The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1979, Page page 19, Image 19
dally nebroskan pago 19 thursday, September 8, 1970 Budget direct By Cindy Cogllanese or disputes Sen. Keyes revenue figures The State Budget Director Wednesday said that a $425 million excess in the State Revenue Department, as reported by State Sen . Orval Key es' office , does not exist , Don Leuenberger, budget director, said an error was made .Keyes' office in the calculation of the excess money because appropriations, ,-reappropriations and encumbrances were not taken Into account with the $623 million figure left from the last fiscal year's budget. An aide to Keyes Tuesday said if a special session of the legislature comes about, that Keyes would push for a cut in state taxes or to give the purported excess to educational state aid, thus cutting LifC " i I J 11 i Z o o I T a L? "ToT C T fi 7 i IniioniTsu i iDloltlit fi o I .ic t o i T itSjiT wTTf fTofii irfeTTTTl o u T jahMtdHaMW k- an mm tto. y j .yW napotircAwtTaiTp fill" 0 01, AMAIN T 1 1 T i " c l I ? u r T t t i i in" T T i m 1 TiTvITil T T p T n "i limwmwlt! itiTiiUlolts 1 property taxes. Keys' office said Tuesday that the Revenue Department had projected an ex. cess of $19,779,561 in unobligated funds from the 1978-79 fiscal year. The Revenue With this set of figures, Keyes called for i special session of the Legislature to decide what to do with the excess. Uuenberger said that the Revenue Department actually reported a 1.3 percent balance increased over its 1978.79 projec tion and that the department pulled In $8.7 million more than planned. He added that the State Board of Equalization and Assessment, on June 4, 1979, presented a net revenue estimate of $588.5 million. Added with a beginning balance of $62 3 million that amounted to a total of $650.8 projected for the 1979-80 fiscal year. Leuenberger said $576.5 million in appropriations, $26.5 million in reappro. wiatlons and $7.4 million in encum. brances will come out of the $650.8 mil lion figure. In addition, Leuenberger said that $40.4 million is available for a reserve that is required by law. That figure is 6.6 percent of the total budget and by state law cannot exceed 7 percent. ' Earlier this year, Gov. Charles Thone had recommended a 6 percent reserve requirement, taking into consideration that Nebraska might enter into a moderate recession by the end of the fiscal year. Leuenberger said the state was obligated to pay $335 million against the $625 mil lion that was carried qvcr from last fiscal year's budget, adding that this figure probably was not taken into consideration by Keyes' office. State Tax Commissioner Fred Herring, ton also said Wednesday that the Revenue Department is sticking by Its projection of $42 million in excess at the end of the 1979-80 fiscal year despite Keyes'. predic -tlon of a $75 million excess. He said that July's figures showed a 14.4 percent Increase above the department's projec tions but he added that he is not sure If the trend will continue. Herrlnjjton added that state senators who. are calling for a special session to decide what to do if an excess does exist, should remember that the State Treasury Department will be making major home, stead exemption payments to Nebraska counties, which last year amounted to over $30 million. LTS providing buses to fair Lincoln Transportation System buses will provide daily service between down town Lincoln and . the State Fairgrounds for the State Fair until Sept. 9. Buses will leave 1 1th and N Streets downtown every half-hour between 9:15 a.m. and 10:15 pjn. for the fairgrounds. Return service to downtown Lincoln will operate every half hour from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. or after the conclusion of the evening shows. Regular LTS fares will apply to the fairgrounds service and transfers to and from the State Fair route will be honored. Buses operating to the fairgrounds will use the regular downtown loop, running on 11th, J and 14th Streets before following 14th to R Street and then operating via 17th Street to the Fairgrounds Coliseum where a bus stop will be established. Ser vice will not be operated on Sunday, Sept. 2, or on Labor Day, Sept. 3. For complete route and schedule infor mation, call the LTS Information Center at 474-1561. fen Mite1 1970 VW Bug, new engine, needs some body work. $750. 