The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
monday, October 22,1979 psgs 12 daily nebraskan RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES, INC. 201 N. 8th St. NIGHT SHIFT ONLY 6:30-10:30 p.m. 6 p.m.-midnight Temporary seasonal employ ment from present time until February 1, 1980. No experi ence necessary. Must be avail able to work Monday-Friday. Apply in person, Personnel Office, 8 a.m.-3 pm., Monday Friday. An equal opportunity employer MF Part-time sales clerks,- 2 positions open: Need background in art Need background in hobbies andor strategy games TRIARCO ARTS CRAFTS" & HOBBIES 13th & N Atrium Mall 474-4850 Sears needs part-time tire and battery installers. Morning hours preferred. Sears benefits include: discount priviiege, paid vacation, paid holidays, life in surance and profit sharing. Apply in the Personnel, Office Sears Gateway, 10 a.m,-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Equal Oppor tunity Employer MF. Sears needs part-time main tenance workers from 6-10 a.m. Sears benefits include: discount privilege, paid vacation, paid holidays, life insurance and profit sharing. Apply in the Per sonnel Office, Sears Gateway, 10 a.rn.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Equal Opportunity Employer , MF - Part-time day and evening salad person. Call 488-5990 ask for Cordell. Crockett's Rest aurant. Part-time help in our new car dealership. Contact Ted Rose. DEAN ROSE AUTO SALES 125 No. 21st Salad lady, 10:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Free lunch included. Call 472-4191, ask for Linda. Part-time desk clerk needed. Call for appt., Mr. Strauch, 464 5971, Colonial Inn. The Daily Nebraskan is look ing for. an assistant night news editor. Duties include proof reading and copyediting; hours are 7 p.m. to about 10 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan office, Rm. 34, Ne braska Union. . s Wanted: Housemother or Houseparents beginning in Janu ary or September. Triangle Fraternity. 472-1184 or 472 8784. Help wanted: One hour daily: morning newspaper delivery. Call 483-5874. Wanted 14 general admission tickets to the Colorado game. Not all have to be in one spot. Call Rod, at 472-0803 after 7 p.m. 4 tickets to Missouri game. Call 435-5312 or 472-8938. Need: 4 G.A. and 2 male tickets to Colorado game. 472 8020. PART-TIME POSITION Excellent opportunity "for university student to learn management in sales, service md collections working with young people, parents and customers. Must be available by 2:30 pjn. and have auto with mileage expenses paid. We offer vaction and holi day pay plus other bene fits and the opportunity to advance) within or outside the company. Contact Mr. Genrich for appointment, 473-7331 . JOUHNAL STAR ' rnirmrja company 4 general admission tickets to the Nebraska-Colorado game. Call Marty Smith 472-8173. Need several general admis sion tickets for Colorado Nebraska game. 472-8379. Wanted: Two general admis sion tickets together for Color ado game. 4724)724. Wanted: 6 general admission tickets to Colorado game. Call 472-8066. 5 general admission tickets to Colorado game. Call Steve, 474-5081. Wanted: 3 general admission tickets to NebraskaIowa St. game. Call 472-8016. Wanted: 4 general admission tickets to NU vs. Colorado) , Great Price. Together or in pairs Call 472-8442. Wanted: 2 tickets to Nebraska-Missouri game. Good price. . Call 432-7539 days, 488-3021 evenings. WANTED: STUDENT IN TERESTED IN COORDINAT ING AND IMPLEMENTING A COMPREHENSIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN FOR STU DENT GOVERNMENT. GREAT EXPERIENCE AND A POSSIBLE INDEPENDENT STUDY PROJECT. INTEREST ED PEOPLE. SHOULD CON TACT THE ASUN OFFICE, 115 NEBRASKA UNION, 472-2581. Needed: 4 male or general admission tickets to Nebraska Colorado game. Don't need to be together. Call 464-5300. Wanted: 3 tickets to the Colorado game. Preferably to gether. Call 467-1294. Need 2 general admission tickets for Colorado game. 464- 1716. - . it's