The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
thursday, november 15, 1979 pegs 12 daily nebraskan llll Temporary typlit Need extra spending money for the Christmas season? Give us try. We need 2 Individuals to do form typing, answer telephones and filing. Temporary full-time beginning Dec. 17 - March 30. Apply at 1st floor, 301 Cen tennial Mall South. Lincoln, Ne braska 68509. Phone: 402-471-2075. Nebraska Department of Personnel EOE MF Part-time, student snow scoopers needed on both campuses. $3.05hour. Contact ' Grounds Department for details 472-2679. EOEAA WANTED SECOND SEMESTER 1980 DAILY NEBRASKAN DOCK DELIVERY PERSON Van or pickup required, as . well as lots of muscle. Must have free time from 8-9:30 M-F. Pays $7.50day minimum; approx $600 for the semester. If you live in northeast Lincoln, this is especially per fect for you! Job involves bringing 17,000 copies of the D.N. from the Sun Printing Company (Cotner & Garland) to the Union dock. That's all, for $7.50day. Interested people, please see Anne in 34 NE Union between 8 a.m. -5 p.m. v.". Part-time residential instruct or to provide living skills, train ing and supervision to handi capped adults in Wahoo. (8-40 hoursmonth). Primary hours, evening 4 pm-1 1 pm or week ends. Contact Jim Mosenfelder, 443-4145, Wahoo, NE. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. Amer ica, Australia, Asia, Etc. All fields, $500-$1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free info-Write: IJC, Box 52-NA, Corona Del Mar. CA 92625. Part-time opening for station attendant on day shift. Ideal job for a student with mornings free HOLIDAY STATION STORES 2745 "O" St. Need one male and one fe male ticket to Iowa St. game. , Need not be together. Call Sharon 483-5621. DESPARATE: Need G.A. 's. or 2 male and 2 female tickets to -Iowa State. Call 435-1491 . Wanted: tickets to Iowa State. MF together and one male ticket. Call 467-2853 ask for Dave afterl) p. m . I Turn your bed into I 0 0 a couch by day I with pillows from the Pillowry. 0 I D 0 I I 3 313 N. 27th 474-4689 Large selection of good mm Mm grprjw STANDARD 17th Wanted: male football tickets to UN-ISU 472-0037 or 477-8822. Need 3 male and 2 female tickets to Iowa St. game. Call 475-1460. Need 1 male 1 female to gether for Iowa State, Will pay $25 for the pair. WANTED: 2 GA tickets to Iowa St. After 5 p.m., 475-4038 Need 35 tickets to NE-Okla-homa. Have bus-no tickets. Call collect (402)947-6551. Tickets needed: Iowa State. $20 each. Call 464-9406 or 474 6537. Need 2 general admission tickets to Iowa State game. Call 472-8809 after 3. Wanted: Three G.A. tickets to Iowa St. Together if possible. 474- 6612. Wanted: 3 male tickets to Iowa State. Preferably together. Call 467-1294. Wanted: Two general admis sion tickets for the Iowa State game. Call 474-1273, "Wanted: Male and female tickets to Iowa State. Paul, 475- 8713. Wanted: G.A. or male and female tickets to Iowa State. 466-3139. Wanted: 2 general admission tickets to Iowa State game. Call 474-6931. Wanted desperately: 4 gen eral admission tickets to Iowa St. 474-6309. Need tickets for Iowa State. Call Kim at 466-1 576. Wanted: 4 G.A. or male stu dent tickets to Iowa State game. Call 472-8016. Wanted-6 GA tickets for Iowa State game. Call 489-0542 General admission or student tickets to Iowa State game. Call 472-8066 or 472-0849. Wanted: 1 general admission ticket to Iowa State game. 472 9221. Two male and two female tickets to Iowa State game. To gether if possible. 474-4466. ' Wanted: 2 GA tickets to Iowa St. Call 464-0511. Need tickets to NU-OU foot ball game. Phone 464-0225464-1549., Wanted two G.A. tickets for Oklahoma-Nebraska football game. Call 475-9024 after 5 pm. LIVE BROADCAST-of . Foreigner in concert Nov. 15 at ' Atlanta, Georgia. Hear them live, exclusively on X103 FM, 9 p.m. Lincoln's music connect ion. rimnrniHR?1 2'female roommates needed 2nd semester. Apt. with fire place, very near East Campus. $80 13 utilities. Non-smokers Call 466-9051. 22nd & Sheldon, furnished apartment. Would like a room mate. AH utilities paid, reason able rent. 1 block from bus line. Have 1 student. 