monday, September 17, 1979 r Off ML dally nebraskan DO ' A 1 101 HI! CMYSTAL ft pi 01 Unisonic on 2i f) I MINI CARD lAllUlAton 1 I Jm bi n n fi IH3 CP -O d n n imBiiiiBnmmn - CSclocnk D.G-232 csrodM card oiso caEcuSaOc? oaDo fl0.99 Homework can be a cinch! Precious time can be saved! Answers are yours in seconds! How? Simply carry your full function Unisonic calculator at all times. It has the new permanent memory feature, which allows it to retain the last display, the last bal ance or the last memory balance permanently! Auto shutoff to save battery life. Regularly 29.99. 253. CASIO ML-831 ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR (3asio'oOL-03fl CCD calcuSaOc? viCEs ezusIc Casio has developed a full function LCD calculator that has the musical scale corresponding to the nu merical scale. Melody sounds while pressing the nu merical keys. Lengths of sound can be controlled also. New idea and RG has it now in the Audio Shop. 3asif0 FH-00 collogo 0 digi& oclontiflic caisoiaf or oaDo 2579 Comes with free reference book. Will perform formula calculations in logical sequence. Provides up to 6 level parenthesis calculations. 39 scientific functions. Standard deviations plus an independent memory further extends its range. 4000 hour battery life with 2 penlight batteries. Regularly 29.99. q n MM I! INV ORG EN6 log WtnemxfmX no n o n n V J - sin- cos' tan ooolono X-VM . ...e.... M in MR DaDDDD in x n o. oh .1 I" I l-'r- 1 EJ r"--i ri ED GD GDIS Scientific 45th and Vine Street o Shop seven days a ?eek 10 a.ra. to 10 p.m. o Use your Visa end Master Chares at RG paga 7