The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1979, Page page 11, Image 11
dally nebraskan page 1 1 I l tuesday, October 9, 1979 Poetry class . . . Continued frorti Page 1 . The whole idea to take a vote was Intended to In tlmldate the men;1 laid the unidentified Knlor. "One itu. dent said there was no need to take a vote because no one wanted the men there," She added that 10 id 15 students dropped the class and she said she felt it waS because of the incident. Foster laid that the negative feelings toward men in the class was one reason she decided to drop. The oppression toward men (In the class) is the clos. est thing I've seen to reverse discrimination," Foster said. "The feelings toward men were so negative (In the poetry). They weren't fair to the men at all." Foster also said Johnson was surprised at the presence of men In her class and that Johnson explained that the course description was Intended to discourage men from taking the class. flip jtf1te Sell or Borrow at DIRTY DICK'S PAWN SHOP 909 "0" St. 474-4007 Top of the line Pioneer CT F900 cassette deck. New $325. Mark, 475-4780. Fender Bandmaster amp In excellent condition with covers. $200. 475-1963. Save 75 on JBL-L200 speakers. Excellent condition. Dark walnut cabinets. 483-4344 Harpsichord-Neupert tele mann. Excellent-Appraised $4800. Best offer over $2,000 483-4344. Bang and Olufsen 1900 turn table WMMC6000 cartridge, ex cellent condition. $250. 475- 9293. Infinity Q5 speakers. Brand new. 475-7484, Mark. gibson is Paul GUITAR. Excellent condition! $150 or best offer. Earth Amp 200 watts good condition-$l50 or best offer. Call 466-6743, if not home leave name and number. Will buy or trade albums. Are some of yours just gathering dust? Phone 435 2478. Will sell student season foot ball ticket for remaining games. 796-2361. Dynamo foosball table. Good condition: 464-1 1 85. Male student ticket for Kansas game. 464-1 185. PLANT SALE Red tag sale, 20 to 50 off all plants through Thursday. PLANT TALK 45th &0 St. SPECIAL 1 mm Coming Again Brandels College Nightl " I HI I'm ..,.., ,.,..,.. flu? mnn GET OUT OP THE DORMS We will help with, your dorm deposit with a rent creditl 5 minutes to campus. Deluxe, brand new, 2 bedrooms, garages, dishwasher, range, refrigerator, disposal, wood burning fireplace super insulation, fully carpeted and lots of storage. Ask about our school year lease. See these before you decide. $245mo utilities and deposit. No pets. JOSEPH E. KEAN COMPANY 474-1666 Large 3 bedroom townhouse 3 minutes north of city campus, 1702 Knox. 1te bath, carport, $273mo. monthly lease, 475 6144. 639 S. 49-2 bedroom du plex apt. garden level, most utilities paid, suitable for three, $210 ,483-4304. 5 bedroom house, 2 bath, shower, air, garage. Walk to campus. 2920 O St. $360. 435 0168. East Campus 2 bedroom du plex. 1417 Idylwild $190. Stove, refrigerator. No pets. 483-6024. Need person with nurse aide experience to live in the home to help with care of bed patient. Room, board, laundry, and salary. Will not interfere with school schedules. Call 423-6826 after 4p.m. Godfathers Pizza: Wanted Part-time day waitress 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. daily. Apply in per son 12th & Q upstairs in the Glass Menagerie. Ask for Terry, Bill or Mike. OFFER EXTENDED THRU OCT. 31st Full student membership Good now thru May 31st YOU GETS CO-ED SAUNA AND STEAM ROOM UNIVERSAL WEIGHT MACHINE LOWER RATES FOR NON-PRIME TIME ALL FOR ONLY $40.00 6 a.m.-12 p.m. M 7.m.- 12r.m.$AT 7 tin. -10:30 p.m. SUN lnJALLBArdG5E25 must be full -time students 330 W. '1"St. 475-3386 "She (Johnson) said the part of the class Involved writ ing women's poetry and since the two students in ques tion were males, there was no way they could write women's poetry;1 Foster said of the discussion. Pat Dean, another student in the poetry class, laid, "She (Johnson) specifically told us It was illegal to vote the male members out. People's feelings were viewed in the discussion and it was decided that it (the males' leav ing would be best for all involved." Wordle Wright, one of the male students who was In the poetry class, said Thursday