page 6 daily nebraskan monday, September 17, 1970 ICDA MAKE IT tqS VITH COID 0 SILVER IMPtWTCO I tOTTLED BV T(OUlU JALISCO S ST LOUIS MO 80 PROOF RIP Congressmen's stamp buying questioned Washington-Eight lame-duck congressmen used tax payers' money to buy enough stamps to paper a post office during their final months In office last year, House records show. The purchases-whlch totaled nearly 400,000 stamps were made even though retiring congressmen can use their official House franking privilege. That provides them with postage-free mailing for 90 days after they leave office. The congressmen said they needed the nearly $60,000 in stamps for leftover business. Stamp purchases are permitted for "official business" by House rules, although "official business" has nevei been strictly defined. Several of the biggest purchases occurred on the last day the congressmen were in office, according to the re port of the clerk of the House. v.; !w J i r.4 0 l '-if I V ' ir ' V I! fi ( mm fa$i - - And who ever thought that America could be captured by a pig, a frog, a bear, and an indes cribable animal? Now, you can take this lovable crew torouf heart and anywhere else that you want to go. Miss Piggy, Kermit, Fozzie Bear, and Animal are emblazoned on Nebraska Red all cotton T-Shirts. Sizes S to XL . S6.25 Open 8-550, Monday-Friday, 9-550, Saturday We're mare tiianatiookstx)re None of the eight had a history of making purchases of postage. Two of them bought no postage during their pre vious 12 months in office and three others purchased less than $800 in stamps during that period the records show. Several of the former congressmen acknowledged they took some of the stamps with them when they left office but said they needed stamps to meet future requests from their former constituents. Large-scale purchases of stamps are unusual. Most con gressmen use the franking privilege to send their mail. And of the 73 members of the- House who left office in January, only the eight purchased more than $3,000 in 'stamps during their last three months in office. The largest purchaser of stamps was Rep. Robert L. Leggett, D-Calif., who bought $13,000 worth in his final three months in office-including $3,000 worth on Jan. 2, his final day in ottice. In contrast, Leggett purchased a total of $2,700 in stamps during the previous 12 months, according to the House records. Rep. B.F. Sisk, D-Calif., purchased $2,800 worth of stamps in December and $6,000 worth of stamps on Jan. 2. He made no purchases of stamps during the previous year. Rep. James J. Delaney, D-N.Y., purchased $8,000 in stamps in $2,000 increments starting on Nov. 14 and con tinuing through Dec. 28. He also made no purchases of stamps in the previous year. Rep. Robert N.C. Nix, D-Pa., purchased $6,800 in stamps in December plus $4,300 in September and Octo ber. Nix's office bought $5,650 worth of stamps in the previous year with the bulk-$3,050-coming in the third quarter of 1978. Others shown in House records as making more than $3,000 in stamp purchases during their final months in office were Reps. Fred Rooney, D-Pa., with $6,323 in purchases; Newton Steers, R-Md., with $5,000; John Young, D-Texas, with $3,999; and John J. Flynt, D-Ga., with $9,150. Fly the jet set. Stand .the F-4 Phan tom on its tail and climb, straight into the stratosphere. Cruise at 185 mph and dive at 220 in the jet-powered AH-1 Cobra gun-ship. Hover in midair or shift theV-9 Harrier into drive and jet out at transonic . speeds TT'--- I Fly Marine. If you re in college now and want to fly. we can get you off the ground Our PLC Air Program guarantee's flight school after basic training If you qualify, we can put you in the air before college graduation with free civilian fly ing lessons. Contact us-now! ThsFew. The Proud. Tte Marines. See the team on the Nebraska Union, or call collect to Omaha 346-5022 HOUSE- of FLOVJB Make this Monday one without the blues, bend her a bouquet of fresh flowers. Call 42 -2775 226 South Uth t s CUSTOM HAIRSTYLING AND ylHiL QARBER SERVICE V4mw3 LOWER LEVEL Nebraska Union Anointments Available 4722459 11SS R 422-0111