435-5783. 7-0 Mon.-Fri. 9-G Oct, 4 cyl . . . . $33.95 6 cyl . . . . $39.95 8 cyl ... . $47.95 Tune-up special includes labor, points, condenser, and spark plugs for most domestic and imported cars. Offer is good with this coupon until Nov. 21. used tires from $5-$35. CUE PLACE and Q 475 8619 ROOMMATE WANTED, NON-SMOKER, SOUTHEAST LINCOLN, BUS, $132.50 UTILITIES. 466-3056, 483 4322 after 5:00. One or Two Female Room mates needed to share 2 bed room apartment. Call Joy, 435 8358. Female roommate Jan. 1. Nice, 1 mile east of city campus. $95 utilities. Fireplace. 475 2946. Female roommate needed for 2nd semester. 2 bedroom, $107.50month, heat paid, electricity. Call 475-1432. Female to share apartment by East Campus. $67 V utilit ies. Call 464-8983, 466-0432. Need male roommate, nice apartment, your own bedroom. 5801 Lillibridge. Call 488-0361 after 6:30 p.m. ijwi!imik Paris at night was quite a sight, the ring will be yours when the time is right. Hydra-Hoopers Take it all! 6th Floor SNABS Guy in red jacket with orange backpack watching soaps in lounge. YOU'RE CUTE-. Cone-Tete Mari Lane, Good luck on Red Carpet Days! We all love ya! i Gene Klosner . Sorry I missed your birth day! You still know you're my favoriet twenty-year-old in the "toto uliwense"! Miss you! Love, Loper Oj CATHER 5, "Long Live the Shah" Adolph Hitler HAPPY B-DAY I "Did you know that!" (alias Robinhood)-No need to have nightmares. Together For ever. . Love, Skippy Carolyn Neal Happy birthday to my older woman. Mike K.K. Women are what? ' Pam, Renee, Arietta YOU CAN'T AN Celebrate Big Red's victory over ISU with C. Rogers and V. Schurr by attending "the" party Saturday. Be there! Sweetie-Pumpkin ' Happy 19th Birthday! Moosetress To Brett in Genre Survey, 11:30-12:30, Buzz Off! From a Friend of Two Friends BELIEVE IT AP Semi-Secret Admirer? What you want and what I want are incongruous. However, we can still be friends. Thanks for the roses. Julie Engel ADAM- Here's to Sunday night smut I . . Your California Gals " mBBBaaaaaBB To the lovely ladies of Pound Four, , Thanks for your fantastic support and tender loving care -(not to mention the hot choco late and blankets) throughout the season. We couldn't have gone so far without you. ' Love vail Cather Six P.S. Thanks for the "'four play". " KEVIN Pinto, Thanks for two fantastic months! Your Personal Secretary ALPHA PHALPHA PHRATERNITY announces the first and last pot luck Thanksgiving "Oinner start ing at 5 pm Sunday, November 18, 1317 "H".RSVP. Diane You're beautiful David LE Congratulations to the "Mighty Five" basketball team of Love Memorial Hall on finish ing their first game! Good luck Susanne, Lori, Marg, Barb, and Cindy on your game Thursday I Wendy: Your ad was really decadent. Can I be a terrorist this year? Nancy ? & Tony, The phone is SAFE I Clues need more 'cuz I want to cele brate. Perfumed Door SO MUCH YU JHarper 6 Let's show your support for our Hydra-Hoopers. Chris- Get Railed, Baby!!! K.J. This Sunday, 9 p.m., VAN MORRISON concert on X103 FM. VINCE POWERS; ATTORNEY Free fee estimate Uncontested divorce $150 Uncontested adoption $135 Bankruptcy; DWI & Possession Defenses Reasonable; court costs additional 474-5054 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGH I is a confidential - friend.. Call 477 8021 for help. Ag Symposium '79 The Future of the Family Farm in Agriculture Friday, Nov. 16, 9 a.m.-12 noon. East Union. Plan to attend. LIVE! This Friday! Rock 'n' Roll with The Grapes at Trudance (217 N. 13th). Friday 9 p.m.