The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1979, Page page 4, Image 4

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    page 4
daily nebraskan
monday, October 15, 1679
Inconvenience of closing university worth benefits
As a result of NU Board of
Regents approval Friday, the univer
sity, in an effort to cut utility ex
penses, will close several days be
tween the fall and spring semesters.
When the university shuts down,
most university buildings and offices
will be completely closed and the
heat and lights shut off. Some de
partments including security, payroll
and the power plant probably will
remain open.
The shutdown was approved
because the university expected to
spend nearly $1 million more for
utilities than is included in the bud
get for this fiscal year. The deficit,
officials say, occurred because in
creased fuel expenses outpaced the
cost estimates made last spring.
Whatever the cause, clearly it was
necessary that steps be taken to re
duce costs somewhere along the line.
The shutdown seems like the logical
Other alternatives included reduc
ing purchases of new laboratory
equipment. But because students
benefit from those purchases and
generally will not be on campus to
be hurt by the shutdown, the shut
down seems to be in their best inter
Shutting down in the summer
would be less feasible because heat
ing oil costs have risen tremendously
in the last several years so that heat
ing the university in the winter is
considerably more expensive than
cooling it in the summer.
Clearly there will be problems
with the closing. Most concern with
the plan has concerned non
professional university employees
who will be forced to take vacation
time during the break rather than at
another time in the year.
Under the plan employees will not
work from Dec, 22 to Jan. 6.
Because several of those days already
are scheduled for Christmas and New
Years holidays and Weekends, the
time actually affected is small.
Two spring break holidays will be
transferred to December and em
ployees will be required to take vaca
tion time the the other four days.
This is an unfortunate turn of
events for employees who had
planned vacations around other
schedules. But the benefits of the
shutdown -estimated at $10,000 a
day-make the inconvenience seem
Heisman to North
is goal of studen ts
I think I know what it feels like to be accused of being
a communist. 1 came to this conclusion when I wore a
purple T-shirt to a Nebraska football game.
I felt stares as sharp as ice picks as people looked at
me. But then I realized they were looking at what was
printed on my shirt. In white lettering, it read Tom
North for Heisman
I could hear the questions. "Who is Tom North and
what is this thing called Heisman?'
Tom North is a reserve split end at Northwestern Uni
versity. Northwestern is regarded by niariy to have the
worst college football team in Evanston, 111. and the
Tom stands 6-3 and weighs 185 pounds. He chose
Northwestern partly because of its academic excellence.
Right time to go to Northwestern. But he also wanted to
play football. Wrong time to go to Northwestern.
But Tom chose Northwestern partly because he wanted
a Northwestern education and because he would enjoy the
challenge of helping to improve a bad team.
The Downtown Athletic Club of New York annually
awards the Heisman to the nation's premier college foot
ball player. Usually only the big name schools get any
attention from the press. The Tom North for Heisman
committee (TNFH for short) will change that.
SOME FRIENDS of mine and I have formed the Tom
North for Heisman committee, whose sole goal is to see
the Heisman awarded to Tom at the end of next season.
Well concede this year's trophy to Billy Sims, Charles
White or Jarvis Redwine, but next year will be ours.
Tom's record at Northwestern is impressive. Last year
he had 10 catches for 130 yards. This year he has taken
on a new position that we think will aid him in his
Heisman quest. We are hoping that Tom will be the first
Heisman winner to be a first-string holder for field goals
and extra points.
But, because Northwestern's scoring punch lacks
potency, Tom may be denied his chance to shine.
Northwestern hasn't had a winning season since 1971,
but has made improvements. They won their second game
of the season over Wyoming, list year under first-year
head coach Rick Venturi, Northwestern fans (all 463 of
them) were tpld to '"Expect the Unexpected." What is
there is expect from a 0-10-1 team except a lot of punts?
We do have values built into the campaign.
THE 70s HAVE been described by sociologists as the
Me Decade," with people only concerned with them
selves. But the TNFH campaign is a group working for some
one most people havent even met. I went to high school
with Tom and the friends t have recruited have been very
generous in their time and effort spent thus far.
We already have five purple TNFH T-shirts floating
around this campus. We plan to get at least one repre
sentative for TNFH in every state. We wfll also have repre
sentatives from Iran and Mexico.
We realize our actions may seem silly to others. But we
are not concerned with appearance. We are concerned
with results.
We figured that since almost everything has been com
mercialized, it wouldn't hurt to commercialize the Heis
man. This wul take money. We have been researching the
possibilities of holding a' nationwide telethon to raise
Sure, this idea may sound crazy at first. That's because
it is. But we think we can get enough people to make it
work. At philosopher George Santayana said, The
Difficult is that which can be done immediately; the
Impossible that which takes a little longer.
For weeks I have been silent on expressing my views
about articles appearing in this newspaper which put
down black Americans but my silence stops here, the
article "Jackson's Alignment With the PLO Constricts
Progress" (Oct. 8) is an erroneous interpretation of the in
tent of Rev. Jessie Jackson. As a future multi-national
businessman, who happens to be black, I have a vested
interest in maintaining the integrity of the black inter
national arbitrator.
To begin, Rev. Jackson is not campaigning, nor is he a
candidate, for any political office: so how was his trip to
the Mideast an attempt at taking advantage of so-called
"black American anger regarding the resignation of
Andrew Young."
Than, too, blacks are not angry about Andrew Young's
resignation. Mr. Young has explained his actidns. Reading
between the lines blacks understand Mr. Young did only
what he was told to do by his boss, the President of the
"United States.
It is American international policy that is taking
advantage of Mr. Young and Rev. Jackson. America needs
the intellectual lift in international policy it is receiving
from Mr. Young and Rev. Jackson. After ill, it was not
Mr. Young nor Rev. Jackson who thought up the "cold
war and the nonrecognition of eight hundred million
Chinese. The non-recognition of the Palestine liberation
Organization ts another blunder of American international
Secondly, the so-called antagonistic and angry relations
between blacks and Jews did not begin with Mr. Young
nor with Rev. Jackson. Intra-group despondency between
blacks and Jews generated when Jewish Organizations
argued against quotas and thus in favor of Bakke. So this
is where it started. Now set the record straight.
Next, Begin's refusal to talk with Rev. Jackson is mere
ly another example of the belligerent and uncompromis
ing attitude (which may be racist) of Begin. Beyond this,
Begin (until he was promised five billion dollars from the
United States economy) was foul and contemptuous to
the President of the United States. Behind Begin's refusal
to talk to Rev. Jackson is the Israeli demand for United
States fighting troops to be based in Isreal.
Rev. Jackson's assertion that America reassess its Mid
east policy is valid; How can the United States continue
to support Israel and Israeli constitutional ihfleii that calls
for the destruction of Jordan and Syria yet not recognize
the PLO because it calls for the destruction of Israel.
Watch, as soon as the PLO is dealt Justice there will be yet
another source to settle in the Mideast Next time St will
be Jordan and Syria with the Jews and Begin in the
middle of that also.
the article I am responding to read '"Rev. Jackson did
not have to go to the Mideast to, make his point." It
should be made clear that Rev. Jackson can go tnywhere,
anytime, and speak up for what is right. Even in America
as black Americans weVe being hung, beaten, bombed,
and abused. Rev. Jackson spoke out for what was right,
over and against those white Americans who said he (Jack
son) need not try to stop racism ind discrimination in this
Continued cnPae 5
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