The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1979, Page page 15, Image 15
Wednesday, October 24, 1979 daily nebraskan pags 15 Temporary Part-time Ntaht Helo Temporary help needed to stock thelvei. 9 p.nvl a.m. Apply In person. Richman Gordman Stores, Inc. 4600 Vina St. An equal opportunity employer MF LA FONDA da acebo New restaurant, open soon in the Centrum, 12th & O. Now taking applications for complete staff or waitresses, waiters, bar tenders, hostesses, hosts, cock tail waitresses, cooks, pantry help and bus help. Day and night shifts available, Full or part-time. Apply at La Fonda de acebo at the Centrum, between the hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tues day, Oct, 23-Monday Oct, 29. EASY MONEY Wanted: Colorado Ski Rental Representative. Looking for enterprising individual to sell rentals in spare time on a com mission basis to large on-campus groups. Write for details: Sport Stalker, Box 22353, Kansas City, MO 64113. Apartment Manager(s), Re sponsible married couple. Live in Lincoln Capital area. Reply 5855 East Caley Avenue, Engle wood, Colorado 801 1 1 , Tele phone (303) 771-7811, Weekend Custodial Supervis or, Previous custodial or related supervisory experience required, Additional hours could be arranged. Apply receptionist, 1100 Seaton Hall, EOEAA, STARSHIP ENTERPRISE Is now taking applications for cocktail waitresses and bartend ers. Must be able to work week ends. Contact John. STARSHIP ENTERPRISE 826 P St. 475-7489 FULL TIME SECRETARY Pleasant non-smoker needed, Must have basic typing skills, Real Estate experience a plus. , Call 475-7265, CAPITOL CITY VILLA CONDOMINIUMS Bus person from 11 a.m,-3 p.m. and part-time morning line pook, Apply in person, SOUP'S ON 14th & "M" St, Supplement your budget doing light custodial duties in the dorms Sat, and Sun, morn ings, Also limited week morning hours, Apply receptionist, 1 100 Seaton Hall. EOEAA The Daily Nebraskan is look ing for an assistant night news editor, Duties include proof reading and copyediting; hours are 7 p,m, to about 10 p,m, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Apply at the Daily Nebraskan office, Rm, 34, Ne braska Union, Wanted: Housemother or Houseparents beginning in Janu ary or September, Triangle Fraternity, 472-1184 or 472 8784. Help wanted: One hour daily; morning newspaper delivery, Call 483-5874. Salad ladv. 10.30 a m P.m. Monday-Friday. Free lunch included. Call 472-4191, ask for Linda. RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES, INC. 201 N. 8th St. NIGHT SHIFT ONLY 5:30-10:30 p.m. 6 p.m.-midnight Temporary seasonal employ ment from present time until February 1, 1980. No experi ence necessary. Must be avail able to work Monday-Friday. Apply in person, Personnel Office, 8 a.m .-3 pm., Monday Friday, An equal opportunity employer MF . Waitresses wanted, Part-time positions available day and even ing shifts, flexible hours. Apply in person. FIESTA CANTINA 321 North Cotner Part-time handyman work on apartment buildings. Lincoln Capital area. Reply 5855 East Caley Ave., Englewood, Colorado 80111, Telephone (303)771-7811, Sears needs part-time tire and battery installers. Morning hours preferred. Sears benefits include: discount privilege, paid vacation, paid holidays, life in surance and profit sharing, Apply in the Personnel Office Sears Gateway, 10 a.m ,-5 p.m, Monday-Friday, Equal Oppor tunity Employer MF, Sears needs part-time main tenance workers from 6-10 a.m, Sears benefits include: discount privilege, paid vacation, paid holidays, life insurance and profit sharing. Apply in the Pen sonnel Office, Sears Gateway, 10 a.m,-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, Equal Opportunity Employer MF 4 tickets to Colorado game, f . i . I i oiuaenx or uenerai amission-435-1536, . WANTED: Three General Admission tickets to Colorado Nebraska game, Call: 472-9971, Need 2 general admission tickets for Colorado game. 472 9477, Male and Female tickets to Colorado vs, NE game, Call; 435-1387, Wanted; Two tickets togeth er for Colorado game, 423-1383 after 6 p.m, Need two female tickets to Colorado football game. Call 475-3476, 6-8 p.m, 4 female, 2 couples, CU, pre ferably together, $10, each, 475-1810, 4 general admission tickets for Colo. game. TOGETHER! Jim 432-2269, Wanted: Male and female tickets for Colorado game, Ph, 472-0860, Wanted: 4 tickets to Missouri game. Call 475-4193 after 5. Wanted: 2 student football tickets for Colorado game-male Phone 475-9164. WANTED: 3 female and 1 male ticket to Colorado game. Groups of 2, 435-3402 after 5 p.m. Wanted: Tickets for NU-CU game. Reasonable price. 