Wednesday, September 26, 1979 daily nebraskan page 5 Nig ena . University of Nebraska Continued from Page 4 Robinson said the United States uses its economic aid "too much for political reasons and too little for human itarian reasons." For instance, he said, Sudan, which re cently had its assistance more than doubled to $130 million, gets far more aid than any other sub-Saharan Afri can country, not because it is the neediest but because it has been supportive of U.S. policy in the Mideast. On the other hand, Tanzania, which has helped the U.S. in its Southern African diplomacy and also by its Perspective... Continued from Page 4 The trend is gone which encourages saving our generat ion, and what has replaced it varies from a Walden-type vision of finding a private new frontier and starting over, (regardless of the rest of humanity, society, or the guys living on the floor below), to radical changes which put ME in total control and let ME impose MY answers on everyone else because I really do have the solution to overpopulation-the solution most beneficial to ME-, that is. But yet, it's not all our fault. Issues are so much cloud ier and delicate for us, especially regarding foreign affairs. Maybe there are no practical, workable solutions. The question today seems to be, who can we afford to offend least, the Saudis, Israelis, American blacks or Jews? Also, the economy and nuclear power proliferation issues quickly lend themselves to "side-talking", without exposing all the sticky consequences. Maybe selfish idealism, rebellion without revolution, is the best method for us. I don't know. Whatever happened to grass-roots involvement? Even here in the micro-society of UNL, we want to fight back against anti-student actions, but generally let ASUN struggle for all of us. So tuition is raised yet again, and maybe I would love to see everyone refuse ta pay and transfer out-of-state, but I won't advocate it, and .1 probably won't do it, because I can rationalize that - the bills do have to be paid, and the most important thing to me is to finish school and go on to something better. So I go along, and fantasize about the day the budget jsvill be handled MY way. economically devastating military action against Uganda, has asked the United States to pick up the interest charges on money it borrowed from a consortium of U.S. banks. So far, there has been no response. What black spokesmen here have been demanding is not less aid to Israel, Egypt or Sudan, but a more realistic ordering - and humanizing-of piorlties. Nigeria's breaking of the OPEC oil-price ceiling, though it is certain to be denounced in some quarters as black mail, may trigger just such a reordering of priorities, (c) 1979, The Washington Pott Company . A caresr m to gcftssl. cut Eou L After just three months of study at The Institute for Paralegal Training in exciting Philadelphia, you can have a stimulating and rewarding career in law or business without law school. As a lawyer's assistant you will be performing many of the duties traditionally handled only by attorneys. And at The Institute for Paralegal Training, you can pick one of seven different areas of law to study. Upon completion of ' your training, The Institute's unique Placement Service will find you a responsible and challenging job in a law firm, bank or corporation in the city of your choice. The Institute for Paralegal Training is the nation's first and most respected school for paralegal training. Since 1970, we've placed over 2,500 graduates in over 85 cities nationwide. If you're a senior of high academic standing and looking for an above average career, contact your Placement Office for an interview with our representative. We will visit your campus on: MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 . Th X' Institute r Paralegal & Training 235 South 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 732-6600 operated by Para legal. Inc. Approved by the American Bar Association. FLIGHTS & .STUDY TOURS DEC. 26JAN. 12 Register now for credit and noncredit study tours to Europe, Africa, Mexico, or Australia! For infor mation on subject areas and tour itineraries contact: FLIGHTS & STUDY TOURS 345 Nebraska Union 472-3264 UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. Appearing at COUNTRYSIDE: (Country rock) Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Sept. 26-28 8:30-12:30 pm Saturday is liiES' DEBT x 5 Beer from 8-9 pm P L, cbmfrujide - toouJ and tounge 6 mi. west on "O" Emerald - 474-5464 formerly 2-Eyed Jacks Reuben r jensen! EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT of GENERAL IDOTORS presented by f u - - mi College of Business Administration In conjunction with College of ineering and Ena Tec hnologu Friday, September 28 1:30 pm Open Forum Session, 241 Neb. Eng. Center 2:30 pm Panel Discussion. C8fl Lounge, 3rd Floor Energy and Economic Issues Influencing Automotive Demand" o - fill students, faculty, and taff are Invited to attend I e. vvln)ll . : Wednesday at Chesterf ields 9-closing fiiliiiccJ drink pr icec dotorminod by a spin of the Wheal price? range - 25' to 95' Dally Luncheon Specials CHESTERFIELD, BOTTOMSLEY &nATTC " PUTTb . - 13th &Q GwnysBldg Fhonc 47SKXT7