The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1979, Page page 20, Image 20
, thursday, September 27, 1979 .... v' daily nebraskan Ona roommata needed to fill thret bedroom apartment clow to 'city campus. $73 plui 13 ; ' FemaleVoommata Wanted to hare 3 BR apartment with two ' other girls. $61jB8 utilities. Call 477-8681 venlngi. - - ROOMMATE wanted to hare newer house in south Lincoln. 3 1 bedrooms. Wash erdryer, central htair, bar, garage, very nice I $100 utilit ies. Call Bob 423-3770 evenings. You won't get me In the tub without a couple girls in there too. Jerry Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity is very proud to welcome Tim Sherwood as a new associate member. Congratulations Tim. Frank, It's finally herel Happy most joyous of ocassions, i.e. Mutual Birthday. Act accordingly I Soul Sister Es & Frank, Happy mutual 19th I Wel come to the rank of Granma. Don't wear out your I.D.'s to night! . . . and the party con tinues for 6 more days (at least). Granma & Suzi REW, 10-20 -(30)-Clap-Shhh-HI HBB ILYmucho POOH Shy & Lonely, I am a Junior, 20, 5'5", like rock & roll music. ???? WARNING: Today .is Jane Matzke's 21st Birthday! Brass Rail, 10 p.m. Be there! ALOHA Wrago P.S. No tequila 1 1 Tuna, Happy 19th! I love you. Sam Tammy, Happy 19th, now you can legally show everyone how to get blitzed. G.W. JOH the 3rd (Chi Phi) Buck up! There isn't any thing left to go wrong, so things have to get better! I'll bring you a big band-aid . . . Mental Phantom Penn Si. F.O. Wolfpack To the 5 eyes of Harper, . You don't know what youre missing. Smith 604. Rene: Today's the Dayl HAPPY 19th! CJO Carol R., Happy 20th Birthday! Lu Ann, Marilyne, and Sue Hab Annerman, ' ' Thanks and good luck in the Husker Invite. , . Guess Who MelliePo: Have a Happy One! Love,' Lisa Mo . Happy mutual 19th Birthday soul sis. Don't let your crazy pals for you (HA) to drink too much. Remember the gutters are waiting. Pam Madsen, I love youl Call 432-6339 for details. Mr. Magician: Monday evening was great . fun. Let's do it again sometime. For the girl who grows water melon trees. "Yen-Units': . . Thanks for being such neat group to work with. You all roaan so much to me. Captain Crash Does Friday afternoon get you down? Let the Bill Wim mer Jazz, group start your TQIF at 2 p.m. In the South Crib. Sponsored by the Stu dent Y. FREEI Lynn King's' birthday celebrat ion. Thursday Night at the Beer Garden. Be There 1 1 TRUCK LOAO TROPICAL PLANT SALE 5 to 8 feet In size, over 1000 to choose from. 56th & Holdrege or 56th & South Sale Thursday, Friday Saturday Open 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. LESBIAN RAP GROUP. Don't feel alonel Join our reg ular meetings. Call the Womens Resource Center for detailsl SINGLES Have you checked out our Dating Service? GALS age 19-25 FREE. 435-7497 or P.O. 4686, Lincoln, NE 68504. Rho Delta, Aphrodite, where are you? If you want to be in the pledge book call me, 475-8242. The Picture Man COME TO THE ALL UNIVERSITY PEP RALLY for the Penn State Game Fri day, Sept. 28 at 6 p.m. at the outside of East Stadium after the rally come to a PRE-VICTORY PARTY at Sigmu Alpha Mu 773 N 16 St. 9:00 p.m. The Marketing Club will feature Prof. San ford Gossbart at a meeting Spet. 27 at 6:30 in CBA 123. New members are in vited to come. Backgammon Tournament tonight at 6:30 Union Rec Room. For more info call 472 2458. It's almost herel The All-University Pep Rally Friday, 6 p.m., at the East Side, Stadium. ATTENTION FIRST DOWN SALESPEOPLE! , Saturday's kickoff time is 11:50 a.m. Therefore, you should be at your assigned positions by 9 a.m. If you planned to pick up your copies Sat. morning, do so at the Daily Nebraskan office by 9 a.m. Get your international student identity card at the OOC.345 NU. Practice youf French in Paris this wlnterim. Earn credits tool Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union. 