The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1979, Page page 11, Image 11
dally nebraskan pegs 11 tuesday, november 13, 1979 Spiker ... Continued from Pe 10 Pcttit said. 'The most important part has yet to come-regionals." Govier sees a different attitude as the reason for the spikcrs success. "Before, we said to ourselves that we were going to do good in a tournament, but now we say we can go out and take the tournament Govier said . A native of Broken Bow, Govier did find some THE 1980 fOYOTAS ARE HERE See them at MID-CITY TOYOTA 12th & Q Dodge Oart Sport 1975 -Excellent condition 40,000 miles original - air conditioned, power brakes - power steering - snow tires. Selling to go abroad. Call Joe - 477-2416. Marantz 73 watt OC amp, Dual power, Full 3-year war ranty, cabinet. 475-7484, Ken, SKIERSI Pair 70" wood downhill Sohler skis, clamp bindings, poles, $40, Ladies Italian clamp ski boots, size 7, like new, $15. Ceresco, 665 3641, United Airlines Fare coupon, Call 477-8432. United half-fare coupon, Best offer, Call Pat after 6 p.m. 475-7856. ' Macramae plant hangers by student, Must sell, Cheap guaranteed. 470-2604 after 5 p.m, Some hanging shelves, For Sale: 1976 GMC Van Conversion. Call 483-5448. Scott A-436 integrated amp. 42 watts RMS per channel, $135. Call 435-6532. 2 FR 78-14 Radial Snow Tires. Price: $55.00Palr -GOOD CONDITION. 2 F 78-14 Studded Snow Tires Price: $25 Pair - GOOD CONDITION. After 6:00 pm, Phone 423-5563 SKI BOOTS- Never worn I Dolomite, Ladles 7, $85, Jan, 474-1453. Canadian-made leather boots 7ftM,llke new, 477-8371, American tt fare coupon, 477-8371, 5 UNITED K FARE COUPONS. CALL 423-3010, Accounting office closes, Monroe electric adding machin-js-4 function. Good condition, $25. Call 470-2604 after 5 p.m, STUDENTS . . . Daily Nebraskan Ombudsman applications for spring semester are now being accepted. Application deadline: Monday, Nov. 19th -12 noon Salary $200 a month The ombudsman it the internal monitor of the Daily Nebraskan. He critiques the newspaper on matters of balance, fairness, accuracy and pro feisional sttndards. Applicants should be familiar with the Guidelines for the Student Press adopted by the NU Board of Regents. D (Copies available upon request) Resumes should be submitted to and applications completed at the Dally Nebraskan. Room 34, Nebraska Union. For further information Call 4722588 UNL does not discriminate in Its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. One bedroom furnished apt, for rent. Near East Campus, Call I before 4 p.m. 467-4088. HAVE THE DORM-LIFE BLUES? Try Cornhusker Coop,$140mo room and board, Call 474-9772 and ask for a house officer, Close to campus-One bed room unit, heat paid with cable TV, pay lights. $175mo. 474 : 2848. RENT BREAK 2 bedroom, 3 minutes north of city campus. Under mild govern ment subsidy program for middle income family situation, Rent from $159 up, Monthly, lease, Tenants pay only lights. 475-6144. Downstairs duplex, 2 bed room apartment, carpeted, close to campus. $225, heat paid, 2440 Lynn. Phone 474-2848. Nice Housel 2 bedrooms, basement, utility hook-ups, garage, nice neighborhood! 489 1388 after 5:30, . 1 bedroom basement apart ment, Private, light, clean and quiet. Irving bus near South, 435-0576. Large 3 bedroom townhouse 3 minutes north of city campus, 1702 Knox, IK bath, carport. $273mo, monthly lease, 475-6144. LINCOLN HILTON HOTEL Part-time positions available In the evening, Busboyi and waitresses or waiters, An equal opportunity employer Apply Personnel Office Person to provide after elementary school care, M-Fri day 2:30-5 P.m, Additional wages for light housekeeping, 489-8937 after 5. FOREIGNER LIVE in con cert, Broadcast In full stereo at 9 p.m., Thursday, Nov, 16 on X103 FM, Lincoln's Music Con. nection! transition to the college scene . "The biggest switch was the workouts Govier said. Even in tryouts I couldn't believe I was so sore; I didn't think I could work so hard. I was never really in shape in .high school." The work paid off for Govier two weeks ago when she was named an All-Big Eight performer at the champion, ship tounament. It s always nice to get OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. Amer ica, Australia, Asia, Etc, All fields, $500-$1,200 monthly, Expenses paid, Sightseeing. Free info-Write: IJC, Box 52-NA, Corona Del Mar. CA 92625, WANTED SECOND SEMESTER 1980 DAILY NEBRASKAN DOCK DELIVERY PERSON Van or pickup required, as well as lots of muscle. Must have free time from 8-9:30 M-F, Pays $7.50day