The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1979, Page page 2, Image 2

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    thursday, October 4, 1979
daily nebraskan
Editor tn chttf: Amy Unztn; Managing tdltor: Maroarat
Stafford; Nawt tdltor: Randy Ettax; Aiioclatt news tdlton:
Brtnda Moikovlti, Rocky Strunk; Night newt tdltor: Frank
Hautar; Anlitant night newt tdltor: Bonnie Lund; Ftaturei
editor: Jill Denning; Layout editor: Deb Shanahan; Entertainment
editor: Kim Wilt; Sportt editor: Rick Hull; Photography chief:
Mark Bllllngtley; Art director: Mike Whiteley; Magazine editor:
Mary Faiteneu; Megazlne managing editor: Gall Stork; Ombuds
man: Michael Zangarl; East Campus bureau chief: Kevin Field.
Copy editors: Liz Austin, Julie Bird, Barb Blerman, Alice
Hrnlcek, Barb Richardson, Bob Lannln, Kris Hansen, Karen Morln,
Paula Bauer, SandyCeorge, Denlse Lemunyan.
Business manager: Anne Shank; Production manager: Kitty
Policky; Advertising manager: Denlst Jordan; Assistant advertising
manager: Art Small.
The Dally Nebraskan Is published by the UNL Publications
Board Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semes
ters, except during vacation.
Address: Dally Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14th and R
streets, Lincoln, Neb., 68588. Telephone: 472-2588.
Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to
the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68510.
Student loan applications increase
Federal Insured student loan applications at UNL have
Increased from 2,550 last year to 3,500 for the first three
months of this year.
Don Aripoli, director of financial aid, said the number
of applications for student grants and work-study pro
grams also has increased .
"One of the reasons for the increase In applications is
the awareness of the students that they are eligible for the
federal loans no matter what their financial status," Ari
poli said.
The increase in applications also has increased the
office's amount of paperwork. The increase in paperwork
has made it difficult to help the student as quickly as the
financial aid office would like to.
"If the student's problem is an emergency we will help
them immediately. But if, for example, you need the
money problems they may have. "The last thing a student
November to discuss the application," Aripoli added
He said that anyone coming into the financial aids
office should expect to wait two to three days for an
appointment if there is no immediate need for money
"Our main job is to help the student, but it isn't fair to
the student who put in his application last week to leave
his application set while we nelp someone who just walk
ed in," he added.
Besides giving the students loans, the financial aids
office also helps with the students budget and other
money problems they may have. "The last think a student
should have to worry about when he is going to school is
if the bills are getting paid," Aripoli said.
Wt thai -Gat thisEREEf
m wife &m
UPC Culture Center Committee will meet at 3:30 p.m.
at the Culture Center, 16th & Y Streets.
Lambda Tau will meet at 7 p.m. in the Union. Room
number will be posted.
UNL American Home Economics Association will meet
at 4 p.m. in the East Union. Room number will be posted.
UNL 4-H Club will meet at 8 pjn. in the East Union.
Check with the leaders for the room number.
Phi Chi Theta will meet at 4:30 p.m. in the Union
Room number will be posted.
The first session for "Black History Month" will be Fri
day at 7 p.m. in the Student Y.
9 a.m.-Student Affairs Staff, Georgian Suite B.
, 12:45-2: 1 5 ip.m .-Campus Crusade for Christ, Room
122. ;
24 pjn.-Nebraska Union Planning Committee, Room
3 :30-5 p .m AAUP, Room 232.
4:30-5:30 pin.-Phi ChtTheta, The Rostrum.
. 5;3Q-7 p.nj.-UPC City Talks and Topics, Georgian
Suite B. "... .
' ( -5:30-700 p"m.-Phi MujAlphi Sirifonia, Harvest Room
6-7:30 pjn. -Council of American Indian Students,
Regency Suite B. ,
6-7:15 p.m.-Campus Red Cross, Georgian Suite A.
6-9 p.m.-Multi Cultural Affairs Tutoriftg,- Room 225
NR. ' ,
6-7 pjn.-Christian Science Organization, Room 232.
6- 7:30 pjn. -Progressive SttfdenC.Union; Room 401.
7- 9 'pjn.-Chrisliah Science Counselor, Room 225G
.t 7 pjn -Free China Association Rehearsal, Ballroom.
7:30 p jn.-Mtth Counselors, Room 225B-C. .
8- 1 0 p.m;-lla1ptist Student UrtioivRooiti 22r
East Campus Greenhouse P-1
East of Kiem Hall
9 - 2 pm Friday Oct 5
Also available in Limited Quantities:
i i i
'' itiiiwi mi a i i iini i j i ii i n i)ui in iiiiin,, hi ii i iiiiiniiniii i iiiiiiiii.inii. u ii """
from I to 10. . .
is woof, woof.
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