The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1979, Page page 16, Image 16
page 16 daily nebraskan Wednesday, September 26, 1979 Wanted: Four general admis sion tickets to Penn State game. Call 472-9724. Need two male student or general admission tickets to Penn St. game. Call 475-1977. Tickets to Penn State foot ball game. 473-8228 or 483 6043 Lorl. Will pay $10 for silver dollars and $4 for pre 1964 halves. Call 472-0849. WANTED: 1 male ticket, Penn State game. Call 466-5029. Need 2 general admission tickets for Penn. St. game. Will pay good price. 474-6592. Wanted: 2 general admission and 2 male student tickets, for Penn State. 466-3139. General admission tickets to Penn or any other game. After 6 p.m. 472-8561. Will pay good price-PSU tickets. One male and one fe male ticket or two general ad mission. Must be together. 435 0854. Sell your ticket and buy a keg. Need 5 male and one fe male ticket to Penrt State. 475 3476. NEED SEASON FOOT BALL TICKETS. Call after 5 p.m. 472-8263 or 475-5979. Need 4 general admission tickets to NE-Penn St. game. Call 467-2609 after 4 p.m. Need roommate for 2 bed room ' apt. Fireplace, large kitchen, dishwasher. $122.50 mo. Mate or female. Call Ed. 474-2309 or 472-3507 daytime. ROOMMATE wanted to share newer house in south Lincoln. 3 1 bedrooms. Wash erdryer, central htair, bar, garage, very nice! $100 utilit ies. Call Bob 423-3770 evenings. Roommate for 2 bedroom apt. $107.50 V, elec. Call Wes, 473-4618 (days). EXCELLENT PAY While You Work Or Attend School Participate in Clinical testing of pharmacuetical products by Harris Labs., on week ends and evenings. Studies medically supervised, safe, good money, & free phys ical. Tasting requires males in good health, 19 or older. CALL 474-0627 between 8 i.m.4 p.m. earn$10D a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time. donate plasma You may save a life1 It's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses this ad worth $5 extra New donors only. Phone for appointment. Lincoln Plasma Corp. 2021 "O" St 474-2335 On roommata naadad to fill three bedroom apartment close to tlty campus. $75 plus 13 utilities. 477-4522, 472-1686. Female roommate wanted to share 3 BR apartment with two other girls. $61.66 Utilities. Call 477-8681 evenings. Share large house next to E. Campus. No smoking, quiet. 464-01 10 evenings. Roommate: $62.50 plus 14 utilities. Own room. No dopers, no smokers, no weird friends. 475-8721. Mr. Magician: Monday evening was great fun. Let's do it again sometime. From the girl who grows water melon trees. Victor, Wiesey & Sparrow, Enjoyed lunch with you yesterday. Sparky Cameron, Happy Birthday! (Is that how they say it in OMAHA?) Your Two Beautiful Women Jef fers Wallace says hi gooner. Would the girl who took the RED hat from the FAC at the Hilton, please return the hat to 601 N. 16th. Thank you. Most people I know are normal, the rest are Disco Freaks. ?????? I am a Junior, 21, 5'11", 180 lbs., like rock & roll music, What can you tell me about yourself? Shy & Lonely Georgia, Corruption is the drug of life. Dale C. We didn't forget! Happy (be lated) Birthday. PjK and Dort Sexy Legs: Is this just a fling or Is this the real thing? Crazy Horse Among you there Will be false teachers who will smuggle in pernicious heresies. They Will go so far as to deny the Master . . . Their lustful Ways Will lure many away. Through them, the true way will be made subject to contempt. They Will deceive you With fabricated tales, in a spirit of greed. 