minimum; approx $600 for the semester, If you live in northeast Lincoln, this is especially per fect for you I Job involves bringing 17,000 copies of the D.N, from the Sun 1 Printing Company (Cotner & Garland) to the Union dock. That's all, for $7.50day. , Interested people, please see "Anne" in 34 NE Union be tween 8 a.m,-5 p.m, Part-time residential instruct or to provide living skills, train ing and supervision to handi capped adults in Wahoo, (8-40 boursmonth), Primary hours, evening 4 pm-1 1 pm or week ends, Contact Jim Mosenfelder, 443-4145, Wahoo, NE, v!!?! if toll - Two male and two female tickets to Iowa State game, To gether If possible, 474-4466, Wanted: 2 GA tickets to lowaSt. Call 464-0511, Wanted; Male and female tickets to Iowa State, Paul, 475-8713, Wanted: G.A, or male and female tickets to Iowa State, 466-3139, Need 4 general admission tickets to Iowa State, Will pay $20, Call 435-6469, Wanted; male and female football tickets for the Iowa State game, Call 472-0860, General admission or student tickets to Iowa State game, Call 472-8066 or 472-0849, Buy Silver Coins, 8 times face, Any amountl 472-9263, r i, jn Stocltl 1 DUNGEONS fit DRAGONS pyrrol f Vffr'i Hynk $14.85 Kckby Tci-jn 134 North 13th 432-3329 (AU - Big Eight selection), but if Wanted-6 GA tickets for Iowa State game. Call 489-0542 Wanted 2 or 3 general admis sion tickets to Iowa St, game, 472-8216, Need a 75 or newer Vega, Good offer, 472-1193 or 474 5619 evenings, ' Need male tickets to, Iowa St, 475-8696, Wanted; 1 general admission ticket to Iowa State game, 472 9221. Wanted; 2 general admission tickets to Iowa State game, Call 474- 6931, Need six male tickets to Nebraska-Iowa State football game, Call 475-3476 after 6 pm, Need two G A and two stu dent male tickets to Iowa State 472-8916, Need 3 female, and 6 male t 2 general admission tickets to Iowa State game, Call 475-1460, Wanted desperately: 4 gen eral admission tickets to Iowa St, 474-6309, 1 . 11 i I need two female tickets to Iowa St, game, Call 472-9642, 3 male 3 female tickets to Iowa State, Will pay $20, 474 5540, - r- Wanted; 4 G.A, or male stu dent tickets to Iowa St te game, Call 472-8016, Need 1 male 1 female to gether for Iowa Stats game, 475- 9534, Need tickets for low j State, Call Kim at 466-1576, Need two male tickets to Iowa State: 477-8822, One male student ticket for last home game, 435-7202, 10 G.A, tickets I.A.-Neb, 474-5581, . Need 4 Oklahoma tickets, Call 643-2686 after 6 pm, Wanted to buy miscellaneous sterling spoons and forks, 472-9263, we hadn't had won, it wouldn't mean as much," Govier said. "I don't go down there thinking about it." Consistency has been one of Govier's strong points throughout the season, according to Pettit. Her play has been equally tough against both the easier and tougher teams this season. 'It doesn't make any difference who we are playine., pressure doesn t bother her," Pettit said. LIVE BROADCAST-of Foreigner in concert Nov, 15 at Atlanta, Georgia, Hear them live, exclusively on X103 FM, 9 p.m, Lincoln's music connect ion, MtfiriHlHf' 22nd & Sheldon, furnished apartment, Would like a room mate, All utilities paid, reason . able rent, 1 block from bus line, Have 1 student, 435-5783, Roommate wanted Dec, 1, Own bedroom fireplace. $112.50 H utilities, Call 475 5653 after 5 p. m, Male graduate student or senior, wanted, to share three bedroom mobile home. Has two bathrooms. $75month utilit ies, Call 466-8908, x c ski JL- clinic-A . Tuosday, Novombor 13th 7:C0 PiVI in tho BIVOUAC Storo TOPIC; Equipment Selection and MORE SKI FILM; 'Trails of Snow" filmed in Nebraska . DISCUSSION AFTERWARDS 1235 Q St. 432-0090 t? 0 a D D a a o a o COUPON Haircut or Tl Ann 0 v u yk-r J. $S FF o o 0 0 V when you present this coupon thru Doc. 21 a 0 0 0 0 D .COUPON Wanted: Female roommate to share two bedroom house In south Lincoln. Must be mature and reliable. $125 utilities, 483-1627 after 5:30. Female to share apartment by East Campus. $67 V utilit ies, Call 464-8983, 466-0432, Roommate wanted, furn. 2 bedroom apt., no utilities, $88, Call day 475-6117, night 475-6148. To those who've been offended: Cather 5 is really NOT ALL that bad-honestly! Jill G, (alias 'The Shadow") Happy 19th Birthday 1 1 Love Ya, Moonlight & Infinity a 0 i i i i 0 0 0 I & Style s . rcogumr ut I Porm & Stylo' 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 a D a N-MAME Hair Salon Lower Level Douglas III Bldg. 13th &P St. 474-4900 (Call for an apptj JUST 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUSI