The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1979, Page page 15, Image 15

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    thursday, September 6, 1979
dally nebraskan
page 15
FilM Tlieater starts year
witkapanese films
Sheldon Film Theatre will begin the
semester with a look at Japanese cinema.
Tlie free series Is art in-depth study of
the history and culture of Japari provided
through the art of its cinema. The series in
cludes the screenings of 21 Japanese films
In the Sheldon Theatre on alternating
weeks until December.
According to film director ban Ladely,
the series will present films selected from
the work of one or two directors in each
The selections, according to Ladely,
were made upon quality and importance of
the films in the history of Japanese cinema.
Three films by Kenjl MizogUchl will be
screened this weekend. Vie Life ofOharu
is the story of a prostitute, based on the
is the story of a prostitute, based on the
work of a 17th century writer. OharU de
clines gradually from a court lady to cheap
prostitute as she is victimized by men for
money and sex. Told in flashbacks, the
film contains beautiful photography.
Ugetsu is a 96-minute film of a 16th
century potter and his fascination with and
near death at the hands of a ghost. Mlzo
guchi wanted to rnake the ending rnore
bitter than the production company would
allow, according to Ladely.
4 Crucified LoversA Story from CMka
matsti Is based ort the 17th century pUyi
The Almanac-Maker's Tale. In the fllrri, a
woman bf the merchant class Is unjustly
accused of adultery and escapes with her
supposed partner in crime, a servant. They
are eventually caught and executed, but
not before they realize that they are in
love. It is a strongly anti-feudal film focus
ing on woman's status.
Ugetsu will run today at 7 p.m., Friday
at 9 p.m. and Saturday at 9 p.m.
The Life ofOharu will run at 9 p.fn. to
day; 7 pjn. Friday, 3 p.rri. Saturday and 7
p.ffl. on Sunday.
Crucified Lovers is scheduled for 3 pJm.
Friday, 7 pm. Saturday and 9:30 p.m.
Buy Ua Savings Bonds.
Sat. Sept. 8 -
Three shops
Furniture, antiques,
books & hurrierous
other items at.
fringe & tassel
710 N 27th St.
Kimball begins new season
with traveling mime theater
The Claude Klpnis Mime Theatre opens
the Kimball Performing Arts Series at 8
p.m., Sept. 14 and 15, with the perfor
mances of pantomime magic by French
man Claude Kipnis and his troupe.
Kipnis was a 15 -year old student in Paris
when he read that Marcel Marceau was au
ditioning for a workshop. He portrayed a
young boy smoking his first cigarette and
Marceau chose him for the workshop.
Since then, mime has been a way of life for
Mime was started by Italian actors who
came to France in the 17th century. They
couldn't speak French, so they had to act
out their roles. Later when the king started
theatrical censorship, actors had to act out
political satires in silence.
However, politics won't enter Claude
Kipnis Mime Theatre's prdgram. The
troupe's imaginary reality of pantomime
such as wThe Party," "The Box," "The
Body," and "Eine Kleihe Nachtmusic" wUl
bet an evening of humor and amazement
for the Whole family.
A special children's performance will be
in the East High School Auditorium at
10:30 a.m. Sept. 15. Tickets will be avail
able at the door.
MT it AHttVv
w m w wmw m m m
By Preston
Oct 4 through
9, 1979
by Macari Tarry
Nov. 29,30 and
Dec 1-through 4,
La Turista
Feb 14 through
19, 1980
by Jean Racine
April 10 through
15. 1SS0
iaifl-lo FiiVoil
HoweLL tHeAtre
OPTION 2: 4 plays
Elowall only
tudantsSanlori $3
lAII Otters $12
SMon Tickets On
Sale Through
Sept 30
OPTION 1: 8 plays
Howell and Studio
Studants $16
All Others $24
Slnoia Admission
StudentsSeniors $3
All Othars S4
Thaatra Tickat
Offica locatad 104
Tampla BkJg12 8i
R Lincoln 6S583
472-2073 aftar
1 pm
8:00 PM
by Bartolt Brecht
Oct 19.20 & 23
through 27, 1979
by Dickani adapted
by R. Data Wilson
Dac 7,,20
21 at 6PM
Dac 9.16,22 at 2PM
Gaorga Barnard
Shaw Fab 29. March
1 & 4-8. 1980
Book, lyrics, music
by Sandy Wilson
April 18,19 and 22
through 26
tro otr
if " o n in
UIJi,-ii,u m nmumuMMMmMMmmMMMM.WMUt, mmi.UiM.MnM,umvmMUH wmTmilinirrn. i mmm m -.-
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