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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1979)
page 12 dally nebraskan monday, wptember 10, 1979 mm Cs&ia 1 bedroom apt. 22nd & D. Off itreet parking, $195 de poilt. 423-6157 or 483-2238. Tired of living In the lounge? We have efflclenclei for $175. Newly furnished-very nice. Call 483-1690 or 435-2941. FREEH Call 477-2376 to tee clean, cozy furnished efflclenclei from $155 a month. Heat paid. Large closets. 1327 H Street. . Vans and Trucks For Rent $11.95 A Day CHEAP WHEELS 10th &R 475-9122 3 bedroom house lots of stained glass windows. Nice carpets built In microwave and dishwasher. $295 plus utilities and deposit. Also 2 bedroom apt. $165 utilities, both close to campus. 483-7046. We are now taking appli cations for counter and general stock work. Afternoon and evening hours. BEVERAGE COOLER 33rd & "B" SENIOR OR GRAD JOURNALISM MAJOR Part-time opportunity to work in advertising department for local company. Some of your responsibilities will include plac ing advertisements with news paper and radio media, checking ad copy, assisting in layout and copy and developing programs to test advertising effectiveness. This is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience with promotion minded company with $150,000 -(-year ad budget Daytime hours can be taylored to your schedule. Apply in per son to John Long, Waterbed World, 1907 "O" St. Cocktail waitress needed, good hours. 5:30-9:30 week days, 6:00-11:00 (or possible 1:00 on weekends). Contact Bill at 466-9968 after 3 p.m. Part-time noon help wanted , between 1 1 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday Friday, or any combination of those days. Longer shifts avail able for those whose class schedules allow or who wish more hours. Apply in person, WENDY'S Old-Fashioned Hamburger 14th & Que 474- 2322 Help wanted: Doorman and bartender 1436 "O" St. Ask for Dick. STUDENTS Part-time employment oppor tunity available as machine operators. Hours are flexible, bring your class schedule and we will arrange hours convenient for you. If interested, contact: The Personnel Department METRO MAIL 901 West Bond 475- 4591 An Equal Opportunity Affirroative Action Employer Part-time evening help need ed, 24-30 hoursweek, night dis patch, excellent opportunity for i student. Call 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 475-9521. ' HAVE WE GOT JOBS FOR YOUI Before they're gone see dozens of new part-time off campus Jobs on the STU DENT JOB BOARD, 112 Administration. Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids. PART-TIME POSITIONS Lancaster County seeks indivi duals who are people oriented, have own transportation, and art willing to work 20-30 hours per week in the evenings, to participate in home energy saving program. Individual will receive training for position and be employed until approximate ly March of 1SS0. Hours will be arranged. Salary $3.18 per hour. Apply County-City Employ ment Office, County -CJty Bldg. Room B113, 555 South 10th. Art Equal Opportunity x'Afnrmstrwe Action Employer Responsible young man needed for office help, running errands and light maintenance. Must have car, pay negotiable plus mileage. Call 466-1948. The Lincoln Underground, 227 North 9th Is now hiring bussers, male or female, full or part-time, for lunch hours, 10 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Also for part time cocktail waitresses, 4 hour shifts start at 4 p.m. Apply In person between 2 and 4. VALENTINO'S We are seeking good, conscienti ous employees at all 3 Valen tino's locations. 35th & Holdrege 70th & Van Dorn 27th 8t Highway 2 Primarily evening hours. Call 474-1305 for a personal Inter view. Night bookkeeper needed, Monday-Friday hours 1 1 p.m.-7 a.m. Bookkeeping or accounting background necessary. Call 475 2065, Thrifty Scot Motel. The Nebraska Club has open ings for dining room waiters. Ideal part-time hours. Apply in person, 20th floor, First Nat ional Bank Building. Help wanted, part-time. Morning, afternoon and evening hours available. Apply at Towne Parking, 1313 "M" St. Immediate opening for full or part-time foreign car mechan ic. Must be experienced and supply own tools. Contact Service Manager, Doan Rose Sales, 125 N. 21st. Salespeople wanted. Apply downtown Jason's. 1346 P' St. Part-time Bellmen, Waiters, and Waitresses; Maid for week ends. Apply In person. Villager Motel -Best Western. 