frlday, 'September 21, 1970 Students contribute $7,000 to PACE UfJL students contributed over $7,000 to the hograrri for Active Commitment to Education last year, according to the UNL Bursar's records. PACE is a scholarship program, which Is voluntarily funded by students, who indicated a contribution ori semester tuition statement! By marking the PACE box on the statement, students automatically give $3.50 to the program. ' According to last year's records, $3 ,8 18.50 was contri buted to the program during the 1978 fall semester and $3,188.50 was donated during the 1979 spring semester. During the fall semester 1,091 students contributed and 91 1 donated money during the spring semester. PACE began in the early 1970s, when ASON proposed the program to the Board of Regents in January 1971, according to Debra Knight, assistant director of the tJNL Office of Scholarships arid Financial Aids. The program was designed to assist the financial aid program, she said. Knight called the PACE scholarships "need-based awards." The financial aids office determines award recipients based ori federal low-income guidelines, she said. During the fall semester 1978, the financial aids office awarded 77 students with PACE awards, totaling $6,125. The average Individual award was $100 to $250, she said. The financial aids office spent more thart the amount of contributions because the office "over projected" stu dent contributions, she said. small wonder WITH SPECIAL GUEST a.k.3. o ,AAL T'L SEPT. 20,21,22 LOHMEIER'S . . DRUMSTICK 547 N 48TH Leroy Critcher Sept. 21st and 22nd Valerie Sack from Kansas City Sept 24th and 25th OPBll S?BGB Gary Griffiths Sept. 26th FQLE flliD Chris Sayre Sept 27th Music at 9:00 474-9394 ,0 o o 0 0 0 3 I J r This Weekend FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 21 & 22 by tlDasno Gaud SUNDAY NIGHT Sept. 24 CGEl fMl 08th A Pin UU Rd. 423-2532 it ueij daily nebraskad , JrHHtO0itit, u t r u mm. U JI 1 u 3 RADIO "TIN" ADMISSION $2.00 IRl tt. uh la ijii liti inr 4 Front Row Productions Presents Art Evening With and his band: Steve Chapin, Howie fields, Kirrk Scholes, Doug Walker, and John Wallace. SUNDAY, OCT. 14th 0:00 PH1 PERSHING AUDITORIUM Reserved Seat! $8.30 available at: Pershing Box'Office, Nebraska City & East Unions, Dirt Cheap, Miller & Paine (both locations), Ben Simon's (both locations and Magee's (both locations). 12th and P" St. 477-1234 Every Friday and Saturday Nights) Midnight MbVie all 2: 00! ; Sw'- 1 I " 9 II 1 ' 11 Net Passes! -- j SHOWS TODAY Ilk r -1 1 rI tT4 i I i . 1 SHOWS f tAuaw g 1 tuday v 5:20-7:20-0:20 " OlittMtlflCTiKIIUEUF ) 5:40-7:46-9:40 Apfiva&dick. Acbssy diick; Art oW guy nomodAL As debdives tivey vyere second to everyone. FARRAH FAVVCETT - ART CAfcNEY A PARAMOUNT RELEASE page f 1 More EntcrtslnlrKj That HuminlyFbssIbls! o o r-i)-0- s (rc , ocuoao "IT MUST BE SEEN." ALtJOLbSTElNSKiAO mm LI r'f fS BASED ON AN IDEA BY OSCAR WILDE " WADE NICHOLS LESLIE B0VEE GEORGIIIA SPELVIN AIII1ETTE HAVEN f 3lw REEMS 9L " St. 432 -6042 Trrrmy 1730 "O' SHOWS 10 A.M.-12 P.M. Cont. cro AC dX)b SUNDAY SHOWS TONIGHT AT: 7:30 &9:35 SATURDAY! yr 1 mi : i: ia M "" 3:20-5:25 to bo .Rani: MHp THESECiUTfN OF JQE TYNAN U imovvs WOT ALDA ii i 15th & FINAL WEEK! TONIGHT: 7:00 & 9:15 SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT: 2:30-4:45-7:00-9: 15 V i"2ACH ' "AM j f ! I MIDNIGHT MOVIE FRIDAY & SATURDAY -ZACHARI AH" plus thort "High Ort TTe Rrt" 1 TO AN K .it- ii ii 1 J m m