2 Peter 2:1-3 DESPERATE male student needs escort to Penn St. garnet MaleFemale. Must be open minded. . . Call collect. Bill Chosen (213) 654 7699. Jac, Never underestimate the power of a "groupie." Maybe "Dennis the Menace" will be ready for an affair In April I Suspicious Ronaldo, So you're legal In Colorado, that's better than nothing! Hope you had a happy one. Joey P.S. The 20 bucks will come in handy. Lee, Thanks for being such a special Big Brother! Love, Cindy Dan P., The guy with the orange pontiac. WMFH IMPROVE V OUR GRADE! Send $1 for yo j r 30(5 page cata log of collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097G, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213)477-8226. RESUME SERVICE Professionally written, $9 up. Contact: RESUME SERVICE, P.O. Box 404, Beatrice, NE 68310. 223-2891. POWERS & POWERS ATTORNEYS Simple uncontested divorce $150 cost -Most 1st DWI defenses, $100 -Most misdemeanors, $50-$100 -Landlordtertartt; Bankruptcy Right of privacy 474-5054 LINCOLN AIRE-PIPER Mew Tomahawk trainer at competitive rates- latest audio visual training aids, aay as you fly- or SPECIAL INCENTIVE PACKAGES FOR PREPAYMENT- save dollars!!! Call Lincoln Aire 475-6000 or Neal Bloom -quist 472-8893. Need papers typed? Fast efficient. Includes proofreading. 70 cents per page. Call Linda at 474-4071. The Pep Rally of all Pep Rallys is coming. 6 p.m., Friday night on the East Side of the Stadium. SINGLES Have you checked out our Dating Service? GALS ege 19-25 FREE. 435-7497 or P.O. 4686, Lincoln, NE 68504. NU MED MEETING, WED NESDAY, SEPT. 26 at 7 p.m., Student Union. LESBIAN RAP GROUP. Don't feel alone! Join Our reg ular meetings. Call the Womens Resource Center for details! Rho Delta, Aphrodite, where are you? If you want to be in the pledge book call me, 475-8242. The Picture Man After the rally, come to a pre-victory party sponsored by Sigma Alpha Mu, 733 N. 16th at 9 p.rm .- .f.ti The All University Fund Is currently preparing the ballot to select the charitable organizat ions that will benefit frorri the 1979 Fall Drive. Any students wishing to see that a particular cause is considered for the ballot should check the AUF box In the ASUN office for de tails. The deadline Is 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. ?6. Familiarize yourself with the performing and visual arts as they are to be found in Venice, Florence, Naples and Rome! Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. Lynn King's birthday celebrat ion. Thursday Night at the Beer Garden. Be There!! Let Hole in the Wall. Dry wall your 474-0846. Evenings & Weekends. ATTENTION ALL STU DENTS: The organizational meeting Of the Accounting Association will be today at 3:30 in CBA 107. This will be a fun and exciting year for all in volved, so be sure to come. If you want to join but cannot attend the meeting, contact Kelly at 475-7556. Does Friday afternoon get you down? Let the Bill Wim' mer Jazz group start your TGIF at 2 p.m. in the South Crib. Sponsored by the Stu dent Y. FREE! All interested in trying out for Mat Mates or Wrestling Cheerleader attend general meeting Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. at Sports Complex. Wrestling Cheerleader clinics start Oct. 2, 3, 4 at the Sports Complex at 4 p.m. Enter at the top, southsid entrance. More information call 474-0796 or 467-2642. Dear Sirs, Phi Psi 500 is more fun than a dead mouse. Morris the Cat ACROSS 1 Ad- -per aspera " I Gaiter Id Pet source 14 Hip, hip, hooray 15 Tuscan river II Decisive poiht 17 Veterinarian's concern 18 Alien dreader 29 "Enigma Variations" composer 22 January white 23 "H-felas" 24 Owing 28 Restricts . 