The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1979, Page page 2, Image 2

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    page 2
thursday, September 6 1979
daily nebraskan
Appearing at
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
Sept. 7- 9 8:30 - 12:30
-50 Beer 7.-30 9 p.m.
-50 Drinks (Fri. & Sat. only)
bouJ ond rojnge
6 mi. west on "0" - Emerald 474-5464
formerlv 2-Eved Jacks
Miller's Sample Sale
Bridal Gowns and Veils
up to 50 off
(select group reduced further!)
September8 9:30-5:30
Bridal Salon, 2nd floor Lincoln Center Store
r mi lJ
I M P '"' Get Set For Fall v:S.i h m
: cE. If 'III ' I '--l ; i
W ? AJC2P fc: f'LT A A f
Get Set -ife: -H teijC- if
P- 033081 hlJlP Get Set
I I XVv , - ,;,',. V,. f-f-f i ; ff
x Vr -- s. - "-4: . :i Lr7
w "'' ' "" ' " "' ' mmmmmmmm - ii fctMM 111 ! ""7 S
, ii
vV wmm m North 14th y
" I
.l i.. ,::..,-,;,vi
Introducing A
New Concept In
Sun Tanning!
Work tip to on oll-of
goMm ton in 20 vijin!
First visit free.-
The Tanning Salon
145 no. 46th--No. of Lums
Englisn majors interested
in being on the English
Dept. Committee should
contact R. D. Stock, An
drews 304.
Today is the final day to
report any change in address
or telephone number to
Administration Bldg., Street
level, Window 2 for the
Buzz Book listings.
The Campus Red Cross
USPS 144-080
Editor in chief: Amy Lenzen; Managing editor; Margaret
Stafford; News editor; Randy Essex; Associate news editors:
Bren'da Moskovits, Rocky Strunk; Night news editor: Frank
Hassler; Assistant news editor: Bonnie Lund; Features editor: Jill
Denning; Layout editor: Deb Shanahan; Entertainment editor:
Kathy Chenault; Sports editor: Rick Huls; Photography chief:
Mark Billingsley; Art director: Mike Whiteley; Magazine editor:
Mary Fastenau; Magazine managing editor: Gail Stork; Ombuds
man: Mike Zangari; East Campus Bureau chief: Kevin Field.
Copy editors: Liz Austin, Julie Bird, Barb Bierman, Roger
Buddenberg, Alice Hrnicek, Barb Richardson, Bob Lannin, Kris
Business manager: Anne Shank; Production manager: Kitty
Policky; Advertising manager: Denise Jordan; Assistant advertising
manager: Art Small.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications
Board Monday through Friday during the fall and spring
semesters, except during vacation.
Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68588, Telephone: 472-2588.
Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to
the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68510.
will meet tonight at 6 p.m.
in the Nebraska Union.
Room number will be post
ed. Campus Activities and
programs is sponsoring a re
cruitment workshop for all
student organizations to
night from 6 p jn. to 8 p.m.
in the Union. Room number
will be posted.
The Pre-Vet Club will
sferti stuff
meet at 7 p.m. tonight in
the Union. Room number
will be posted.
UNL women interested
in becoming "Husker Hos
tesses' are asked to meet in
the south stadium lounge
Friday at 3:30 pjn. The
hostesses will help out with
game-day activities for the
Nebraska home football
games and will meet and
entertain prospective re
cruits and their parents who
will be visiting the campus.
Call Jerry Pettibone (472
3116) or Boyd Epley (472
3000) for more informa
tion. SSJl0iXa(2l?
8 p.m.-10 pjn.-College
of Business Breakfast, Geor
gian Suite B
3 p.m.-4:30 pjn.-Vice
Chancellor, Student Affairs
Daily Nebraskan Staff, Heri
tage Room
3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.-Career
Planning & Placement Ori
entation, Auditorium
4:30 pjn.-5:30 pjn.-Phi
Chi Theta, Georgian Suite A
5:30 pin.-7 pjn.-UPC
City Talks & Topics, Regen
cy Suite B -X
5:30 pjn.-7:30pjn.-Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Harvest
6 pjn.-8 pjn.-CAP Re
cruitment, Workshop, Re
gency Suite A'
6 . pjn7 pjm. Campus
Red Cross, Georgian Suite B
6 pjm.-7 p jn. Christian
Science Organization, Room
7 pjn.-Beta
Alpha Psi, Georgian Suite A
7 pjn.-8 p.rn -UPC City
Walpurgisnacht Committee,
Room 216
7 p.m.-9 p.m. Christian
Science Counselor, Room
225 G
7 pjn.-lO pjn. -Students
concerned with. Internation
al Affairs, Room 401
7:30 pjn.-lO pjn -Math
Counselors, Room 225 B-C
7:30 pjn.-8:30 p.m.
Circle K, Room 232
7:30 pjn.-9 p.m.-Ec-kankar,
Room 402
Going Back To
School Is Fun
On A Bike From . . .
W tiavw l0-pMdt. f-pMds. 3
apMds and great biMa for kidi.
Evarr Sdnrina bicycla la comptew
tf Mnwba4. adjuatad and
ta rida at n actra coat
AN ScImm btqrclaa ara covarad
toytha Sckwina Oaator Fiva PoM
Pfotactioa Ftaiiw '
There fa no b'ke shortage
hers. Over 500 to stock to
chooss &om!"!" '. - .
Lin cob Schwxnn
1 Cydary
3321 Pbnr
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