472-3264 All' interested in trying out for Mat Mates or Wrestling Cheerleader attend general meeting Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. at Sports Complex. Wrestling Cheerleader clinics start Oct. 2, 3, 4 at the Sports Complex at 4 p.m. Enter at the top, southsidi entrance. More information call 474-0796 or 467-2642. Let Hole In the Wall. Dry wall repair fix yours 474 0348. Evenings ft Weekends. POWERS ft POWERS 1 ATTORNEYS ; . -Simple uncontested divorce $150 cost ' -Wott 1st DWI defenses. $100 i -Most misdemeanors, $50-$1 00 -Landlordtenant; Bankruptcy . i --Right of privacy , 474-EC54 . RESUME SERVICE . Professionally written;-$3 up. Contact: RESUME SERVICE, P.O. Box 404, Beatrice, NE 63310.223-2831. , V fc'oviMG? ' Rent a' Cargo : Van from. DeCrowrt Leasing. Call 477- 7233. 17th ANSL , LINCOLN AIRE-PIPER New Tomahawk trainer at competitive rates- latest audio visual training aids, pay as you fly or SPECIAL INCENTIVE PACKAGES FOR PREPAYMENT- save dollars! 1 1 Call Lincoln Aire 475-6000 or Neal Bloom qulst 472-8893. IMPROVE YOyR GRADE! Send $1 for your 306 page cata log of collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097G, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025, (213) 477-8226. COMING SOON I Pep Rally Friday night at 6 at the East Side, Stadium. ATTENTION FIRST DOWN SALESPEOPLE! Saturday's kickoff time is 1 1:50 a.m? Therefore, you should be at your assigned positions by 9 a.m. If you planned to pick up your copies Sat. morning, do so at the Daily Nebraskan office by 9 a.m. INTERESTED IN TUITION, SPEAKERS, OR LEGISLAT IVE LOBBYING. LOOK AT THE GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. ANY INTER ESTED STUDENT MAY BE COME A MEMBER. -INQUIRE AT THE ASUN OFFICE, ROOM 115. NEBRASKA UNION. Don't face pregnancy alone call BIRTHRIGHT for help. Dial 477-8021. All Campus F.A.C. Sept. 28 at Illusions (25th & O). Hare & Hound Road Rally. All the frothy refreshments you can drink, disco, trophies, prizes. Sign up now at North Booth Student Union. Sponsored by X-103, Lambda .Chi Alpha, Coors. The Home Economics Col lege is currently seeking two people for the Advisory Board. One opening is available in the EdFR Dept. and the other is a position for Human Nutrition. Pick Up the application at the Dean's office and return by Oct. 1st. Your help is needed. Buy your Harry Husker T-shirt on the first floor of the CBA Building. BUDGET SELF STORAGE Store with us! Storage spaces from $13 & up 30 day minimum 464-6351 -"423-3467 EXCELLENT PAY While You Work Or Attend School Participate in clinical testing of pharmacuetical products by Harris Labs., on week ends and evenings. Studies medically supervised, safe, good money, ft free phys ical. Tasting requires males fit good health, 19 or older. CALL 474-0827 between. 8 xA pxn. . M.D.-D.D.S.-D.V.M. Enter Jan. UO Clasr" Or any 'SO Class . Ph.D. M.D. Program D C D.P.M.