28 Have 38 Needle case 31 Tokyo.once 32 Pells and removes trees 34 Crimson and scarlet 38 Dangerous 38 Attic 48 Spanish or Bermuda 42 Elevator man 43 Parisian's "Well then!" 45 Hindu god of fire 48 1,760 yards 47 Molasses distillate 48 Fleming and Smith 58 Two N.T. books 51 Muddled 54 Shock 58 Rhea's relative 57 Actress Kirk 58 Ai tl Contrite ones 84 Attempt 88 "Rock of " 17 Wilde's "Ballad of Reading " Girls don't forget Sigma Phi Epsiton, Little Sister Rush Oct. 9, 10, 12th. More detail! later. miPitr:llNii!itiim Just another Friday night? Not this Friday. All University Pep Rally, 6 p.m. at the East Side of the Stadium. Come to the All-University Pep Rally for the Pehn State game, Sept. 28, 6 p.m. on the outside of East Stadium. Sponsored by Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Phi Epsilon. Coming Attaactions: Twd Hew exciting Discussion Groups! Brought td you by the Student Y I "Making Sexual Decisions" Starting Thur. Oct. 4 at 6:3b AND "Looking Forward to the Rest Of YdUr Life" starting Tues. Oct. 2nd at noon Contact 472-2584 or 117 Nebr. Unldn for details. ASUN SENATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN THE FOL LOWING COLLEGES. GRADUATE - (2 positions) -ENGINEERING (1 position) -TEACHERS" - (1 position) -APPLY IN THE ASUN OFFICE ROOM 115, NEBRASKA UNION. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPT. 28. What do you know about black writers? Come to Stu dent Y BlackSpeak, Wed nesday at 12:30 to hear Hortense Spiders and Ber nard Fonlon. Union, room posted. INTERESTED In TUITION, SPEAKERS. OR LEGISLAT IVE LOBBYING. LOOK AT THE GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. ANY INTER ESTED STUDENT MAY BE COME A Member, inquire AT THE ASUN OFFICE. ROOM 115. NEBRASKA UNION. 88 Bouquet 88 Bind 78 Nashville's Grand Ole 71 March 6 in old Rome DOWN 1 Gram, case 2 Clog 3 Gypsies' forte I Royal sway S Covered shopping area 8 Belgian maker: 1791 1865 7 Nimble fingered one 8 King of Siam's friend I Cat's-paws 18 Manhattan's P.S.6 is one II Seer's forte 12 Ancient measure of length 13 Figure skaters' spectacular spins II Grimes or Pan 21 Prefix With . grade or cede 25 Vista, Mex. (battle site in 1847) 27 Dialect 28 Southwestern steWpot 21 Sheep's clothing 33 Vain gait 35 Cousteau apparatus ' I js U 17 II it i jio In ha jia M i$ Ti 17 . ta t rT 22 23 - ' 25" 26 tT" zTfeT" "55 37"" 32 33 34 3$ 34 5-; 40 ' r fT" : 3 44 4S 4 - ' " 47 4 jo" T """"" - T "r ii J Lf" rtm mil nrrr- Backgammon , Tournamehi tomorrow hlght. Unlort Rec. Fjoom at 6:30 p.m. For more1 Infd. call 472-2458. Don't face pregnancy alone call BIRTHRIGHT for help. Dial 477-8021. Visit Bamberg;, Berlin and Dresden In West and East Germany thli wintering Earn credits tool Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. The Home Economics Col lege Is currently seeking twd people for the Advisory Board. One opening Is available In the EdFR Dept. and the other Is a position for Human Nutrition. Pick up the application at the Dean's office and return by Oct. 1st. Your help Is needed. Need ride tb and from Kearney the 28, 29 and 30. 472 9948, Sharon. LOST: Watch With Iniaid turquoise band. Reward. Please call Pat at 464-6708. LOST-One Uk gold pert -bottom. REWARD. 472 9653. Sentimental Value. LOsf: I lost a pair of sunglasses in the MHLS Building. If Jound call 472-9319. Reward offered. FOUND: " " " Set of 10 keys at 27th & Vine, call 466-6985.. BUDGET SELF STORAGE, Store With us! Storage spaces from $!3&up 30 day minimum 464-6351 -423-3467 o o 37 Prefix meaning thousand 38 French- Belgian river 41 Actress Foch and designer Ricci 44 Silvery little fish 43 Ruth, " of Swat" 31 Calyx part 52 End 53 Artist Rivera 55 Havana's - Castle 58 Crack 88 Harness part 82 Suffix With fool and dolt 83 isafox 85 Vegas