,j ... t , ' 4 t i . n n n tuesday, november20, 1979 lincoln, nebraska vol. 103 no. 59 1 Officials for Sooner game not concerning Osborne By Paul Huscher When Nebraska Football Coach Tom Osborne said the Huskers will go to Nor man, Okla. Saturday without a "chip on our shoulder," he's not talking about the 31:24 Orange Bowl loss to the Sooners on the first day of this year, Instead, he was referring to the contro versy surrounding the officials for" the Oklahoma-Nebraska game which will be the same ones that worked the Missouri Nebraska game. Osborne and others were highly critical of the officiating in the Huskers' 23-20 victory two weeks ago, . "We'll go down there assuming we'll have good officiating," Osborne said at Monday's Extra Point Club luncheon, Husker I -back' Jarvis Redwine, whose injury in the Missouri game was the main topic of discussion about the officiating! will return to action, according to Osborne, Redwine carried the ball just four times last Saturday against Iowa State before twisting the same ankle he injured at Kansas State two Saturdays ago, "Jarvis is running, but he's not at full speed," Osborne said after practice Mon day, - Another positive note for the Huskers is f,M. Hipp's return to the lineup, He gained 61 yards on 13 carries against ISU and Osborne said he's glad Hipp was able to play against the Cyclones, . "Saturday's -game helped Hipp as' far as confidence and timing" he said, "Our l back situation is better than it's been in a long time," Osborne said he hadn't heard of any major Oklahoma injuries but for one of the few times this year Nebraska has very few injuries going into Saturday's game, "Oklahoma has a great football team,, but I think we'll go down there and play very well," he said, "Our players have a lot of confidence," "We'll play a good football game against Osborne said the Sooners are a very ex perienced team. Some of their veterans include last year's Heisman Trophy winner Billy Sims, who is leading the Big Eight in rushing and scoring with 1,259 yards and 22' touch downs, Osborne said All-Big Eight linebacker George Cumby, a 6-0, 203-pound senior, will pose a definite threat for the Husker offense. Cumby is one of eight OU senior, defensive" starters, He also mentioned safety Darrol Ray, who "is one of the finest defensive backs in the country," according to Osborne, Oklahoma's 390 yards rushing against Missouri last week pulled them to within just six yards per game of Nebraska's nation leading 356.2 yards per game, Sims picked up 282 of those 390 yards in his best rushing day as a collegian, However, the Sooners' 421.6 yards of total offense is 56 yards a game less than, the Huskers, v The- big advantage Nebraska has statis tically is rushing defense, which is second in the nation, The Blackshirts have held their opponents to an average of 67,2 yards on the ground while Oklahoma has yielded more than 145 yards rushing every game, ' Despite the importance of the game, which will decide the Big Eight's Orange Bowl representative Osborne said Nebraska wouldn't vary their practice schedule, r ' ' Wll have normal practices, about the same length," he said, "Nothing varies except the coaches may put in a little more time," he said, "But it's hard to put in any more time, You get to a point where you can't think very well," Osborne and his coaching staff may be resting a little easier this week because of UNL's 34-3 win over Iowa State after two close games against Missouri and Kansas State, But most Nebraska fans may not rest comfortably until assured of a Husker trip to Miami and a chance at the national championship, .... , , -y y I 2? -Q- & o Photo by Mark Billingsley Let's see, what shall I do for Thanksgiving? There's two feet of snow in Vail. I could go to the Oklahoma game, or maybe spend the holidays in front of the tube watching the pros, J could catch up on those term papers. Guess I'll just go home for dinner, Larsen: Faculty petition approval probable By Mike Sweeney The UNL College of Arts and Sciences dean naia Monday the college's faculty members probably will accept a resolution calling for the dissolution of the NU cen tral administration, Max Larsen said the resolution, placed on the Nov, 29 faculty meeting agenda by petition, has an "excellent chance of pass ing." , Although Larsen is a faculty member as well as dean, he said he will not vote be cause he will be chairing the meeting. The petition, signed by 162 faculty members, was delivered to Larsen's office Nov. 12, The petition asked college faculty members to consider a resolution express ing a lack of confidence in the NU central administration for UNL's financial prob lems asks the NU Board of Regents to dis solve the administration structure, By passing the resolution, the college faculty could express feelings of frustration that have been building for two to three years, Larsen said, "Education is now better than it's ever been at the University of Nebraska, be cause they:ve been working hard," Larsen said, "When the regents say they've been unproductive and aren't any good, they get fed up," He said faculty members are responsible people who want the state to know about faculty budget problems. "A vote of no confidence is not done lightly," Larsen said, Larsen refused to release the names of the faculty members who signed the petit tion, He said the petition is not a public Utilities plague Union, health center , By Barb Richardson The Nebraska Union has $5,326 left to pay from it's original $244,027 utility bill as of last week, according to Union Board President John Kruescher, ' The union and the University Health center were left to pay this year's utility bill, $244,027, after the Legislature voted last spring not to appropriate money toward bonded projects, The union and the health center are still bonded projects and now the Legislature, which previously paid the utility bills, will no longer finance the utilities. M n . Of the original S244P27 figure, the bookstore, $17,874. and the health center, $i3,620, paid for their individual " utility bills, An "unexpected" student fee account cut the bill another $162,430, budget savings added $20,000 and unpaid union staff salaries subtracted $10,000 from the debt so the remaining figure at the beginning of last week stood at $10,000. Kruescher said the Union Board met Wednesday, Nov. 14, and made further cuts in the union budget to bring the utility debt down to $5326. A proposed East Union craft center, which was budgeted but not stated, was cut Wednesday by the board to save $2,880. The craft center would have been a place for students to work on pottery, leather working and other crafts. ALSO CUT Wednesday night was Musak, music carried throughout the building. The music cut saved $294, Union staff travel expenses were cut $1,000, AccorJing to Kruescher, staff members-about 20 people-are allowed $350 traveling expenses every year, which adds up to $7,000 for total traveling ex penses. He said that $5,000 of the $7,000 had already been spent by the staff. Students are also allowed traveling ex penses, $3,000 each year, Kruescher said. He said that a motion to cut student travel ing expenses failed Wednesday night. The union's phone service was cut $500 by the board. Kruescher said the phone cut would involve removing some lines or units in the building. He said It may also mean converting from push button to dial phones. Continued on Page 2 document subject to the Nebraska Open Records Law, Two NU central administration officials contacted Monday said they had no reac tion to efforts calling for the dissolution of the administration structure, - William Hemann, who replaced Brent Stevenson as assistant vice president for the budget two months ago, said he didn't want to make any comments to the press he couldn't defend. William Swanson, NU vice president for governmental relations, said the adminis tration has worked closely with the Legis lature and governor's office to set the NU budget, - Vou need to talk with members of the Legislature," Swanson said, "That's where the answer really lies." Ronald Roskens. NU president, and William C. Erskine, NU executive vice pre sident, were unavailable for comment Monday. Larsen praised Roskens for his efforts to obtain a 19j6 percent university budget in crease, and said he doesn't think the cen tral administration is totally to blame for UNL financial problems. He said no one can blame the adminis tration for using utilities and fuel costs. . He said some of the Board of Regents haven't supported university budget re quests, and the chancellors of the three NU campuses have not done as good a job as they could to make the university's prob lems known to the state. 1 t t x - .1 r A' V . v. V i?'.'.',,-,-'Vi . n