that he plans to attend class again but that "it would be a real challenge." lie add ed he would like to return with the other man In the class but he has not been able to contact him. According to Wright, Robinson said he would talk to the class members about their attitudes if Wright attended class. Now hiring waiters, waitress es, and cooks. Good tips. Hours flexible. New restaurant. Apply at CoCo's, 120 N. 66th 2:30 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Auto Interior cleah up for polish shop. Experience pre ferred but will train. Hours flexible. Apply Dots Auto Polish, 4920 Rentworth, .423 8475. Part-time district managers to supervise our Sun Carrier de livery. Afternoons and Saturday AM. Approximately 20 hours week. $3hour mileage. By appt. only, call 466-8521, Dale Peate, Sun Newspaper Circulat ion Dept. The Daily Nebraskan needs two sportswriters for this semester. Must be knowledgable of sports and prior experience very helpful. Apply at Nebraska Union, room 34, Any questions, call 472-1765. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1 ,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing, Free info. Write: IJC, Box 52, Corona Del Mar. Ca. 92625. STUDENT CUSTODIAL POSITIONS The Nebraska East Union has two positions for officelounge custodial personnel. It pays above minimum wage. If you have 3-4 hours anytime between 4 p.m.-IO p.m. please apply in Room 314, Nebraska East Union, 2-1776. State Theater is now hiring part-time concession and cashier help. Must be able to work some weekends and holiday shifts. Approx. 15-20 hours per week. Apply in person Thursday night between 8 and 9 1415 0 St. We have openings in the Service Center, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday -Friday. Flag football officials also needed. Contact Ray Schlegel, 4753622. Part-time desk clerk needed. Call for appt., Mr. Strauch, 464 5971, Cdlonlal Inn. Coming Agaln- Brandels College Nightl Desperately Needed -2 gen eral admission tickets to Colo rado game for southern relatives No tlckets-l starve! 474-0703. Wanted: 2 general admission tickets to Kansas game. Call 435-3402 after 5 p.m. NEED LOADS OF PRAIRIE HAY: Needed for race horses; twine bailing ideal. Call Todd Lemke at 435-5555 between 7-10p.m. Need Desparatelyl 3 gen. ad mission tickets- 2 together and 1 alone-for Kansas Homecom ing game. Call Denlse at 464 5166 after 6 p.m. Coming Again - Brandeis College Nightl Wanted: Four general ad mission tickets to Kansas game. 472-9724. Need 2 QA tickets to Kansas game. 472-8520. Wanted: 3 general admission tickets to the NebraskaIowa St. game. Call 472-8016. Need 1 male ticket to Kansas game, preferably East Stadium. Call 475-9909. Need 1 general admission ticket to one of the remaining home games. 475-1946. Need two general admission together and one male student to Colorado game. 477-3495. i Wondering what kind of hahr looks best on you? NONAME can help! NO-NAME Hair Satan - for personalized hair care. 0 Q D Q a Q 0 0 Q H Bring in this coupon and get 15 OFF ul Hair ty mm HERB'S YOUR CHANCE TO PUT WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED TO WORK. YES, as a company we're a leader In fast, exclt Ing fields. ..aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, elec tronlcs, automation, and health services. But we also realize that our how fast our people grow. SO, our goal is to provide opportunities for future minded engineers and computer scientists who want to grow right along with d leader. AND, we want to talk to graduating seniors and graduate students about their goals. IF, you're ready to get your career oft the ground, McDonnell Douglas wants to talk to you. Sign up at the Placement Office for a per sonal interview. Mere is the date well be on campus: Monday, October 22nd Tuesday, October 23rd MCDONNELL EJOUCtLAD an equal opportunity employer U.S. Citizenship Required T liA Salon utsJ Lower Lnri Douglai 111 Bkta. 13tti&PSt. 4744300 (Can lorm appt.) JUSTS BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS) Si Ja OJCS u a leadership depends on i ca ca ta ta can ca any service Q D 0 D D 0 D 0 ,3 Offr good tfwouqti DQBBaiaDaiaoBtitiBi