The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1979, Page page 13, Image 13

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    friday, november2, 1979
daily ncbresksn
pC3 13
Yo- Yos hoiuoFs presented! to ep-and-dowB Staim&wrdl
tu Hkman TrODhv. the Outland Trnnhv nnH th
.1 I Dlx Trnnkw an (Utl.VnAin mt1.... " l 11
Granuanu ivv uuf"; v nm-Miuwu vuucgc luuiuau
awards handed out each season. But a few lesser known
honors sometimes are dished out before the season ends.
Such as these:
east Conference, takes this honor. Where are they now?
Firmly entrenched at the bottom of the SEC and 0-5-1 on
the season. Football prosperity doesn't last FOREVER
and the empty seats in Gainesville last week when the
Gators lost to Tulsa attest to that.
n r This predictor hit a season-high of 80 percent last
D cjulidlO zt'mH.)!0 boost season's avera8e to 715 r
The "Novel Way to Lose a Game'! award-The
Stanford Cardinals win this for last week's 33-31 loss to
previously winless Oregon State. The Beavers tied the
game at 31-31 with .l:13 to play. On the ensuing kickoff,
Stanford senior Rick Gervais caught the kick at the 2-yard
line, retreated to the end zone, knelt down and was called,
for a safety.
The "Yo-Yo" award-Stanford takes this prize too, for
the best up-and-down season so far. Picked in the presea
son Top 20, Stanford opened with losses to Tulane and
Army. Then the Cardinals won four in a row, tied No. 1
USC and lost' to 1-7 Oregon State. .
The "Man Without a Country" award-This goes to
Syracuse. The Orangemen are playing all road games this
year while they get a domed stadium built at home. Their
biggest problem this season has been a terminal case of jet
lag. '
The "Call My Bluff award-Barry Switzer of Okla
homa said all last week that Heisman Trophy winner Billy
Sims probably wouldn t play against Iowa Mate because
of a rib injury. Well, Billy made it to the game. His totals:
202 yards and four touchdowns.
The "From the Penthouse to the Outhouse" award-To
all the NU Regents who want to build a new stadium, take
note. Florida, Nebraska's 1974 Sugar Bowl opponent, the
alma riiater of several pro stars like Wes Chandler and
Tony Green and a perennial football power in the South-
Gymnastics begins
Nebraska's men's gymnastics team, 1979 NCAA
champions, opens defense of its national title this week
end at the Big Eight Invitational in Lawrence, Kan.
Competing for the title along with Nebraska will be
Oklahoma, Colorado, Iowa State, Kansas and Southern
Sophomore AU-American Jim Hartung, who won the
floor exercises and the all-around competition at the meet
last year, will lead the Huskers.
But, according to UNL head coach Francis Allen, Ne
braska will have a difficult time defending its Big Eight
Invite title because of Injuries.
The Huskers most serious injury is to senior all-around-er
Mark Williams, who has a back ailment.
Allen also said freshman all-arounder Phil Cahoy and
junior all-arounder Chuck Chmelka are bothered by injur
ies. Cahoy has a foot injury and Chmelka a toe injury.
Last year, UNL won the meet with a score of 436.35,
which was the 1978-79 national scoring best.
He said because of the Nebraska injuries, Iowa State
should probably be the favorite in the two-day meet.
3:00 p.m. "Dances for Pane rs -By" dance company
performs at Sheldon Gallery.
3:30 p.m. Philadelphia architects George Quails,
Fred Foote and Charles Dagit speak at
Sheldon Gallery.
10:00 a.m. Mime artist Anay leads a mime work
shop in the Nebraska State Capitol
11:00 a.m. Architectural tour of the Nebraska
State Capitol
2:00 p.m. Double decker bus tour of Lincoln's
historic architecture. For information
contact Steve Eveans at 435-3502 or
7:00 p.m. Pig Roast and informal critique of the
1979 AIA Design Honor Awards Pro-
flran entries at "Our Place Restaurant'
2601 North 48th Street. Tickets are
$3.00person and $12.00 couple at
door. .
