The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1979, Page page 2, Image 2

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dally nebraskan
tucsday, September 18, 1079
DC9 jetliner makes a safe emergency landing in Boston
BOSTON (AP)-An Air Canada DC9 jetliner with 42
persons on board lost part of Its tall assembly over the
Atlantic Ocean Monday and made a safe emergency land
ing at Boston's Logan International Airport, an airport
spokesman said. Authorities said one crewman was slight
ly Injured.
The plane, Flight 680, had departed Boston on Its way
to Halifax, Nova Scotia, when the assembly was damaged
and the plane lost interior pressure,
Hie Jet returned immediately to Boston and touched
down at Logan shortly before noon.
Early retirement
if d II
snaa? dug
How about "hope?'' Lots of people these days
do good for other people, and that's great.
But this old world is up to its meridians
in problems. Can't help but be frustrating. The
Christian, however, can be joyful. He has hope.
He knows Cod is running the show. And that
it comes out all right in the end. He may not know
how, or why, but he knows. The Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) is among those
working and knowing.
16th A K Streets
DETROIT (AP)-John Rlccardo, chairman and chief
executive of Chrysler Corp., said Monday he has asked to
take early retirement from the financially troubled auto,
Rlccardo, who was In Washington over the weeckend as
Chrysler was rebuffed in Its Initial pica for federal aid of
more than $1 billion, said the chief reasons for his request
were health problems and his links to the company's poor
"There is no question that even though I have actively
addressed the major problems facing Chrysler, in the
minds of many I am closely associated with the past
management of a troubled company," Rlccardo said In a
"It would be most unfair to the new management and
to the employees of Chrysler If my continued presence
as board chairman should in any way hinder the final
passage of our request for federal loan guarantees."
Rlccardo said his request would bJ decided at the
meeting of the board of directors Sept. 20.
y mkm$hm
USPS 144-080
Editor in chief: Amy Laruan; Managing editor: Margaret Staf
ford; News editor: Randy Esex; Anoclate news editors: Brenda
Moikovlw, Rocky Strunk; Night news editor: Frank Hawler; AmIi
tant night newi editor: Bonnie Lund; Feature editor: Jill Den
ning; Layout editor: Roger Buddenberg; Entertainment editor:
Deb Shanahan; Assistant entertainment editor: Kim Witt; Sportt
editor: Rick Hul; Photography chief: Mark Bllllngsley; Art direc
tor: Mike Whlteley; Magazine editor: Mary Faitenau; Magailne
managing editor: Gall Stork; Ombudsman: Michael Zangarl; Eatt
Campus Bureau chief: Kevin Field.
Copy editori: Ll2 Austin. Julie Bird, Barb Bierman, Alice Hrni
cek, Barb Richardson. Bob Lannln, Krii Hanten.
The Dally Nebraikan It published by the UNL Publications
Board Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semes
ters, except during vacations.
Address: Dally Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
Streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Telephone: 472-2688.
Material may be reprinted without permission If attributed to
the Dally Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68510.
8:30 ajn.-Carcer Planning A Placement Interview
Film, Room 232.
9:30 a.m.-Nebr. Union Staff , Georgian Suite B.
9:30 a.m..l2:30 pjri.-HousIng Residential Education
Staff, Room 216.
10:30 a.m.-CarccT Planning & Placement Interview
Film, Room 232.
Noon -College of Engineering Luncheon, Regency
Suite A.
3-5 p.m.-CBA Faculty, Heritage Room, Regency Suite
3:30 p. m .-Chancellor's Office Campus United Way
Mtg., Georgian Suite A.
5-6 p.m .-Corncobs, The Rostrum.
5- 6 p.m.-Tassels, Room 232.
6- 8 p.m.-UPC City, Pewter Room.
6 p.m .-Insurance Women of Lincoln, Georgian Suite
-rATrt)-' ft U w-
U fC' Q Stephen King, ( U
rt ( VJ Z"0000 the sovereign lord J , tp
n A U Z0000' of the supernatural hair-raiser, .-1 jV
w T n j Z000000 ventures forth from the Maine woods V
jQ and into Lincoln. v
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We're more thajiabockstore
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The Child Guidance
Clinic is sponsoring a lecture
on "Little People" begin
ning at 9 p.m. Wednesday at
the Division of Continuing
Education. Edward R.
Christophersen, professor of
pediatrics at the University
of Kansas, is the featured
Tuiiif Cutir
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