477-3179. 1974 750-4 Honda, 8700 miles, excellent condition. Best offer. Many extras. 483-4322, 466-4502. ' For sale, 1975 Fiat X19 green, convertablc; excellent condition, 483-5872. Make offer. 1976 Triumph Spitfire, bur gandy with black top. Runs great-must sell. 477-1432 even ings. Never used I New Suzuki 250T motorcycle, paid $950, this spring but never licensed. Warranty valid til Mar. 80, $750,474-0501. 6-string classical fender guitar. Call 489-0115 after 8 p.m. Great books of the western world. 54 vols. Start with Homer end with Freud. Encycl opedia Britannica edition. Books in print list at $530 will sell for $300. Call Steve 477 2472. For Sale: Buffet, Alto Saxa phone, good condition, Dennis Romshek 464-0901. Small green plaid sofa $100, 2 small stackable chest of draw en $30 or $50 for pair. Call Barb. 488-4629 after 3 pxn. 161b. undrilled bowling ball. Tommy Hudson Brunswick LT 48. Color, green streak. Make offer. 466-3042. Complete waterbed. Brand new 4 poster frame. $175. Steve 477-1646. Red Crcs 1973 Impale, runs good, new tires, make offer. 483-1746. 1969 Simca, safety sticker, bucket seats, hatchback. Good gas mileage. First $225. 477 3037, ask for Scott. Electric typewriter for sale. Only 3 years old. 472-0943. Single bed frame and Broy hill bookcase headboard. $55. 423-3404. For rent, one bedroom apartment, close to university and downtown. Call 477-5909. 2-2 B.R. apt. just remodeled. Within walking distance of U.N. Call for appointment. 477-6174. 1 bedroom efficiency, share utilities, furnished, 1 block from campus. $125 474-0873 after 5. 1 bedroom apt. 22nd & D. Off street parking, $195 de posit. 423-6157 or 483-2238. Fix your car at our place. We rent garage space and tools. AMAZON AMOCO 11th & D 474-4822 1 large two bedroom apt. swimming pool, sauna, etc. Call 475-7771 for more information. INCREDIBLEII Spacious one and two bedrooms some furnished. Pool. Parking, parages available. Call 423-7475 or see manager in apartment No. 31 1 for information. Rent starts t $180. Six or twelve month contract. No pets. FREEH Call 477-2376 to see dean, cozy furnished efficiencies from $155 month. Heat paid. Large closets. 1327 H Street. , Soccer and flag football coaches and officials needed. Please call Lincoln, YMCA at 475-YMCA for further Informa tion. Student for part-time work . with livestock. Farm experience desirable. Must have car. Call 489 7419. YMCA needs bus driver 2-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Contact Bob Tlustos at 475-9622. RECREATION POSITIONS City of Lincoln Parks & Rec reation is currently accepting applications for part-time posit ions at recreation centers and after-school winter playgrounds. Mornings, afternoon, evening and weekend hours available. Salary $2.90-$3.30hour de pending on position. For infor mation contact 435-3782. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer FIRST DOWN the football program published by the Daily Nebraskan, is in need of 30 persons to sell pro grams for approximately 4 hours on football Saturdays. The pay is good ($4-$5 per hour) and the job is fun, for yourself or for your organizat ion. For more details, call Art at 472-1760 for more information and meeting time. Busboys wanted. Call 472 9861. Immediate opening for full or part-time foreign car mechan ic. Must be experienced and supply own tools. Contact Service Manager, Doan Rose Sales. 125 N. 21st. Help wanted, day hours, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and weekends. Apply in person. Dairy Queen 3500 Cornhusker Hwy. Part-time Bellmen. Waiters, and Waitresses; Maid for week ends. Apply In person. Villager 1 Motel-Best Western. 