Celebration events sponsored by Nebraska Society of
Architects, American Institute of Architects and the
College of Architecture.
Nebraska fans who think the Huskers should be No. 1
can take comfort in the fact that the Nov. 3 issue of 'The
Sporting News" agrees. They have Nebraska ranked first,
Ohio State second and USC third. Alabama is in sixth., ,
The question is, can the Huskers survive the trip to
Columbia" to try and convince AP and UPI that they are
No.l? ,
Nebraska at Missouri-There are two striking features
which stand out when one examines recent games be
tween these two schools: 1) The visiting team has won
each of the last five years; 2) There seems to be no middle .
ground -either Nebraska dominates by two or three
touchdowns or Missouri pulls off a one touchdown upset.
The warning flags about an ambush have been flying extra
high this week, thanks to Missouri's poor play lately. The
Tigers, 4-3, have been described as a "time bomb waiting
to explode." But no one is denying that problems exist in
the Missouri camp. And few deny that the Missouri
offense has been about as effective as a one-legged man in
a butt-kicking contest. After being humiliated by giving
up 476 total yards to Missouri last year, we think the
Husker defense will make even twice the effort to keep :
the Tigers in the offensive rut they've been running in the
last few. weeks. If the Nebraska passing attack returns
from its one week vacation against Colorado, this might
be a rout . . . Nebraska 31, Missouri 13.
Ohio State at Wisconsin-This will be your basic
"Wipeout of the Week." 'Nuff said about that . . . Ohio
State 49, Wisconsin 7.
Brigham Young at Colorado State-While Nebraska has
o n cz:
CD lb. Icna vrzln bend pepsr
sams day Ct ovr:anr zzmce
era 7 DAYS A
Mon. Thur. 8:00-9:00 Set 9:00-5:00
Fri. 8:004:00 Sun. 2:00-5:00
used a fleet of running backs to become the No. 1 rushing
team in the country, the Huskers fell to No. 2 in total
offense this week, to a team that thinks a rushing attack is
something General Patton used to cross Europe. Brigham
Young has taken the top spot, by averaging 526 yards a
game, as compared to Nebraska's 517.1 yard average,
thanks mainly to the right arm of quarterback Marc Wil
son. Wilson has thrown for 2,394 yards and 18 touch
downs in seven games. Two weeks ago, during a driving
snowstorm at Wyoming, he hit 33 of 48 passes for 448
yards in a 54-14 win. If a Wyoming blizzard cant stop
Wilson, we doubt Colorado State can either . . . BYU41,
Colorado 17.
Navy at Notre Dame-A tempting contest for an "Up
set Special." The Midshipmen had been cruising along at
full speed ahead before being throttled by Pittsburgh last
week for their first loss in seven contests. Notre Dame,
5-2, still seems shaken by the drubbing it received at the
hands of USC two weeks ago, as witnessed by them barely
nipping South Carolina last week. But two things preclude
talk of an upset here: 1) The Irish's home field advantage
and 2) Navy had four defensive starters go down with
knee injuries last week . . . Notre Dame 24, Navy 14.
Other Games Saturday
Midwest-Indiana over Minnesota; Purdue over Iowa;
Colorado over Iowa St.; Kansas over Kansas State; Michi
gan over Wisconsin; Michigan State over Northwestern;
Oklahoma over Oklahoma State.
South -Alabama over Mississippi State; Auburn over
Florida; Wake Forest over Clemson; Georgia over Virginia;
Georgia Tech over Duke; Maryland over North Carolina;
LSU over Ole Miss; North Carolina State over South
Carolina; Tennessee over Rutgers.
Southwest-Texas over Texas Tech; Texas A&M over
SMU; Houston over TCU; Arkansas over Rice.
East-Brown over Harvard; Penn State over Miami
(Fla.); Pittsburgh over Syracuse.
West-Army over Air Force; Washington over Califor-
nia; Washington State over Oregon State; USC over
Arizona; Stanford over Arizona State.
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