monday, november 19, 1979 daily nebraskan page 7 Regents get first elected woman The only woman ever elected to the NU Board of Regents will replace UNO student Regent John Kirk at the next board meeting. Katie Rinn,' a political science major at UNO, beat her opponent, Mike Smith, by a vote of 283 to 242. According to Rinn, this represents only 5 percent of the UNO student body. Rinn said she sees her role as a regent as being two fold. She said she will act as an intermediary between the students and regents by representing student con cerns at board meetings and informing UNO students about board actions. Even though only 5 percent of the student body voted, Rinn said she considers herself a representative of all UNO students. Student credibility can be enhanced by keeping things short and to the point at regent meetings, she said. T4hink that credibility has grown more and more every term in the past few years," she said. Rinn said she is not a feminist and did not think her sex was a factor in her election. MI didn't run my platform on the basis of 'let's get a woman on the Board ,' " she said . The main point is that she and the students know she is qualified for the job, she explained. Regents OK UNO union, but clarify responsibilities I VT)Tn ill Complimentary vent brush with each hairstyle. Haircutting Specialists for Men & Women 475-1953 213 no.14th By Michelle Carr A variety of issues surfaced at the NU Board of Regents' meeting Friday, includ ing a collective bargaining resolution, in vestigation into the relationship between the regents and the Big Eight Office, a pro posal for a student identification system for football tickets and a report on the financial status of the Nebraska Unions. The regents adopted a resolution to accept the UNO faculty's decision to or ganize and to determine their employment matters through collective bargaining. The resolution clarified the regents' , role to manage and conduct the business and work force of the university system. The board also adopted a resolution to investigate the Big Eight Office. .Regent Robert Prokop of Wilber, who introduced the resolution, said the regents are not in formed about contracts between the uni versity and the Big Eight Office, such as television broadcasts of athletic events and bowl games. Prokop said the regents have had diffi culty in getting information from the Big Eight Office and that the board should re view contracts between the Big Eight Office and the university not authorized by the regents. Regent Ed Schwartzkopf of Lincoln agreed that the board needs more informa tion concerning the Big Eight Office. He suggested that the regents set up guidelines for the university representative to the office. ' Schwartzkopf said the board needs more information because "we were blamed for promoting and signing a bowl contract." Concerning illegal sales of UNL football tickets by students, Richard Armstrong, vice, chancellor for student affairs, dis cussed a proposal from a committee appointed to study the situation. Committee members, Armstrong, Bud Cuca, Athletic Director Bob Devaney and Prokop suggested that a photo identifica tion system would be best. The cost to the student would be about $2, Armstrong said, He added that he was still negotiating with the Validine company to develop an arrangement, Armstrong also informed the board that the utility budget of the Nebraska Unions had been resolved. He said that $30,000 of a $40,000 deficit had been met by cutting services. However, Armstrong warned that the same problem will occur again next year because the university's utility budgets cannot be financed by the state. He said that prpjected utility costs for next year is $305,000. ' Regent Kermit Hansen of Omaha commended the board and Armstrong for resolving 'the budget difficulties. Add-a-Qolden Bead fiecklace ar . x, 7 ms PRICES START AT A MODEST $29.00 subject to gold fluctuations $2.33 $3.60 $7.43 $7.70 3mm O 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm Th rift that grows with the yean. Begin with one 14 karat cold bead on a chain. From time to time add other - buy ding a necklace of lasting oeauiy v. r 7 M M amewvn IIM-crSt Enclosed Wall Enclosed Wall A V Maybe Snow White looked good without a tan . . . But you don't have to be white-as-snow. this winter! Come down & Get brown. F sgnc The Atrium . 1200 "N" Street Lincoln 475-9027 THE ULTIMATE TAN-Your First Visit FREE-Ot's Fast, Easy, & Safe!) TUESPAV Free Bar Drinks and Draws for Ladies All Night WroNKgPAyr 2-Fers 7-12 pm 3-Fers 7-10 pm pen Nightly 7 pm-.1l m 274h & CornhysEter i tr!n Lincoln