Wednesday, September 5, 1979 daily nebraskan page5 (mm In the Dally Nebraskan of Aug. 27, 1979, the author of the article entitled "Engineering Students Top Job Placements" states that "(the) Uw College has 29 percent of Its graduates finding work and 52 percent still looking. Nineteen percent had other plans." This statement Is not correct. The records of the College of Law Placement Office Indicate that as of midsummer of this year, 50.4 percent of the members of the Class of 1979 had secured employment, approxi mately 5 percent had other plans and the remaining 45 percent were seeking employment. If our past experience holds true this year, and we assume It will, by Dec. 31, 1979, approximately 85 percent of the graduates of this class should have secured legal employment. To put these percentages in perspective, I need to give . PREMIERE SEASON AUDITIONS 80 volunteer players needed for all sections: AUDITION SCHEDULE WED. Sept. 8, 7:30-0:30 (Brass and Strings) THURS. Sept. 6, 7:30-9:30 (Woodwinds and Strings) SUN. Sept.9,1-5p.m. (Strings, Percussion, Winds) For Appointment & Information, Ph. 488-2331 Ext. 331 Engel Hall, 48th & Bancroft, Lincoln, NE Flrtt Rehnariah Thun Sent 20 7-30.10 n m at Lincoln High JJ ' " " " " " " " I 30 Drauus I PtecGiQrs m it m Might' - J mr st. I v- fo'k - ) K zJj V S -w I; J js I Atf s i VuJ Number One .jwtimily ! Out p'f . sional cutters aro spe cially' trained to rut your hair naturally the way it grows so it holds its shape longiv and stays m place better than any other haircut We also do great p 'mis coloring, frosting and conditioning -all at affordable prices and you never need an appointment And take advantage of the Great X free haircut consultation Put your head together with our Manager or Cuttrr look at all the latest styles and then you II know what s naturally right for you1 "For women and men. . PRECISION HAIRCUTTERS Lower level Atrium 474-9903 Van Dcm Plaza 4G8 - 9954 you a little background on law placement generally. Prior to the early 1970s, It was not unusual to find that 80' percent of the graduates of the accredited law schools would have legal positions by the end of the fall semester preceding a summer graduation. Now that proportion is essentially reversed with 80 percent of graduate 'class securing legal employment by the end of the December following a summer graduation. Edwin R. Hazen Assistant Dean Editor's note: Statistics quoted In the article were compil ed by the UNL Placement Office and concerned May graduates at the time of commencement. l2)L 3 XoUoIt'o (very Involved porson) EAST CAMPUS ACTIVITIES SlflAUT Soptembor 6 1 0o.m.-2p.m. Nebraska East Union Great Plains Room Sponsored by Campus Activities & Programs East Worn an sG 8tec? smS finxfl Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-7; Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-5 MARANTZ MR 235 AMFM STEREO RECEIVER Our discount price .219 95 When Maranti introduces a medium powered receiver yoj get high power features m the bargain A tuner section the equal of that found m our very best receiver An the control fiembiiity you could want including a midrange level control to tailor vocal re production to your personal tastes The amplifier section gives you 33 Watts per channel trom 20-20 000 H into 8 ohms with not more than 0 1 THD Phase locked loopFM multiple" demodulator Loudness switch 1 2 dB per octave high filter Separate detented bass treble and midrange controls Volume and stereo balance controls FM center channel tuning meter AM FM signal Strength meter Mfg. List Tape monitor and tape copy function WIS lit 8VV 'if... ;'7 ADVENT MODEL 2 SPEAKER SYSTEM ADVEM ADVENT ADVENT ADVENT ADVENT ADVENT ADVENT ADVENT A ? way 3 speaker system with performance comparable to that of may tar more enpen sive speakers Mfg. Val. 92.00 ta. Our Introductory Price only Si 95 ea. WATCH LIFE-SIZE FOOTBALL THIS FALL WITH A VIDEOBEAM 6-FOOT TV by ADVENT it-s. . UK-ami Stereo Receiver Model R-301 30 Watts RMS Per channel. ' Mfg. List $275.00 Our Low Price only $ 1 4995 Save45 off Mfg. List Price. J5YW31STICS" TEAC A-300 Cassette Deck Step Up To 3-Head Monitoring True 3-Head System Memory Rewind Tension Servo System Output Level Control Mic Line Mixing Digital Counter Lighted Cassette Compartment . FG Servo-Controlled DC Motor independent 2 Position Bias EQ Selectors Dual-Process Dolby Noise Reduction Circuitry Susg. 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