5200 "O" St. GODFATHER'S Part-time night bartenders need ed. Apply in person. Ask for Terry, Bill or Mike. 12th fit Q Upstairs In the Glass Menagerie. Part-time desk clerk wanted. Call Colonial Inn 464-5971 for appt. Ask for Mr. Strauch. Experienced waitresses and back up cook. Flexible hours, top wages and benefits. Apply in person to Charlie after 4 p.m. PORKORNY'S 56th & Comhusker We need waitresses and bar backs. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m. BARRYMORE'S 124 N. 13th The Daily Nebraskan needs two editorial page columnists. Undergraduate or graduate stu dents should apply at Room 34 of the Nebraska Union. Please bring samples of your writing. CAMPUS REPS Wanted to sell Printed sportswear To campus organizations. Work for the largest printed sports outlet in the upper mid west JIM DIER SPORTSWEAR 1724 "O" St. 474-4308 20 Campus Sales Reps Wanted Tremendous commission system Allows impressive earnings for ' only a few hours per week Call Flower World, 474-6938 Need part-time warehouse help. Farm background preferred but not required. Apply in person. MILLER SEED COMPANY 1540 Comhusker Wanted: Busboys for sorority. See Mom Scaets at Zeta Tau Alpha house after 2 weekdays. Meet you at Old Wheat Jack eon's farm on Fantasy Lane Sept. 14, 15 and 16 for the con cert .... X103-FM. , $f Mitts You already know where Pioneer's Park Is ... but do you know where Fantasy Park Is? Find It bsfore Sept. 14, 15, 16. X103-FM. 1 male and 1 female ticket together. For season If possible. 464-1750. Two season football tickets. Will psy $150 for the pair of tickets. Call 796-2188. One student football ticket, fair price. Prefer unsigned ticket Call Randy at 474-2947 or 472 1763. WANTED: Someone fluent In Spanish or German to help student. Good pay. Call 474 2664. Men's and women's class rings. Any size. Will pay cash. Call Jeff at 2-9476. Wanted! 2 student footbell tickets. Will pay reasonable price. Call 474-1600. Paul Reade. NEED TICKETS I will pay $50 each for season football tickets. 472-8263. Wanted: 2 Utah State foot ball tickets and 1 student season ticket. Call 466-7225. Female roommate wanted: $79 utilities. Non-smoker, stu dent. Call 435-1398. Roommate wanted to share nice 4 bedroom furnished house with fireplace et Capital Beach. $125 month. 435-6572, 477 7427. We think that Harper Nine Is really finel HARPER NINE DOOR DECORATORS. (A.J. 8t R.C.I YO-YO and U.B. I wish you Kokswainas would quit nicknaming me. J.T. GERI, Congratulations on your big day I Hope you have a Happy 19th Birthday from a very lucky guy. Love, CHET Lisa: Hope you had a happy birth day. Wish I can spend all the rest with you. Love, John Chi Phi's, Lil Sis's and Friends: The worst has happened- I took a job in the Big "O". Be back down for bar-crowhops, women, and the like. Homebrew and turkey party on the way. Best of the best from me and the boat, Ed Faiandri & Ski Natlque Monday Night Backgammon is here for another whole year til Welcome back UNL Ladies! Two Nice Guys ' - v PART-TIME POSITION Excellent opportun ity for university stu dent to learn manage ment in sales, service and collections working with young people parents and customers. Must be available by 2:30 pjn. and have auto with mileage ex penses paid. We offer vacation and holiday pay plus other benefits and the opportunity to advance within or outside the rompany. Contact Mr. Gcnrich for appointment, 473 7361 JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY Kate Joeckel, Have I told you lately that I love you? Veughan Williams BACKGAMMON FEVER -CATCH ITI- Sally Else, You're being watched I Your two secret admirers IMPROVE YOUR GRADEI Send $1 for your 306 page cata log of collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097G, Los Angeles, California 90025, (213)477-8228. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for dedicated stu dent. $7.60 per hour. Beginning to Professional 483-2096 ZAGER STUDIOS POWERS & POWERS ATTORNEYS V hour consultation, $10 -Uncontested divorce, $150 cost -Most 1st DWI defenses, $100 Criminal and Civil fees estimates 474-5054 BIRTHRIGHT OFFERS FREE PREGNANCY TESTS confidential understanding help. 477-8021. The Institute for Internat ional Studies Would like to urge students who feel they may be interested and qualified of the availability of Fulbrlght-Hays Scholarship Awards for graduate study abroad. Pre-doctoral stu dents may also apply for this scholarship for research. The campus deadline Is October 1st. SINGLES: Don't be a loser, win new friends in bur dating service. Special rates for gals 435-7497 or P.O. Box 4686, Lincoln, NE 68504. ACROSS 1 Dad 5 Nit-pick II Prescribed pattern of behavior 14 Devastation 15 Relish-tray item 11 Oklahoma city 17 Like a summer drink 18 Alumni celebration 23 Architect of the Constitution 22 Ingenious or sly 23 Sprung 24 Peck's partner 25 Answer sharply 27 Expired SI sativa (the oat) 32 Units of illumination S3 Jaialaf cry 34 Neighbor of N.H. SS Blase SS Brazilian tree S7 Stray S3 Caustic 51 More meanspirited 41 Socializes 43 Moon goddess 44 Gaelic nobleman 45 Blotch 43 Promotion phrase 4 Preliminary exercises 52 Irritability from confinement IS Spread SI Entertainer Kins 57 53 51 13 $1 1 2 S 4 5 C 7 8 Too many diverse oppor tunities to llsti INVOLVE YOURSELF at dept.