-M.D.Procram Unlverstdsd et Ud. Juarez W-H.O.LUted PROVEN PROFESSIONAL Student Placement Service ICOUSallaSL fiw York, rtV. 10027; (212) CC5-4349 Be cool, be elite, be some body, be a Nebraska Cornhusker Phl-ette. Phi Delta Theta Little Sister orientation. Friday, 9 p.m., 16th ft R. For Info, call 474-6838. Coming Attaactlons: Two new exciting Discussion Qroupsl Brought to you by the Student Yl "Making Sexual Decisions" Starting Thur. Oct. 4 at 6:30 AND "Looking Forward to the Rest of Your Life" starting Tues. Oct. 2nd at noon Contact 472-2584 or 117 Nebr. Union for details. 97 of the women at UNL are socially unaware. The other 3 must be dead. D- You can ring my bell anytime you want. How "bout A Disco's dead, fads don't last, But this I know for certain, I've seen the future of rock 'n' roll, And he is Charlie Burton! ' Steve Foster, I need to get my male, urn, I mean my mail. Get in touch Gude dag! Barb, Let's catch a buzz in the B-210 Tonight! "Rag" man To the budding Fred Astaire: Can't wait to get you cheek to cheek I TQL- Ali members clean your T Shirts. TQC goes metric. TLC. Drunk Turkey Tom, Say hi to Marsha and Mary A. and Lee, and Mary P. and The Lawyer ACROSS 1 Kind of race 5 Flutter or sway loosely f Impure diamond 13 Kansas city ' 14 Do-re-mi ' 15 Arrow poison IS Neutralized II Whatexodists do 29 Mock-ups 21 Isle of (English county) 22 Lairs 23 Moist and cold 27 Take the bait 28 Old soldiers' k org. 31 Cattle roundup 32 U.S.N. Vessel 33 Alone, as a diva onstage 34 Illicit, as a sale 33 Become gentle 31 "Them as gits" 4t Burmese native 41 Prefix with suppose and signify 42 Sardine packages 43 Furious fellows 44 Joker, for one 43 Three-toed sloths -43 Extra item in a . newspaper 41 Go before 34. Retaliatory actions S3 !' Don't bet r 17 Jackets and collars 13 Large ' quantities M 60 SI 1 2 3 - 4 S S 7 8 J IS 11 judsoh ASUN SENATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN THE FOL LOWING COLLEGES. GRADUATE (2 positions) -ENGINEERING (1 position) TEACHERS (1 position) APPLY IN THE ASUN OFFICE ROOM 116, NEBRASKA UNION. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPT. 28. LOST-One 14k gold pen -bottom. REWARD. 472 9653. Sentimental value. 1 oQgC J I - au foreign car specialists 27th and T Lincoln. Nebraska 475-9022 n.j. tive Something to feather Ferraraname DOWN "Galloping dominoes'.' ". . . always at the top" His: Fr. Antisocial group "Fair, fat, and ": Scott Ear part In the style of State (S. Carolina) Ties Story starter Spool's cousin 12 Kennedy and Williams 14 Farinaceous 17 Nervous thrill 18 Highly rated 22 Record . 23. Appropriate rhyme for thump 24 Ascetic 25 Confuse 28 Run into 27 Sanctify 28 Part of a French toast 21 Smirk or scoff 39 Alerts 33 Fisherman's headache 35 Thurber's The Clocks" 3S Worker i i 3 u i is pi 7 a 9 ho in lu 13 uT " " 15 is " hp ii " ' 20 """ - I - . . a, 3" ST" aT" 2(T J 2rT iT 2fT T si ' jj 7" """" T" """" - j 3g jj ST" r " " ' 3 " " 40 "" " T 43 f 1 ' I ' .M TT?"" 4- a -K . mmmmm " " nTn M l I 1 i- FOUND-Ladies wristwatch -call 423-9033-Be able to de scribe. LOST Tues.-Keys on tiny tupperware ft black horse emblem keyring. Left on steps between Andy's ft Kimball. RE WARD. 464-2391. LOST: Watch with Inlaid turquoise band. Reward. Please call Pat at 464-6708. Need ride to and from Kearney the 28, 29 and 30. 472 9948, Sharon. tomotive 37 Arbitrary, proclamations 42 Sharp 43 Sopranos Hunter and Shane 44 Monetary units 45 In reference to 4S Representation for veneration 47 " but the brave. . .": Dryden 48 Diamonds, e.g. 41 Radio name of yore 58 Dainty 51 Psyche's beloved 52 Auto scar 53 To be, to Cicero 55 Highway: Abbr.