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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1979)
pegs 16 Wednesday, november 28, 1979 daily nebraskan We need part-time evening and weekend hlep. Good pay. Apply , in person, 6-8 p.m. BINGO-RAMA 28C3 Park Blvd. 475 8038 Barrymore'i Lounge Interviewing waitresses for lunch and evening shifts. Apply in person for interview between 1:30 and 5:00 p.m. Part-time student snow scoopers needed on both campuses $3.05hour. Contact Grounds Department for details 472-2679. EOEAA Part-time help . wanted. Hours to fit your schedule. Apply at Capitol Tire, 24th & 0 St. See John or Jim. Sales oriented individuals. Must be aggressive. Hours to fit your schedule. Apply in person, Capitol Tire, 24th & 0 St. See John or Jim. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI NEED MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Call 472-0849 and sell your pre 1964 silver dollars, halves, quarters and dimes for 10 times their face value, jFemale roommate needed for 2nd semester, 2 bedroom, $107,50month, heat paid, V electricity, Call 4750432. Need 2 Christian roommates to share large, newer, furnished house, Fireplace, own bedroom, $80 utilities. 489-5490, Alan after 6 p.m. Need roommate to share 3 bedroom house with 'garage on 10th and "Y". Rent 13 of $225 utilities. Call 474-6694. Need housemate, Vegetarian, non-smoker preferred. Own room. Rent food utilities, $200month, Close to campus. 1010 N. 8th, 477-4948, Need female roommate for second semester-$110 Vi utilities. Call 475-6721. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI HEY JACK MOORE: Tear'em up this weekend. Your Fan hy ski for more We ski for cost! UNL Ski Club skis for: $200, Aspen, Jan 5-12 SI 85, Steamboat, Jan 5-12 5141, Winter Park, . Jan 4-9 All trips include TRANSPORTATION, Lodging, lifts 8c parties Summit Travels skis for $249? Aspen. For info, cx!l Jim 4H2V71 Lodse and Looser I can provide all three. Let's get together. J.J. Available: Drugs, sex and rock 'n roll. In any order preferred. Quasi-tall and taller By Special Requestl III B.G.'s Salute Ag Men P.S. We're gonna get yal Lonely Lady, 3:30 p.m. unsuitable. Contact GSH - Exoperatorl Rhonda: Sort of? Then how about a movie? Me Crazy LT buzzin brown . butchers Boston JB's, SB's, LB's bruising Happy 19th. Love, Kelly ' Deer, Isn't there some way, we can do It together? Love, Lamb Blue Eyes: Happy 19thf Have a great day, luv, "Myrt" and Thelma Cathy, I.L.Y. this much (arms) ' , Moontknow P.S. Gump .... Blah; He, He, He, Glenda Roesler, Happy Birthday a day late, but a day late we celebrate, , Sandy There are no girls like the Jewels Jewels of Theta Chi Where the slaves are the fairest, the barn dance the squarest and the best , tasting pumpkin . pie! , There are no girls like the Jewels girls who really care with Jo number one, we'll all get more sun t in flashy new underwearl The Men of Theta Chi P.S. Looking forward to the Christmas Party I Joe, Sleep wasn't the problem, BOREDOM wasl Connie To CSH, DSJ, LEA, SKH, ULC, VMF Lonestar slppln, skinny dippin, steel guitars and stars, are just as good as Hollywood, and those messed up disco bars, MTS, DEG, JDM, FRE, JEC, DED Karen Hart Happy belated 19th birthday Give me another week and I'll help you celebrate, M.F. Happy 20th I (Now that didn't sound so old, did it?) Buddies Always, Bert earn$10.0 a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time. donate plasma You may save a life! It's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses. this