n lincoln, nebraska vol. 103, no. 49 monday, november 5, 1979 O Gi s CI " r I U Library closings a political move Qica By Mike Sweeney Several ASUN senators said last week they believe the proposed reduction in UNL library hours is a political move cal culated to get student support for univer sity budget increases. "They (the administration) need stu dent support this year, and they want it out of an issue the students will be upset about," Sen. Dale Wojtasek said. He said the administration may be try ing to force students to "get up in arms" over a crucial issue and support the univer sity when it seeks budget increases from the Legislature. "It just adds up," said ASUN president Bud Cuca. "It's a political move." However, UNL libraries personnel and budget officer Charles Chamberlain dis counted theories of political plotting. "I just don't see the schemers around here," Chamberlain said. "I don't belong to the Watergate theory of budget deficits at UNL" He said budget problems were too wide spread on campus for him to believe that the libraries were singled out for political purposes. Student support was not the intention of proposed library hour cutbacks but could be the outcome, Chamberlain said. Plans for the library system include closing Love Library one hour earlier and closing on Saturdays. The reduction would 4 save the Libraries about $5,000 to $7,000 a semester, Chamberlain said. Cuca said it is unusual to take a major action such as reducing library hours be cause of a few thousand dollars. He said the libraries are a central part of the university and must remain open. The ASUN senate agreed with him last week. A senate bill passed Wednesday directed Cuca to present student concerns about the library to the NU Board of Regents at its November meeting. The bill also told Cuca to ask the re gents to direct Ned Hedges, vice chancellor for academic affairs, and Dean of Libraries Gerald Rudolph not to reduce library hours or close on Saturdays. . At the ASUN meeting, Rudolph said the libraries need to reduce services to con tinue to operate. Hedges was unavailable for comment. Cuca said if the administration doesn't react to student concerns, students could take decisive action. He said an all-night "study-in" at the library is one possibility. "If their (the administration's) priorities are bad, we can't support their budget," Cuca said. Wojtasek said student support seems to be the university's last option to raise the budget next year. Continued on Page 6 Simon: government control is eroding personal freedom By Michelle Carr Americans will lose their personal free dom unless they demand less government interference in the economy, according to former Secretary of the Treasury William Simon. - Increased government regulation in bus- . V f it. - - , - 7 I , . . X i ' i f v--.y o n A Photo by Mirk Billingtley Former Secretary of the Treasury William Simon warned a UNL audience of America's socialistic tendency. iness and the economy eventually will de stroy personal freedoms, which are inter twined with economic freedom, Simon told an overflow crowd in the Nebraska Union ballroom Friday. Simon was the first speaker this year in the E. J. Faulkner lecture series. ' Americans should be .aware that the United States is "careening with frighten ing speec toward socialism," Simon said. According to Simon, government has overstepped its role in society. Government should not control the economy, he said, because creativity and productivity should ' remain in the private sector. "Goods and services can't be distributed unless they are first produced," he said. ; The measure pf .economic growth js th.e v, growth of wealth generated in the private' sector, Simon said, but the government "hypes up the economy to try to push the growth rate which pushes up inflation." Simon said the government is an ineffi cient producer and should not replace free enterprise. "THE GOVERNMENT is the biggest employer, the biggest consumer and the largest borrower." Simon called the Carter administration's proposal to appropriate $1.5 billion to bail out Chrysler a "disgrace." The government has no role to spend taxpayers' money to aid the failing car manufacturer, he said, adding that Chrysler's option is not to go out of busi ness, but rather it should shrink and be ' come more competitive. Simon said U.S. resources are not what makes America great, it is the free enter prise system. The Soviet Union has an abundance of resources, but because the Soviet political system does not work, the USSR must turn to America for grain and technology, he said. 1 But poorly planned government fiscal policy has caused more government inter vention and an "overheating of the economy," he said. THE "DO SOMETHING" politicians are the problem, not the solution, Simon said. The politicians "try anything that offers an illusion of hope," he said. According to Simon, government spend ing creates distortion in the economy be cause the government prints money to compensate, which, brings higher inflation. Inflation destroys purchasing power, which affects the elderly, people with low incomes and the working class, he said. These people don't have the economic or political clout to stop government spending and a "quiet hysteria" develops when these people try to make ends meet. Simon praised the Federal Reserve Board's recent move to a tighter monetary policy through restriction of the money supply and tightening credit. He cautioned that the board can make inroads against in- flatipn , but cannot offer-a long-term-solution for inflation. CONCERNING ENERGY, Simon, who . headed the Federal Energy Office in lj?73 and 1974, said nuclear power "holds pro mise for U.S. ability for self-sufficiency." He said nuclear energy is safer than the "sensationalism" of the Three Mile Island incident indicated it was. Coal mining and oil production also offer risks, he said, adding that the risks can be controlled. He said solar energy is the power of the' future but is not competitive at today's prices. ' Simon blasted the Department of Energy for its excessive regulations in the oil industry. . "D.O.E. spends more money than the seven largest oil companies' profits. It pro duces hot air and more regulations." Simon said the United States "pro gressed from wood to oil without a federal energy office or a department of energy." Simon expressed concern that Ameri cans are expecting government to take care of them. He said some Americans are turn ing to the government to provide-their needs, when production should rest with the people. Americans should be more tolerant of success and failure in a com petitive economic system, he said, because more benefit can come from it than a government controlled economic system. Cold weather kills fly problem but awakens cold bug By Mary Louise Knapp With big changes in the weather, the inevitable sniffles and sneezes of the insidious little bug called the common cold nave descended upon UNL What can students afflicted with this disease do to alleviate its symptoms? Dr. Garland Bare, medical director of the University Health Center, says the most important thing to do is drink lots of water and, if possible, use vaporizers to keep himidity levels high. "Cold, dry weather irritates the cells that line the res piratory tract," Bare said. He advised cold sufferers to stay away from alcoholic beverages and coffee, because these drinks stimulate the body to expel needed fluids. A bulletin printed by the American Lung Association lists some time-honored cold remedies-and the reasons why they are of no value. It is not necessary to stay in bed with a cold. Most normal, health adults can function normally, unless they have a fever or recurring rspiratory problems. Whopping doses of Vitamin C don't have real value; a balanced diet is better. Getting under a pile of blankets to "sweat it out' does no good. It's pleasanter to drink liquids, and accomplishes the same purpose. Taking a laxative to get rid of the cold germs will net fight the virus. Cold bath and cold air enthusiasts get as many and as severe colds as comfort lovers. Many different viruses, which are present in the air at. all times, can cause a cold. More than 100 have been iden tified so far. A number of conditions can increase susceptibility. People appear to catch colds mainly indoors during the colder months. This is probably because everyone is in side, close to other people's cold viruses. Fatigue, poor physical condition, some air pollutants and chilling seem to increase susceptibility. Symptoms appear from one to three days after the virus enters the body. The first hint usually is a scratchy throat. Within a few hours, sneezing and a runny nose appear and within 48 hours a cold is at its worst. There is not much anyone can do to prevent or cure colds. Antibiotics have proved ineffective in combating the virus itself, although they do work against bacterial infections and allergic reactions that accompany some colds. Colds are not dangerous, but symptoms such as ear aches, chest pains, a severe headache, or a fever that lasts more than two or three days are potentially serious.. Anyone suffering from a severe respiratory illness, such as bronchitis or asthma, should consult a doctor at the on set of the cold.