5200 -O" St. GODFATHER'S PIZZA Part-time watiresses . wanted. Day and nkjht hours available. Apply in person to Terry. Bill or Mike. 12th & Qua 1979 - 80 Organizational Meeting of 7:30 p.m. Nebraska Union The largest collegiate organization in North America. A service organization Permanent part-time ware house position, 4-7:30 a.m. Full time possible during summer. Must be healthy and dependable Apply Lincoln Poultry & Egg, 20th & 'M' St. GODFATHER'S Part-time night bartenders need ed. Apply in person. Ask for Terry, Bill or Mike. 12th fit Q Upstairs in the Glass Menagerie. Part-time child care and light housekeeping. After school supervision of 8 and 11 year old. Transportation and refer ences required. Call 483-4693 after 6 p.m. TACO INN Apply now for jobs this semest er. Flexible hours and shifts. Apply afternoons in person, 13th &R. Part-time desk clerk wanted. Call Colonial Inn 464-5971 for appt. Ask for Mr. Strauch. Part-time handyman for vari ous office jobs and light maint enance. Must have car. Pay negotiable plus mileage. 466 1946. Avon sales opportunity. Un limited sales on your own schedule. Campus territories available. Call Brenda 472-9859 or Jeri 466-4754. Sweep Left Restaurant 2nd Level. Bus boy position avail able. Part-time daily from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Excellent pay and health club benefits. Apply: SWEEP LEFT 815 "O" Experienced waitresses and back up cook. Flexible hours, top wages and benefits. Apply in person to Charlie after 4 p.m. PORKORNY'S 56th & Cornhusker We need waitresses and bar backs. Apply In person between 2-4 p.m. BARRYMORE'S 124 N. 13th & JP. (very involved person) GABt CMJIPUB September 6 10a.m.-2p.m. Nebraska East Union Grcat Plalns Room $onsordbyCTVH'tActMt'9t&PrcrvrS'3tt The Daily Nebraskan needs two editorial page columnists. Undergraduate or graduate stu dents should apply at Room 34 of the Nebraska Union. Please bring samples of your writing. Cocktail waitress wanted Friday -Saturday-Sunday, 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Countryside Bowl & Lounge Rt.6 Emerald, NE Sweep Left Lounge 2nd Level -Now hiring part evening cocktail waitress. Outstanding pay, flexible hours, no exper ience necessary. We will train. Apply 9-6 daily, SWEEP LEFT 815 "O" St. Close to Campus CAMPUS REPS Wanted to sell Printed sportswear To campus organizations. Work for the largest printed sports outlet in the upper mid west. JIM DIER SPORTSWEAR 1724 "O" St. 474-4308 20 Campus Sales Reps Wanted Tremendous commission system Allows impressive-earnings for only a few hours per week Call Flower World, 474-6938 Need part-time warehouse help. Farm background preferred but not required. Apply in person. MILLER SEED COMPANY 1540 Cornhusker Salespeople wanted. Apply downtown Jason's. 1346 P St. THE DONUT STOP Sales person needed Thursday Friday only 7 a.m .-noon. Also sales person for Saturday only, 6 a.m. -noon. Apply in person before noon. 27th & "O" St. Permanent part-time posit ion working 4-8 p.m. evenings and 5:30 a.m.-noon Sunday. Must have auto, mileage expens es paid. Please call Jerry, 473 7361 for interview appointment LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY Night bookkeeper needed, Monday-Friday hours 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Bookkeeping or accounting background necessary. Call 475 2065, Thrifty Scot Motel. The Nebraska Club has open ings for dining room waiters. Ideal part-time hours. Apply in person, 20th floor. First Nat ional Bank Building. Hejp wanted, part-time. Morning, afternoon and evening hours available. Apply at Towne Parking, 1313 "M" St. Female math major wanted to tutor gifted sjcond grader U. school. 466-2084 evenings. Jeaaira? 3 uGtbedl? K ; for all your sports equipment. Chock our specials on Running M Go To GERRY'S s .8 Shoos and Tennis end Racquotball equipment. Sport and Ski Shop 1324 P St 44-4288 S: for collage men end women.