ad worth $5 extra New donors only, Phone for appointment. Lincoln Plasma Corp. 2021 "O" St 474-2335 Math 106H" Epsilon time sinh we've had a personal. Mark, Remember just because you are now 20 doesn't mean you have lost It all I Happy 8 -day I Kim Little Girl: Dear Little Girl, today is your day and I sure want to tell you In my own "Big Red" way that you make me so happy, I could just sing. So tonight we'll splurge. Wendy's ' or Burger King? You're my little girl, and I'm your little man and as long as we live, whatever the plan we'll be together and happy, what more can I say, except I LOVE YOU SUE, and Happy Birthday, Sticky XXX's Daddy Linda Kay, Here it is - Happy Birthday I (Didn't think I'd do it, did ya?) Michael T. Alpha Sigma Swine Sisters Reunitel Glen von- Although we didn't win the game and I lost the bet, We're still going to Dallas, and that's better yetl PT Sunshine; (Alias Fetus Brain) Since you said you never got any personals I decided to send you one, Give me a call some time and we'll get together for some "underground" activities, , Know what I mean orangutan face? Brown Eyes from Love Hall, ' "Hicks" are beautiful too. Cranky Admirer Aimee, ' Good luck at catching your self a Kootie (alias Li I ' Abner) FISH MATILDA- Your needed, .constructive criticism has in no way lost its Importance with your admission to being a former editor. Lunch every Thursday? Scott's Bluff MARVIN: Missed you in the walkin, but I'll give you another chance, OK? Reply via personals Your Secret Admirer Barbarino, A dare is a dare is a dare, The next one's at Christmas, so don't be therel " Sugar Pop Stereo TO ALL HSS RESIDENTS, Thanks for attending our Halloween Surprise! The con' cept was real but the aftermath was kinda scary I Looking for ward to buying another stereo for Christmas. Be ; there, ALOHA. Smith?; P.S, Love ya Mick 1 1 , COURTNEY MARPLES HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Everyone wish Missy Westrlng a Happy 19th Birth day. Steve and Smoke Hi1ilH!nintMifi RAW & CRUDE Rock 'n Roll with THE GRAPES, Saturday, 9 p.m. at THE SPIGOT (17th & 0) No cover, , The International Day of Solidarity with Palestine November 29 Proclaimed by the U.N. Constituted a world wide expression of support by the Freedom Loving People of the world to the Palestinian Struggle for self-determination under the leadership of the P.L.O. The International Commun ity, through the U.N, and Inter national agencies and organiza tions, condemned dozens' of times and for decades, the colonialist aggressive and oppressive Zionist state of Israel and equated Zionism with Racism, Dr, David Champagne will speak on the occasion, Tuesday Nov, 29, 7 p.m. Nebraska Union Centennial Room, Sponsored by the Organization of Arab Stu dents. PEO College Group meets Sun, Dec. 2 at 5 7101 S St, Call reservations to Mrs, Scofield, 472-3831 (days), 489 2314 (eve) bv Thurs. EARN ACADEMIC CREDIT THROUGH NEBRASKA MODEL UNITED NATIONS, OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S, America, Australia, Asia, Etc, Ail Fields, $500-$1 ,200 monthly, Expenses paid, Sightseeing. Free info Write: IJC, Box 62-NA, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. SOMOZA WOULD NOT MISS ITI Nebraska Model Unit ed Nations, February 13-16, Applications available in room 221, Nebraska Union, Novem ber 20 Priority Deadline. ACROSS I City in SE Spain f Mop or sponge , II Animal associated with March 31 14 Butter substitutes 19 "The night thousand eyes" 16 River to the Caspian 17 Deputy 18 Ostentatious In manner II Girl from Rio 20 Theory that won't work 23 Lock 24 Be indignant at 25 Hindu fasting method, to seek justice 28 German article 21 Columnist Barrett 34) From then on 27 Choir voices 38 Time span 31 Formal fromise n general 44 MOncemore . the breach M ... 