The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1979, Page page 8, Image 8

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    page 8
tuesday, november 20, 1979
daily nebraskan
1 uiur 1
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Community: Service Van
r 1
The Lincoln police's crime preven
tion van will be making more stops as
police step up their crime prevention
programs for the holiday season.
Photo by Tom Gessner
Take home a centerpiece of Love with:
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LPD upgrading prevention
The Lincoln Police Department's crime
'prevention unit' will upgrade its programs
as the holidays draw near.
Lt. Albert Maxey, coordinator tor the
LPD crime prevention unit, said from now
until after Christmas will be the worst time
for shoplifting and burglary in businesses
and homes.
The crime prevention unit consists of
five teams of five LPD officers, who work
with businesses and home owners on crime
prevention methods, Maxey said.
Maxey said busineses and home owners
usually contact him if they think there is a
need for security checks.
Maxey said only about five percent of
those people requesting help in crime pre
vention from LPD have had subsequent
problems with burglary and shoplifting.
Three strikes against industry
are insurance expert's focus
By Patti Gallagher
The three major problems of buying life
insurance are ignorance, complication and
apathy, according to insurance, expert Dr.
Joseph Belth.
:, Speaking last week at UNL, Belth said
any business could survive with two out of
the three, but with all three strikes against
the insurance industry "the business is in
big trouble."
"They (the public) are ignorant, because
it (buying insurance) is complicated, so
they don't care," Belth said, in a.prcss con
ference Thursday. Belth' also spoke. Friday
' at UNL as part of the College of Business
Administration's Visaing Scholars Pro
gram. Because the public is so apathetic, Belth
said, most readers 'will probably bypass
reading this article. Consequently, the
cycle of ignorance' continues, he said. .
Belth is an insurance professor at
Indiana University and a former .insurance
agent who has waged a war against the
business for more than a decade, all in the
name of consumerism.
Belth said that the problem in buying
insurance is that the average , consumer
"buys the wrong amount of the wrong
type and pays too much for it." Otherwise,
he added jokingly, there are no problems.
three questions before investing in any life
insurance program. .
"How much life, insurance do I need?"
is the first question Belth said. He said
generally the difference between the
amount if money needed to fulfill ones
financial objectives and the amount of
money one has accumulated will leave a
gap. This gap, he said, is what needs to be
filled with life insurance.
The second consumer question is "What
kind should I buy?" Belth said. There are
two basic kinds, he added, renewable term
and straight (also called whole) life insur
ance. k r
Renewable term life insurance means .a
policy is purchased for a specified time,
and can be renewed upon expiration with
out requalification of the consumer. The
rate paid by the holder on a term policy
goes up t with each renewal, Belth said.
Continued on Page 9
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