The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1979, Page page 12, Image 12
pago 12 monday, October 15, 1079 daily nebraskan GET OUT OF THE DORMS Wt will help with your dorm deposit with i rent credltl 8 mlnutei to campus. Deluxe, brand new, 2 bedrooms, garages, dishwasher, range, refrigerator, disposal, wood burning fireplace super Insulation, fully carpeted and lots of storage. Ask about our school year lease. See these before you decide. $245mo utilities and deposit. No pets. JOSEPH E. KEAN COMPANY 4741663 Help wanted for part-time service station attendant. Apply at Craft Car Service Center, 17th & Vine. See Ken or Earl. Sears needs part-time tire and battery installers. Morning or afternoon hours preferred. Sears benefits Include: discount privilege, paid vacation, paid holidays, life Insurance and profit sharing. Apply In the Per sonnel Office Sears Gateway, 10 a.m5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Equal Opportunity Employer MF. OPPORTUNITY NOW Would you like to be part of a growing Company? Work in a clean well run restaurant, ex perience a professional training program and learn about career opportunities, if you're sharp apply In person. VILLAGE INN PANCAKE HOUSE. 27TH AND CORNHUSKER. Salad lady, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Free lunch included. Call 472-4191, ask for Linda. TEMPORARY WORK If you have hours available be tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., we may be able to use you. Miscel laneous light warehouse duties. $2.90hour. NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY. An equal opportunity employer Part-time employment. Prefer pre-pharmacy major Evenings and weekends. Apply Plaza-Mart Pharmacy 11th &G SWEEP LEFT LOUNGE Now hiring part-time cocktail waitresses. Excellent starting salary. Flexible hours!' Health Club benefits. No experience necessary, we will train. Apply 10 a.m.-6p.m. dally. SWEEP LEFT 815 "O" St. HANDY MAN Need handy man to clean floors 6:30-9:30 morning hours, Monday-Saturday. Apply J.C. Penney, Personnel Dept., Tuesday-Thursday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 5th floor. An equal opportunity employer OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing, Free info. Write: IJC, Box 52, Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625. Part-time desk clerk needed. Call for appt., Mr. Strauch, 464 5971, Colonial lnnv Need person with nurse aide experience to live in the home to help with care Of bed patient. Room, board, laundry, and salary. Will not interfere with school schedules. Call 423-6826 after 4 p.m. TACO INN 13th &R Night help wanted. Number of hours flexible. Apply In person afternoons to John. Part-time hostess, 10 iun. 2:30 p.m., 2-4 daysAveek. Apply in person, 2-4 p.m. to Paula. LINCOLN UNDERGROUND 227 No. 9th General kitchen help. 30 hours week. Apply in person, 2-4 pin. Jim. LINCOLN UNDERGROUND 227 No. 8 th Part-time night auditor, Nebra ska Center for Continuing Stud ies. Contact Max Oswald, 472 1931. EOEAA It's almost here I Brandels College Nlghtl It's Almost Here I Brandels College Night. WANTED: Used 10speed. 435-6184 evenings. . General admission tickets, Iowa State game. Call 423-6842 after 7 p.m. 4 general admission tickets to the Iowa State game. 474 9525. ask for Scott C. Will buy or trade albums. Are some of yours just gathering dust? Phone 435 2478. New band being formed: Need drummer, lead guitarist and female vocalist. Part-time work mostly on weekends. For more information call 466-5905 Roommate wanted to share nice 3 bedroom apartment. $92 13 utilities. 474-5432. Junior Art student seeking 1 or 2 roommates $60 to $87mo. utilities. Close to campus, bus line, N-St. Drive other neces sities of life. Call Scott, evenings 474-2760. Male , roommate Wanted to share newer 2 bedroom opt. Near Wesleyan. References desired. Call after 4 p.m. 464 6032. WANTED: Female Christian roommate to share house, on busline, w3 girls. Own furnish ed room, $82.50mo. utilit ies. 423-3694 evenings. Young disabled adult seeking responsible student to share comfortable apartment. Free rent in exchange for some per sonal care. 466-4060. Female roommate to share new 3 bedroom home-beautiful $140 utilities. 