Here 1 1 ' , . Brandeis College Night ' Wednesday, Oct. 24th. noitTiiiHTtiir? It's Herel Brandeis College Night Wednesday, Oct. 24th. Ronna, Happy 19th Birthday. Cele brate for me. G.G. Math 106H, 10:30, WHY? The 3-dimensional invalid Joe Kennedy, Happy birthday and thanks for everything. Love, Your Fiancee BATTERED fan, Some people get really excit ed at the games. They can do the darndest things. But don't worry, time will heal your bruises. See you at the next one. LANCE and GENE Pinto, For your birthday, I'll run slower around your desk. Have a Great Dayl ' Your Secretary VJANTED STUDENT ASSISTANTS (SA's) FOR flEHT SEMESTER Earn Single Room & Doard Students interested in becoming a student assistant -. in UNL Residence Halls for next semester must, attend one of two meetings to be held in the Nebra ska Union (check daily events calendar for room) to pick up application materials. Tuesday, October 23, 7 P.M. Wednesday. October 24, 7 P.M. Question? Call Mary Kramer in the Housing Office at 472-3530 NOW ACCEPTING NEW" MEMBERS Sigma Tau Upsilon Delta THE WEIGHT LIFTING HONORARY . for details see Andy Bath, Terry Patton info upcoming on tittle sister rush. 100 of the Tri-Delt Women DO NOT-feel fraternity men think they're macho or "differ ent" BUT are an asset to the Greek System (and a lot of fun) Delta Love, The True Tri Delts Congratulations Angel Flight Pledges: Looking forward to a Super Year. Remember: Happi ness is being an angel. Karen, God bless and happy birth day to our sweet shower singer. Luv, Two outta Three CARL, The last six months have been fantastic. Thanks for being so wonderful! Love. Honey Dear GMO, Thanks for the drinks and entertainment. Two Thirsty Dietitions Randall, (C.N.b.920): - The two years is but a pro logue; soon let's start the real love story I Thanks for loving me and giving to me . . . Loving you now and always. Your Jan, (J.B.) Paul, Don't count your albums yet! Mona A belated THANK YOU goes to the guys on Abel 11 South for the great . hayrack ride. Sandoz Seven ATTENTION INTERESTED GREEKS Interviews for Greek Week Com mittee positions will be held on October 24th and 25th. Infor mation and Interview sign-up in Room 332, Nebraska Union by October 23rd. " 45 010110 'tg9)t0 EXCELLENT PAY While You Work Or Attend School Participate in clinical testing of pharmacuetical products by Harris Labs., on week ends and evenings. Studies medically supervised, safe, good money, & free phys ical. Testing requires males in good health, 19 or older. CALL 474-0627 between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. ASUN is investigating Academic Bankruptcy. Would anyone who has declared academic bankruptcy within the last 3 years please contact the ASUN office, 472-2581. Ail In formation will be kept confidential. Gay Action Group Organi zational Meeting, Nebraska Union, Wed., Oct. 24, 8 p.m. 475-5710. DIET: A WEIGHTED SUBJECT questions and answers by Margaret Eager concerning weight control and nutrition, at Women Speak Wed. 12:30 Presented oy Student Y Union-Room Posted "Guitarist-ln-Residence." Enroll for credit with internat ional guitarist, 8 weeks, Oct. 22 Dec. 15. Centennial Education Program. Call 2-254445. NU MEDS MEETING POST PONED FROM Tues. 1023 to Tues. 1030. Union at 7:00. ATTENTION: ALL STUDENTS-UNIVERSITY CHORUS SCHEDULE CHANGE 242A442A will be held at a NEW time Spring Semester, 1980 (next semester): Mon day's 7:30-9:30 p.m. Audit ion Required, see Raymond Miller, Westbrook 231. Phi Chi Theta Rush recep tion Tuesday , Oct. 23 at 7:00 at the Hilton. Sigma Phi Epsilon Golden Hearts meeting, Tursday, Oct ober 23, 6:30 p.m. Aloha. 'Looking Forward to the Rest of Your Life" A workshop Sat. October 27th 8:30 a.m.:12:30 Call Student Y Room 117 Union 472-2584 ACROSS 1 62 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 5 Eager Kind of sugar or syrup 10 Nicklausand Palmer, e.g. 14 Explosive device 15 Irritating 16 Part of a roof 17 Lid in a street (nonsexist style) 20 Disparaged ' 21 Burdens for Brutus 22 Peruse 23 Nimble ... 