472 8126, ask for Gary. Wanted: Four General Ad mission tickets to Colorado game. 472-9724. Needed tickets to Missouri football game, 474-6909, 3 General admission tickets, Iowa State game, Call 423-6842 after 7 p.m, NEED: 4 male tickets to CU game, and 1 general admission, Call 472-9465. . 2-3 general admission tickets for NebraskaColorado or other home game, Call 474-6612, Wanted male and female tickets to Colorado game. Paul 475-2588, Needed: 4 male tickets to Colorado game. Call Janet 472 9309. Need: 4 G.A. and 2 male tickets to Colorado game, 472 8020, Wanted: 6 general admission tickets to Colorado game, Call 472-8066. 3 general admission tickets to Colorado game, Together or separate. Good price, Call 464 3052, Wanted; 4 general admission tickets to NebrColo. game. Need not be together, Call 474 3873 after 6 p.m, . WANTED; STUDENT IN TERESTED IN COORDINATE ING AND IMPLEMENTING A COMPREHENSIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN FOR STU DENT GOVERNMENT, GREAT EXPERIENCE AND A POSSIBLE INDEPENDENT STUDY PROJECT. INTEREST ED PEOPLE SHOULD CON TACT THE ASUN OFFICE, 115 NEBRASKA UNION, 472 2581, Needed: 4 male or general admission tickets to Nebraska Colorado game. Don't need to pe together, Call 464-5300, Wanted: 3 tickets to the Colorado game. Preferably to gether, Call 467-1294. Need 2 general admission tickets for Colorado game. 464 1716. Wanted: 3 general admission tickets to NebraskaIowa St. game, Call 472-8016. Wanted 14 general admission tickets to the Colorado game. Not all have to be in one spot. Call Pod, at 472-0803 after 7 Improving Your Organization's Effectiveness Wvlvztop "1 WHERE Y DEOI N October 04 1979 6 - 0 pp Ncbrc:!:o Union A CAP Organization Workshop Series 200 Nebraska Union, 472 2454 Wanted: Either 4 general ad mission or 4 student tickets, 3 male and 1 female. Call Mark at 477-9635. 4 tickets to Missouri game. Call 435-5312 or 472-8938.' Keith, Remember what you said to me the first night?. I'm willing. Meet me at the union same time same place if you're interested, Denise WellMilana Are two Kens better then one? I think you picked the best one. You wanted it you got it. Gallagher To my secretary, ' Since today's your birthday, let me handle the agenda. Have a happy 20th. - Pinto Brian L: The movie and motorcycle were of great pleasure. I apolo gize for attacking your leg-1 lost my head, Hope to do it again. Paggi G. Agnes Rat & Lizard Hey, I think its about time for a reunion. What do ya say we make a night of it? Call and set a date. Stroze Farnway Is there life on Uranus? AJ. CB. LP, HJ P.S. How often? Felix, Where's my snuggle wuggle wuggle? I'm waitingl "PIFFITY-POOF" Mary Swan: WE FOUND OUTI Happy Birthday.. Love, Sue, Marcy, Beth Karen, Jenny, Pam Kelly V.. Still take your paints and your threads and weave a pattern all your own? Call Mel Bob G. To The Wonderful Pie Hit Men-Thanks for the good job Monday night. The Snob Squad Ten penguin WILL fall I Olivia: Sorry I'm late. Happy No. 2 anyway. Times are hard, you know. "98 of UNL dormies DO their LAUNDRY in laundry rooms. The other 2 is Lou AnneZ." . Kristi, You can move out of the dorm only if you are an adult! Have you mastered rolling trash cans down halls yet? Phone Bandit No. 2 (you're No. 1) We're Bullish on Precision Hair Styling. Our stylists will help you choose a cut that's right for you and show you how to take care of it, At El Toro, we want you to stand out from the rest of the herd! BARBER STYLISTS Lower Level Douglas l Bldg. 13th & P St. . 477-9555 477-5221 Phone for appt. JUST 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS ofhn is 1979 Hallmark Cards, Inc. Halloween Cards Remember good friends with Halloween greetings, Wednesday, October 31st. Let them know that you care. Send Hallmark Halloween cards. - Open 8-5:30, Monday-Friday, 9-520, Saturday r nc3 n 4C2-0tt1