-$1.60 -(B.Y.O.B.) ACROSS 1 Word with sun or head 5 One with a heavy schedule 9 Barbizon painter 14 Celebes ox 15 Competitor of Mickey and Agatha 16 Scent 17 Start of a husband's complaint to a friend 20 Bulwarks 21 Gardening tools 22 "AH nature is but : Pope 23 Prefix for classics 24 Continuation of 17 Across 33 Rouse 34 35 John or Jane 3S Rara 37 "Help wanted" advertiser 38 Threshold 31 Game pieces 49 Jewish month 41 Related 42 Ehdof husband's complaint 47 Metaphor's cousin: Abbr. 48 Bobby of rink, fame 41 N.Y. prison or region in Greece 52 Ponder 57 Friend's punny response to complaint 53 Cologne oil 60 61 62 63 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LIVE BROADCAST-of Foreigner in concert Nov. 15 at Atlanta, Georgia. Hear them live, exclusively on X103 FM,9 p.m. Lincoln's music connection t HELP TO Make the pieces fit. Be a Student Host for New Student Orientation. To learn more attend the Information Session tonight at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union., EARN ACADEMIC CREDIT THROUGH NEBRASKA MODEL UNITED NATIONS. Learn effective group com munication skills at CAP organi zation workshop No. 3, Thurs day, November 15, 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The DN inadvertantly ran wrong ads for Little Bo's on Mon & Tues. Watch for new Specials next week. . UNL CREW CHILI FEED Sunday, Nov. 18 4:30-7:30 at the Wesley House -all the Chili you can eat plus cinnamon roll & drink. $2.00. M.U.S.E. Rally recorded concert at Battery Park, NY -Jackson Browne, John Hall, Bonnie Raitt, Crosby, Stills & Nash. Hear it all Sunday, Nov. 25 9 pm on X103-FM. Lincoln's Music Connection. FRIDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT! at the OPEN HAR VEST CAFE, 2635 Randolph. Eat here or take out great whole wheat vegetarian pizza from 5:30-7:30. Call 475-9069. Dorm Residents: All who signed up for the AUF Fall Fast will skip their evening meal tonite. Australian interested in meeting other Australians-also getting together on Federation Day. Call S. Schmitz, 228-2627 (Beatrice). Planning a career that re quires working with people? Practice your skills on 4,000 new students and their parents as a STUDENT HOST for New Student Orientation. Applicat ions are available in your College Dean's Office. Dear Stu Dents, I hear you're getting all you can handle come Sunday night. E.A.T. for Crew Avoid general Registration. Early Register now for second semester. : Cupid Tarkenton Siesta sound Wading item Subway token DOWN Chop source Seton, the author Mayhonorees Shares in Reduce in grade Mediterranean port Partof B.P.O.E. Ankara Where Walt Whitman lived in N.J. Beaver State 11 Where Trevi Fountain is 12 He and Charles write a bridge column 13 Little folks 18 Father 19 Advanced in rank 24 Pundit 25 Asylum 28 out (making do) 27 Doughboy's ally 28 Hum's partner 2t Overpower. 30 Lingo or dialect 31 prosequi 32 Expurgates, as a book 1 2 I3 h p 6 PT5 l0 111 12 fu ' 14 15 71 1 T7 " iT" " ' T9- " : 20 " 21 " 23 ' 1 24 I25 I26 2 128 129 30 31 (32 33 " 34 35 36 37 H 39 40 43 44 45 146 47 SF" ' ' 49 fO. I5' p I S4 Uft' 57 iT" 62 -- 64 JACKSON BROWNE, Bonnie Raitt, John Hall, Crosby, Stills & Nash recorded in concert. Hear it Sun. Nov. 25 9 pm on X103-F.M. Dorm Residents: All who signed up for the AUF Fall Fast will skip their evening 'meal tonite. M.T. Pockets, Next year buy holiday gifts with cold cash. Open a Christmas Club account NOWI at the Gateway Campus Bank. Member F.D.I.C., Santa's Elves Hear VAN MORRISON re corded in concert. Sun 9 p.m. on X103-FM Lincoln's Music Connection. Needed three girls to share expenses on ski trip to Steam boat, Jan. 5 to 11th. Call Dave or Gary, 489-5344. FOREIGNER LIVE-in con cert. Broadcast in full stereo at 9 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 15 on X103 FM. Lincoln's music con nection! Ride needed to and from Minneapolis for Thanksgiving break. Share $. 472-8042, Karl. . Two people need ride to Washington D.C. Will split gas and driving. Call 435-2506. RIDE FOR SALE Scottsbluff to Lincoln Nov. 24th or 25th. $25. Call 472-8491 LOST: Pair of wire rimmed glasses in Men's Room on First Floor of Life Science Building. Reward. Call 474-3932. FOUND: Men's Grand Island class ring. KSU stadium. Call 474-0421. LOST: Flexible blue binder notebook. Please call 472 0734 if found. 37 Woody of music 38 Initiate 43 Rabi, Nobelistin Physics Fitzgerald's . 44 Mrs. Diver 45 Health food 48 Valise 49 Grain bristles 50 Now and (occasionally) Amateur: 51 neophyte 52 Wave; Comb, form 53 Goose eggs 54 Native of Ghana 55 Sign of sorrow 58 Sea eagle 58 Filer's aid