483-7069 evenings weekends. HELP THIRD FLOOR STACKS Your deal sounds promising, and have I got a senior for you. How about some more infor mation? ' - ' P.P. RANDY EILTS: I'll keep in touch with you. MAE Sally Salistean, I'm glad the Unicorns didn't do you in. Hunting season is al most over. See you tonight. Zeta love, . Mom Briggs: To the master of Wendelian Genetics: The Job of Wendel Mendel Is yourst HAPPY BIRTHDAY. SMK Laura Prosser Hi from your Zeta Mom. See ya tonight. , - Love, Mom' Liz, Although symptoms of old ege are approaching, don't be GRIMM. Hapoy 20th. Love, Ninth Floor Rowdies EXCELLENT PAY wtmmnm While Yon Wot Or Attend School Participate in dinted testing cf pharmacuetk! products by Harris Labi, on week ends and evenings, Studies meditaSfy supervised, safe, cacd money, ti free phys ical. Tettin require metes In food health. 19 or Older. CALL474-CS27 between 8 ajn.-4 pjn. Julie Bailey, Are you ready to find out your Zeta mom? See ya tonight, Love, Mom BM PINK Is definitely your color. Loved the message. CJL P.S. Watch out for low flying batons. Ahhh Brlggillllll Strauss Is goin' man? WX Bonnie Chest a note toe wish you e happy birthday! . Fred, If you were e man, I'd ex pect an apology. KS P.S. I hope I have V.D. Anne G., Only 11 more days and you'll be legal I Than we'll make the rounds. 8 Sandy Youngman: Happy 5-day I 1 ., The Crew Gang Beautiful Ladies of Smith We had to vent our spurt of boisterous emissions. We appreciate the warm reception. Thank you. Now awaiting your retaliation. See ya soon. 'The Golden voices and bronze bodies of Harper 8" Cass County Princess have a super happy birthday. Marian P.S. I've been waiting patiently but It's getting to be unbearable!!! To the angus calf on Heffer 3: steers wishing you a hereford beef day I Love), Mom Beth Now I feel Safe to call you but, I thipk you should do something about your maid service. Caroll P.S. Karen help this poor girl out. Xrazy" I'm interested. If you don't tell me than I'll be crazy! f. Fred BBB - HB to a real NP (Nice Person) with PN'S ? Gather 5: I don't think Elaine needs your thanks. It takes a real fool to get caUght in the first place. Smarter in NRC Sizzlepahts, Would you believe one yearl Will you believe two? We're going strong. Let's keep it up. Love Always, Doug Patty Mulligan, You're the most beautiful, easy to talk to person I've ever known and I love you for it. Scott T. Linda, Let's hit all 60 million of them for your 19th. It'll be e WILD and CRAZY timel Happy Birthday 1 1 Mary, Jan, and Karen S.A.M. Thanking of you on your X-tra special day 'cuz you're en X-tra special person. Teach PART-TIME POSITION Cxcellent opportunity for university student to learn management in tales, service and collections working with young people, parents and customers. Must be available by 2:33 pjm. and have auto with mileage expenses paid. We! offer vaction and holi day pay plus other bone fits tod the opportunity to advance within or outside the company. Contact Mr. G enrich for appointment, 473-7331 ; ! JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY Happy Belated 18th Baby Ann. Luv Kisses from Your Sister Congratulations Ann I Now you can do it legally in Colorado) Your Ambulance Partner I can't thank everyone per sonally, so thanks to all my friends In Nelhardt who made it a lot easier. Dave McKlnney Sue, Chuck loves you sweetie. Yours truly, . Cocain tnrnmtHmmti BACKGAMMON TONIGHT Time to get wastedl Call Chadek for details. K WIN TEN FREE TICKETS TO NEBRASKACOLORADO FOOTBALL GAME. Attend grand opening celebration of Capitol City Villa Condomini ums, 25th and N St. from Noon to 6. October 20 & 21. Refresh ments and four fully furnished, beautifully decorated model homes. Call 475-7265 for further information. HEAR Carol Broman, County Assessor