43 Ventilate 4i CounteeCullen gems 48 Greet abruptly 52 Words of assent ' 54 Feature on a f local news program SI Roguish CI Provoke 11 First Duke of Normandy 12 Degree of speed 13 Distinctive air 14 C5 CI 17 1 2 3 4 5 f 7 Remember MOTT THE HOOPLE? Catch set of Ian Hunter's recent tour on King Bisquit, 9 p.m., Sun. on X103 FM. Lincoln's Music Connection THINK SNOW... SKI WINTER PARK 6 days, 5 nights in condo. Only $159. Hurry, limited space. Call Tom at 477-9635,1 or Kory at 472-9792. LAST CHANCE. The final CAP organization workshop, "Improve My Committee, Please I" will be held Thurs day, November 29, at 4 p.m. in Nebraska Union, NICK LOW, DAVE ED MUNDS 'together with ROCK PILE recorded live. Hear 'em Sunday 9 p.m. on X103-FM. Lincoln's Music Connection. 97 of the UNL students will vote DOUG KOOPMAN for Abner. The other 3 won't have pencils. Christmas College Night is coming to Brandesl-GET READYI . BLOODMOBILE today I Union Ballroom. 10 a.m.-4p.m, AM appts. honored first! BLOODMOBlLE TODAY! 10:00-4:00 Union Ballroom Appointments honored first Award to living unit with highest percentage of donors! MOVING? Rent a Cargo Van from De Brown Leasing. Call 477-7253, 17th & N St. Don't face pregnancy alone Call BIRTHRIGHT for help, Dial 477-8021, ATTENTION SINGLES, ALL AGES-Meet that special date through our Dating Service, LADIES, special rates, 435 7497 or P.O. 80672, Lincoln, ME 68501, Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI The Goblin (Tolkien creature) Arab title Sly look Nobelist in Literature:, 1923 DOWN Baker's unit Saint of the Russian Orthodox , Church Spool Hold back by force, Behind a liner Rebellion: 1786-87 Distorts 8 Anent I European , laurel 10 Fishing-tackle items II Greet the day 12 Of morning 13 Explosion 21 Intensity of feeling 22 Queen of Olympus 25 Uninteresting 28 Word with Family or Father 27 Pilaster 28 Pull 31 Listen to 32 Slip 33 Lincoln's "eighty" V 'a ' 3 4 t5 I 4 I8 I I" In ha lii li 1 I I ' 22 : 23 """" ,4 ' ' I Jm t - M V-i; IHO' rua ' L- M , L 1 3 L- (1 " u Vj L CASH, CASH, CASH To loan on anything of value DIRTY DICK'S PAWN SHOP 909 0 St. 474-4007 Men, would you like to re ceive a one-time free demon stration of our advanced hair cutting techniques? Call Ruben thaler 81 Associates hair design ers, 435-0450. New clients only. iri!ktMMlhlilfl!K Free kitten. Loveable, gray, house-trained. Call 435-7202. Ima Broke, You can have extra cash next year. It's easy, Just open your Christmas Club account TODAYI-at the Gateway Campus Bank. Member F.D.I.C, Santa's Elves Christmas College Night is coming to Brandeis-GET READYI LOST: On Sat. Nov 17 at the Union, or. Stadium or in be tween. A Ladies Gold Longines Watch. For Reward, call 515-232-0777collect. 'Vis LARGEST SERVICE . k CANADA'S, Sand now lor latest catalog. Thousands ol termpapora on all lubjactt. Encloae 15.00 to covtr raturn postage, ' ESSAY SERVICES S7 Yonga St., SuHa S04 Toronto. Ontario, Canada M5E1J8 (416)3664549 34 Converts into leather 35 Little; Suffix 31 Greek letters 41 Dot's partner 42 Word-for-word 43 Always 47 Current "crisis" topic 48 Cognizant 48 Island in the Moluccas 50 Choi la and saguaro 51 Different 52 Blazing 53 Tooth 55 Rake 51 "Jacta est" 57 Narrow strip of wood