHLEUS ENER, KIM BAKER, AND DAN RICE; Thanks for the great time Sunday night. Let's do it again in January! RHCC LAD I was there, where were you? You can furnish the next contact address. Lonely Lady Jan Jan, Happy 19thl Have fun to night and tomorrow. Rowe-Rowe II & Karky Pie Hit Man .. I need you to work for me on Friday night. It's an emer gency! The Godfather Wendy Z, Monica C, Beth S, Karen M., Lisa P., Amy R., Sepa C, Rosanne S.Sorry we're early or maybe too late. But you all are greatl , Mike & Cam P.S. Diamonds, emeralds, rubies and pearls to all our girls. OMAHA. Mikie, . How are things on the OTHER sie of the hill? Happy 211 Love ya anyway, P.P. HEY JACK MOORE: Tear 'em up this weekend. Your Fan JON HAMILTON HAPPY BIRTHDAYIII A friend of Anne and Janelle Tonite, "Live" at the Zooll Schramm Ill's Cheryl "Linda Ronstad" Cervenlll She sings, she dances and she's giving out personalized autographs in Schramm. UNRELENTING NOISE THE GRAPES at THE SPIGOT - 17th 80 Saturday 9 p.m, No Cover Hot Lips: For a fantastically incredible time, meet me at the Neoclassic Jazz Orchestra concert on Thursday, December 6, 7:30 p.m., Pius High Fine Arts Center 6000 A Street. Those NJO cats will blow your mindl Scatman Christmas College Night is coming to Brandesi-GET READYI BLOODMdBILE todayl Union Ballroom. 10 a.m.-4p.m. AM appts. honored firstl PEO College Group meets Sun, Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. at 7101 S St, Call reservations to Mrs. Scofield, 472-3831 (days), 489 2314 (eve) by Thurs. . SOMOZA WOULD NOT MISS ITI Nebraska Model Unit ed Nations, February 13-16. Applications available In room 221, Nebraska Union, Novem ber 20-Priority Deadline. THINK SNOW... SKI WINTER PARK 6 days, 5 nights in condo. Only $159. Hurry, limited space. Call Tom at 477-9635. or Kory at 472-9792. ACROSS 1 The Crimson Tide, for short 5 God of love - One of two before "hooray" 12 Capital of Guam 14 Successor to Claudius I 15 Emulated Penelope II Hundred on a gridiron 17 On (in trouble with the boss) II Suffix with disc and talc 21 Spree 22 Poet Llzette Woodworth 23 Group honored annually on Oct. 24 27 Kong's captive 2S Home of the Oilers 31 TomJoad.for one 34 "The -of Navarone"; 1961 film 33 " pro nobis" 31 Legislative ' body for 23 Across 41 Platter for a deejay 42 State flower of Tenn. 43 Shoe widths 44 Puzzles 41 Inoculation 41 Where the blueprint for 23 Across was drawn up 54 He wrote "The , Old Wives Tale": 1595 II First-rate 57 Nickname for one of the Russells 53 Bureaucratic buck-passing II 13 14 15 13 17 13 1 2 3 4 5 I NICK LOW, DAVE ED MUNDS together with ROCK PILE recorded live. Hear 'em Sunday 9 p.m. on X103-FM. Lincoln's Music Connection. LAST CHANCE. The final CAP organization workshop, "Improve My Committee, Please I" will be held Thurs day, November 29, at 4 p.m. in Nebraska Union. Remember MOTT THE HOOPLE? Catch a set of Ian Hunter's recent tour on King Bisquit, 9 p.m., Sun. on X103 FM. Lincoln's Music Connection MOVING? Rent a Cargo Van from De Brown Leasing. Call 477-7253. 17th & N St. Don't face pregnancy alone Call BIRTHRIGHT for help. Dial 477-8021 . ATTENTION SINGLES, ALL AGES-Meet that special date through our Dating Service. LADIES, special rates. 435 7497 or P.O. 80672, Lincoln, NE 68501. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI Men, would you like to re ceive a one-time free demon stration of our advanced hair cutting techniques? Call Ruben thaler & Associates hair design ers, 435-0450. New clients only. BLOODMOBILE TODAYI 10:00-4:00 Union Ballroom Appointments honored first Award to living unit with highest percentage of donorsl Expiate Comedian Johnson Slangy synonym for influence Musketeer maneuver Sandburg's "The People, ti -Q, old dance "Father Knows" s DOWN Jambalaya country "How's that Melville book Rain cats- dogs Burton role in 1962 Zubin , noted conductor 7 Native mineral 8 Fabulous bird 9 "Man partly is, and wholly Browning II Currier's partner , 11 Rose or Fountain 13 Fall bloom 15 Tomtits 18 Excite 21 Harem room - 24 Sound from a nest 25 What "sic" means 23 Cyclotron particles 29 Wreath on a knight's helmet 33 Votes from the opposition 31 Man-eating monster 32 Sharp 33 Occurrences ' I I IV I ji II ? Is I g ho In Ti u" 14 is ; i? " is - is " M ifi jp ; ; 23 tT. 2528 27 " "" " " 2 fob" "132 133 M 35 iT" " 373TT39 40 ST 42- 44 44 """" " " 46 147 4S 49 si sa (si sTkT 55 L s bo Jei 62 5 L B -J (L U M 6 rf U-U 1 I III I" Dear Doug, I know you'll make a great Li'l Abner. Good Luck. Karen We're all supporting you all the way. VOTE FOR CINDY SHULL FOR SADIE HAWKINS Love, Your T.C. Sisters Abner can't fly the KOOP when Aimee's for Sadie-Vote Anderson. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis- GET READYI OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, Etc. All Fields, $500-$1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free info Write: IJC, Box 52-NA, Corona . Del Mar, CA 92625. EARN ACADEMIC CREDIT THROUGH NEBRASKA MODEL UNITED NATIONS. Free kitten. Loveable, gray, house-trained. Call 435-7202. Driving to San . Francisco soon, need riders. 475-2103. Ride needed to San Antonio, Texas or South-Central Texas area. Leave about Dec, 22. Call 472-0779. LOST: On' Sat. Nov 17 at the Union, or Stadium or in be tween. A Ladies Gold Longines Watch. For Reward, call 515-232-0777 collect. LOST 27th street area, 2 book bags. Need for class notes. Call, 474-1875 or 477-2028. o 34 Natural 37 Edging tool 38 Sinai dweller 33 Soprano Delia Casa 49 "Get; the Church on Time" 45 Upper throats 41 Like a stick-in-. the-mud 47 Darlin' 48 He played in "Love Story" 59 Punjab princes 51 By oneself 52 Book of the Bible 53 One cause of crashes 54 Say grace 55 Chartres' stream 59 Army togs CI O.A.S. member 12 Junior's Saturday evening post