-or college level: Arts & Sciences Student Advisory Board-More Informat ion, 1223 Oldfather. University 4-H Club picnic Sept. 11, 1979 6:30 p.m. Peter Pan Park 33rd & W. Delta Tau Delta Little Sisters First meeting, Wed. Sept. 12 at 6:15 p.m. at the Delt house. Be prompt. Lesbian Rap Group Don't feel elonel Join our reguler meetings Call Women's Resource Center For deteils The greatest rock extrava ganza that could ever happen. . . Sept. 14, 15, 16 . . . listen to X103-FM. Teachers College Students: Plan to attend the first Teachers College Advisory Board meeting on Tues., Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. In the Student Union (Room to be posted). Bring a friend or two. ACMA (The Association for Computing Machinery) will hold its first meeting Monday, Sept. 10, at 7 p.m. In room 217 Ferguson. Everyone is invited, refreshments will be served. Apply now I An opportunity to be on Student Research Selection Committee. Call ASUN at 2-2581 or see your Dean's Office. The men & women of Alpha Gamma Rho Invite you to participate in their little Sister Rush Program. First party will be Tuesday Sept. 11th. Rides will be provided. If you signed up end were not notified by Mon. Sept. 10th call Alice Jane Voigt at 474-0113, or Tim Rowe 464-3153. The UNL Comhusker Mar keting Club will hold en infor mational meeting Tuesday, Sept. 11 In CBA, Room 107. Future speakers and activities will be discussed. New members can join at this meeting. Not disposed Inattentive Chinese secret society .. Periods of fasting "Como Vd.?" DOWN Prudish Primitive S.A. Indian Temporary lodging Hearth adjunct One of the ' leaders on a talk show at Last Lehar operetta Zip " got . sixpence. . t What Twain and Cable did in 1834 II Pardons 11 Chemical suffix 12 Bond 13 Irritable II Birdlifeof a region 21 N.A.rail 24 Jinxed 25 Blurbs 23 A pet of the net set 27 V there!' 23 Regulations at a Reno casino 29 Actress Terry S3 Pioneer in manufacture of steel plows 22 Actor Jack fromN.Y.C. ' ' j ' s e jio TP iT" is" - i4 ' 2-- - n - U i 'ammhm' 2? j----. s """" . " "" T" mmm """" """" m """" """" iJJjL--- i C iT" """"" " T "- ji!" " " r TV 4rnfci """"" """" mmm mmmm mmmt Tlii"" aT" T"U" a, 1 c 1 c (1 r I I I I H I I I I mt Apply now! An opportunity to be on Student Research Selection Committee. Call ASUN at 2-2581 or see your Dean's Office. ADPI-Slg Ep Card-A-Thon is coming September 12-15. Make your pledges nowl It's a good deal! Get ready for the concert at Fantasy Park ... 48 continuous hours. No tickets to buy . . . listen to X103-FM. NOWI Reader's for International student's papers to correct grammatical and punctuation errors. Pay-you decide. Contact Judy Wendorff, Office of Inter national Educational Services any a.m. 472-3264. Your link to another world for travel Info, study, jobs, voluntary service and homestays abroad. Overseas Opportunities Center, 345 NU. Always wanted to try a re search project but always short on money. Funding Is available! For application information, call ASUN at 472-2581. View and discuss this histori cal phenomenon with concen tration camp survivors and religious leaders in the Heritage Room of the Nebraska Union, Room 203. Viewing will take place at Sept. 10, 7-10, Sept. 11, 8-10, Sept. 12, 8-10, Sept. 13, 7-9:30, discussion will follow. Please errlve at least 15 minutes before the program begins. Check T.V. guide for time end listings. ARE YOU GAY? ARE YOU CHRISTIAN? We believe you can be both. Fellowship at Com monplace, 333 N. 14th, Thurs day at 8:30 p.m. ATTENTION Hermits and Recluses: Wish to be totally in accessable this year? To remove your name from the BUZZ BOOK, bring your body and student I.D. card to the CAP office-200 Nebr. Union, by Fri day Sept. 14. SS Contemptuous S3 Korean, for one S3 Kvass 43 Fashionable 42 Job for buttons at the Savoy 43 Stings 43 " Away," Wertmttller film 43 Leave hurriedly 47 French composer 43 Character in "The Iceman r- Cometh S3 Fuel or turf SI Canape 53 Dir. from Vladivostok tor Olga $ 54 Vehicle sometimes decorated