The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1979, Page page 2, Image 2

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    daily nebraskan
Wednesday, September 19, 1979
Air Canada: Stress crack caiised jet's tail to fall off
page 2
NEW YORK -Air Canad a said Tuesday
that a stress crack in a rear bulkhead of a
DC -9 jet apparently caused a 10-fooUong
tail section to fall off during a flight over
the North Atlantic. A second Air Canada
DC-9 was withdrawn from service Tuesday
when cracks were found in the same area.
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The airline, in a statement released by
its public relations office here, said it
ordered an immediate examination of the
rear pressure bulkhead in all 43 of its DC
9s. The cone-shaped tail section blew off
the plane Monday. While the 38 horrified
passengers looked through the gaping hole,
the jet, with a crew of 4, limped safely
back to Boston on Monday.
Tax vote
MIAMI -A proposal for a drastic tax cut
that would reduce the taxes on a typical
home to the price of a cup of coffee goes
to voters for resolution today in Dade
Voters in Miami, 26 other cities and
large unincorporated areas will decide,
whether to slash county property tax bills
993 percent, or from several hundred dol
lars on a typical home to a few cents.
The proposal has touched off a political
furor and "scare" ads in newspapers. And
it is all the result of a mistake.
Harry Wilson, the man who started the
furor, collected IS, 000 signatures last fall
on a petition he thought would trim county
property taxes SO percent. But the petition
said "four mills? where Wilson meant
"four dollars." The result was a potential
cut of 995 percent instead of 50 percent
in countywide taxes.
When courts refused to change the
wording, Wilson supported the larger cut.
"Support police, fire, the hospital," he
said. "Eliminate everything else.
County government officials, civic
organizations and police and fire fighters
groups have fought hard to halt the pro
posal, saying vital services would be lost.
Late poll results suggest they're winning.
About half the county's Itt million resi
dents live in unincorporated areas.
No 'supergiant'
OMAHA, Neb .-The United States no
longer can depend on discovery of "super
giant" oil fields to rescue it from its energy
dilemma, an official of the U.S. Depart
ment of Energy said Tuesday.
Even if one were found, it is doubtful
the supply could quench the nation's thirst
for very long, said Dennis J. O'Brien, a
native of Omaha who now is a senior
analyst and foreign affairs officer in the
Prudhoe Bay may be the last supergiant
oil field found in the Western Hemisphere,
although some areas in Canada look pro
mising," O'Brien saidL
O'Brien, whose job includes keeping
track of a world oil supply that he calls
bleak, made the remarks to the Omaha
Committee on Foreign Relations.
"Even if we found another Prudhoe Bay
in Alaska and depleted it as quickly as pos
sible, that would only supply the world for
six months," he said. "We have to realize
we are dealing with a finite resource."
Funding denied
PIERRE, S.D.-The Hand County
Commission voted Monday not to provide
funding for the Oahe Conservancy Subdis
trict while the Hughes County Commission
agreed Tuesday to pay its share under pro
test. Earlier, Hyde County commissioners
voted against funding the South Dakota
water project.
The Hand County action will result in
an Oct. 3 hearing ordered by 3rd Judicial
Circuit Judge Eugene Martin; a Hyde
County hearing had already been scheduled
for Oct. 2.
Martin signed an order for The hearing
following a request by the subdistrict.
One Hand County commissioner said
the lack of funding was in accordance with
local desires.
'The general sentiment of people in
Hand County is that we're not getting any
thing in return for tax dollars spent for the
subdistrict," said commissioner Verne Col
lins of Miller.
'This has been building up in the past
few years and from talking to people in
the county, the commissioners decided to
act in the best wishes of the people we
The commission and .the Miller City
Council were among other agencies which
petitioned the state Board of Water and
Natural Resources to cut the Oahe budget.
The board trimmed the Oahe budget from
$300,000 to $100,000.
The Hughes County commissioners
voted 4-1 to pay their $22,773 for Oahe
funding under protest. Commissioners said
the protest would give them the possible
option of going to court and finding if they
must pay the funds.
USPS 1444)80
Editor in chief: Amy Lenzen; Managing
editor: Margaret Stafford; News editor: Randy
Essex; Associate news editors: Brenda Moskovits,
Rocky Strunk; Night news editor: Frank Hassler;
Assistant night news editor: Bonnie Lund;
Features editor: Jill Denning; Layout editor:
Roger Buddenberg; Entertainment editor: Deb
Shanahan; Assistant entertainment editor: Kim
Wilt; Sports editor: Rick Huls; Photography
chief: Mark Billingsley; Art director: Mike
Whiteley; Magazine editor: Mary. Fastenau;
Magazine managing editor: Gail Stork; Ombuds
man: Michael Zangari; East Campus Bureau
chief: Kevin Field.
Copy editors: Liz Austin, Julie Bird, Barb
Bierman, Alice Hrnicek, Barb Richardson, Bob
Lannin, Kris Hansen.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL
Publications Board Monday through Friday
during the fall and spring semesters, except
during vacations.
Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union
34. 14th and R Streets. Lincoln, Neb. 68588.
Telephone: 472-2588.
Material may be reprinted without permission
if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except
material covered by a copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb..
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