25 Negligent 28 Chimpanzees and gorillas 29 Haggard's Ayesha 32 Succulent plant 33 Mail unit 34 Conflict 35 Worldly one (nonsexist style) 39 Manet's"- Boat" 40 Old Nick 41 Nylons, e.g. 42 "Life with Father" author 43 Leave out 44 Old hags 40 Small bird 47 Blue, in Bonn 48 Alaskan highway 51 Member of a farmers' organization 54 Unpremeditat ed homicide (nonsexist style) 58 Hitaaipteran 59 Commences U Word before poem or deaf Welcome to the Bible Way Fellowship 700 West Nance, Lincoln, Nebraska Sunday 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Pray er, 7:30 p.m. M.C. Zook, pastor Phone 474-4191 (A real home church atmosphere. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR POSITIONS ON THE COMMISSION FOR STUDENT FEES. UNDER GRADUATES AND GRADU ATES MAY PICK UP APPLI CATION FORMS IN THE ASUN OFFICE, RM. 115. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE, OCTOBER 24th. "79" Legislative Page Re union Oct. 25-7:30 p.m. For more info call Chris 471-2733. RSVP. BAKE SALE -Benefit for Love Library to be held Saturday, Oct. 27 in the Student Union. Send your cookies and kolaches to ASUN. ABORTION: A RELIGIOUS AND LEGAL CONTROVERSY presented by Judith Levin, ACLU attorney from NYC. Thursday, Oct. 25, 7:00 p.m. Nebraska Union, room to be posted. Support Abortion Rights Action Week, Oct. 22-28. It's Here! Brandeis College Night Wednesday, Oct. 24th. If you need a top quality resume, call the professionals Costello & Associates 475-9777 SINGLES. : Have you checked out our Dating Service? GALS age 19-25 FREE. 435-7497 or P.O. 4686, Lincoln, NE 68504. Don't face pregnancy alone call BIRTHRIGHT for help. Dial 477-8021, Wanted: Typing, experienc ed at typing dissertations, thesis, reports, etc. Phone 464-2234. Advance gradually Beatrice's admirer Haughty one DOWN Elec.unit Contested Anent Spies Crazes Hurt Goad Diamond Dutch commune Gaudy flower Glowing review ".. .the rain is and gone" 13 Evening, in Milano 18 Unrefined materials 19 "Gay Nineties" unmentionable 23 Pitch woo 24 Scene of Pizarro's conquest 25 Part of I RT 26 Mukhina, Soviet gymnast 27 Voracious eel 28 Up, in baseball 29 Faint 39 Ship's hole for cables 31 Anagram for sneer 33 Lining material 1 2 3 4 I5 I6 I7 I I io In 1 1 2 u u -s - - i7 ia i - So 1 Ijt- 23 24 " 1 Hjry- - - J Vnrj3r- jm " 7 39 3T37 M 39 fc- Mn - n-7n m - - ' LL- 4 49TS0 S, , 5 " " '-r " . 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i IT POWERS & POWERS ATTORNEYS -Simple uncontested divorce, $150 cost -Most 1st DWI defenses, $100 -Most misdemeanors, $50-$ 100 -Landlordtenant; Bankruptcy -Right of privacy 474-5054 "Guitarist-ln-Residence." Enroll for credit with internat ional guitarist, 8 weeks, Oct. 22 Dec; 15. Centennial Education Program. Call 2-254445. Have your resumes typeset lowest rates 483-6336. (TiTOKMlHlimm "Guitarist-ln-Residence." Enroll for credit with internat ional guitarist, 8 weeks, Oct. 22 Dec. 15. Centennial Education Program. Call 2-254445. FREE KITTENS-We would like to find a good home for five motherless kittens 472-2123 daily. Inside parking, close to campus, reasonable monthly rates. 474-5959. Get serious . . . about Young Republicans. They're serious about political activity at local, state, and national levels. They're meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Rostrum, and wel come all interested persons. It's Herel Brandeis College Night Wednesday, Oct. 24th. LOST: . Student football tickets. Please return. Terri 466 0247. LOST: TI50A calculator Fri day, Oct. 19 Nebraska Hall study area 8 a.m. Call Charles 472-8153. ATTENTION! Lost tan brown shirt. Had title to 57 Chev. Truck in pocket. Call 472-2195. 30 City in Chile n 37 Designate 38 " rule the world": Emerson 44 Contract section 45 Telephoned 46 Consume uselessly 47 Arctic goose 48 Church section 49 Obscene 50 Rough, broken cliff 51 Secluded valley 52 Public school 53 Splitsville, U.S.A. 55 Doze 56 Health spot 57 Johnny