Margarethe Ahlsh wede and Donna Frohardt, Councilwomen. "Women in Politics" at Women Speak Wed. 12:30 Presented by Student Y Union-Room Posted It's Almost Herel Brandeis College Night. The Special Events Commit tee of UPC-East would like to invite you to view the Medical Implications of Nuclear Energy video tape in the Nebraska East Union the week of October 15-19. Hope to see you there I ACROSS 1 Set an example for Tent part It Miniver 14 Overhead 15 The Harp of the heavens II Gaelic 17 Advice to a "workaholic" 18 Spellbound' 29 U.N. labor body 21 Farm vehicle, for short 23 Vilified 24 Good gardener's need 27 Viva-voce 28 V or X, to a Roman 32 Viscous 35 Studio platters 37 Grayish blue 38 " atque Vale" 3) Honeymoon sound 48 Marshall, U.S. historian 41 Flowerlfss plant 43 Peltry 45 His job is going to pot 41 Golfodi 48 d'Orsay (French Foreign Office) St Harsh pedagogue's statement to his class 5$ Diving duck' 58 Knicks' former coach 51 Pizarro'tpelf Ct Hell's companion C2 Epic Involving Achilles' wmh 14 To (precisely) ti Fund-raiser's "verb 88 17 8 Ct 1 2 3 4 5 I 7 8 t It II "Looking Forward to the Rest of Your Life" A workshop Sat. October 27th 8:30 a.nv12:30 . Call Student Y Room 117 Union 472-2584 SINGLES. Have you checked out our Dat ing Service? GALS ege 19-25 FREE. 435-7397 or P.O. 4686, Lincoln, NE 68504. LINCOLN AIRE-PIPER New TomaHawk trainer at competitive rates-latest audio visual training aids, pay as you fly-or SPECIAL INVENTIVE PACKAGES FOR PREPAYMENT-save dollars!!! Call Lincoln Aire 475-6000 or Neal Bloom quist 472-8893. POWERS & POWERS Attorneys Simple uncontested divorce, $150 cost -Most 1st DWI defenses, $100 Most misdemeanors, $50-$100 -Landlordtenant; Bankruptcy -Right of Privacy 474-5054 If you need a top quality resume, call the professionals Costello & Associates 475-9777 It's Almost Here! Brandeis College Night. Wanted: Tyqing, experienc ed at typing dissertations, thesis, reports, etc. Phone 464-2234. liTllefMiHlltilll - Save your Wednesday night for the Brass Rail! Slowly: Musicaldir. Player on the range Camelot colleen Paves the way DOWN Gauguin's birthplace White poplar "Sirs" follower A sister of Zsa Zsa Breed of cattle? Right! Buggy gridiron play What mobs do in westerns Offering at the Uffizi City in N.J. Beautiful belles Parts of circles 12 "So that's how!" 13 Comedian Foxx it "Halleluahl I'm" 22 "The Not Taken," Frost poem 25 Bean for Dr. Carver 28 Like the Minutemenat the bridge 2t Foolhardy 38 Part of a cart 31 Fall faller 32 Vessel for Finn 33 "Moon Miami," 1935 song 34 Prefix for wig or winkle 38 disant (so called) 42 Start of a postman's motto 1 2 1 F f f I I9 fio In I12 Il3 t4 jiT" ?S - . 2t aia" " 23 ' 24 2 """" "" " aT" '-- Mansr kg iT" : ! I ' sa a , - if" T m " ST " T ----;'r r iT""" ' nr ' m7" """"" """"" oT" """" ST" j- W" ' -r 4 CONCERNING STUDENT RESEARCH GRANT: FUND ING IS POSSIBLE FOR NEW PROJECTS. PROPOSALS STILL AVAILABLE AND ARE DUE IN THE ASUN OFFICE, RM. 115 BY OCTOBER 15, 1979. ANY QUESTIONS, CALL ASUN OFFICE, 472-2581. GO FOR ITI T-SHIRTS 472-8042 AFTER 9 P.M. Inside parking, close to campus, reasonable monthly rates. 474-5959. Groomsmen Gifts and Pinning Cigars Cliff's Smoke Shop 1200 0 St. 432-0119 ROCK CLIMBING IN COLORADO Open to both beginning and intermediate students. Oct. 25 27.' For details contact Recreation Office, 472-3467. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential friend. Call 477 8021 for help. It's Almost Herel Brandeis College Night. LOST: Tan I.D. case with Penn I.D. Reward. 472-C537. MMMIaHHB1MBIHBHM1iaiaBA FOUND: 2-rings in women's dressing room of racquatbb!! courts. Must identify, 435-8214. i'l, 'VjtM Is? w - 'it Ms (?(2)ssraD,( 43 Mink's summer place 44 Opposite of "No dice!" 45 Spy HQ 47 Hostess, In airline lingo 4t Officer under a praetor 51 Where lire are thrown daily 52 Meat-counter display 53 Emulate Bryan 54 Everybody, in Mexico 55 One source of roe 58 Quote chapter and verse 57 Finishing strip 81 Important import (3 Where the "lowing herd" wind