The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 30, 1979, Page page 14, Image 14

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    pago 14
dally nebraskan
thursday, august 30, 1979
Jvrf III
w EElTEflTA!u3T
Spencer Ward Quintet (Jazz)
Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1
Also . . . serving lunches daifyl
O.G. Kelly's 220 nx m
1tt right oh
' 1
if 1 2nd I I DUE I Fix) foTTI Iwyfcl
- s-suHI rrS"T-
I inn rn fi fo
" n ?V"" , TT f"""? fv"
It -rl IcstI IselI mar I k I
. A a II I I I I "lilin
5 Business
4 for business
X and finance. J
Choose the lexas Instruments calculator
thatis right for your major.
When you'fc woi kinj? in a socialized field,
you need a specialized calculator. That's
why Texas Instruments designed the
Slimline Business Analyst-!!'" for busi
ness and finance . . . and the Slimline Tl
50" for science and math. Each provides
the tailored power and the reliability you'll
need as you leam to solve the problems
you'll face as a professional. And each has a
price youll appreciate as a student.
Slimline Business Analyst-!!.
Sleek LCI) calculator with versatile
business capabilities.
Solving financial problems with the
Slimline Business Analyst-I! can make
working with your old calculator teem like
pencil-and-paper arithmetic. The (unctions
required to perform many common busi
ness, financial and statistical calculations
are built in to help you make quick, accurate
evaluations of many complex business
Special financial keys are used to handle
time and money problems such
pound Interest, annui
ty payments, mortgage
bans, investment yields, I
amortization schedules!
and more.
If? 2-
TkxcM InttrumenU tcchnclc;? bringing cfTcrdalle electronic to your
Texas Instruments
Pizza, Pasta, Salads
and Sandwiches.
Pick up your own for $100 off.
10th. before Cornhusker Hwy
Open 4-12 Tues.-Sun.
in KEKPOLimiuSLp
up E3 ED GD
ixc I r.
Statistical and linear regression capabili
ties provide the power you'll need to boil
down data and automatically handle prob
lems such as sales and earnings forecasts.
Profit margin calculations concerning
cost, selling price and margin can be per
formed rapidly when any two of the varia
bles are known. Other features include a
four-function data register with Constant
Memory'" feature that retains its contents
emi when the calculator is turned off. Two
miniature batteries provide up to two years
of operation in normal use. And TPs API) "
automatic power down feature helps pre
vent accidental battery drain.
The Business Analyst-! I, with detailed
owner's manual and suede-look vinyl wallet
with pockets for notes. $45.00.
The Slimline TI-50 packs 60 power
ful functions Into a handsome,
compact package.
The pbcVetHporta)le Slimline TI-50 is a re
markably powerful LCI) slide-rule calcula
tor. Yet it's as thin as fe pencil and weighs
only three ounces!
Its CO versatile functions can help you
handle a wide range of college math prob
lems. Capabilities include common and
as com
Vacuum cleaners near new end
reconditioned. Cheap",
2633 N. 48th St.
0 1 fit 6 p.rrt.
78 Cordoba. Beautiful, loaded
AMFM, power wlndowJeather
Interior, 474-6323.
Hello StudehtsI
We're glad you're back!
Come and see ui when you
get settled. We still offer
20 student discount on all
stringed Instruments, sound
equipment and accessories.
630 West P
1971 Plymouth Satallte,
power steering, brakes, air cond.
automatic. Call 483-4910 even
ings and weekends.
CHEAP! Yamaha 260 $160.
Fast clean! Norton 750 $900.
475-8691. ,
Canon TL 35rnm camera
with the worksl 200, SO, 28mm,
teleconverter, Hoya close-up, 8
filters, cases, auto-film feed
loader. $595. , Call 466-4988
after 6.
Marantz 2238 receiver still
under warranty, also Marantz
7G's- 3 way speakers. 474-0614.
mm mimmm a
-w"ir"im Si Jj C:
BsII CsWWisl Siiimm3 CiiimI i
I i'liiH' 1 I i' m I jt ui' ii ill H fM-MOMt .
1711 r II . Ill y 1
llttBBHP filSISVHMklr BpjajBaip
unique to
Slimline TI
1972 Vega TO, 4-speed.
Good condition, Address: 235
"E" Of 476-0232, 476-0739,
Carpat your dorm room Inex
pensively. 18x24 carpet samples
25 cents each. HURRY.
1647 S. 25th
B. flat buffet clarinet, wood
en, silver keys, excellent condit
ion. Best offer. 423-2653, 423
0734 P.M.
Sharp 2-bedroom mobile home
In best park In town. $350
down, $175 monthly. 488-9655
483-2202, Jack).
For Sale: Buffet, Alto Saxa
phone, good condition, Dennis
Rorrishek 464-0901.
Technics SA-5760 receiver.
Very , good condition. Jeff
Wesseli, 467-1688.
Small green plaid sofa-$100
2 small stackable chest of draw-ert-$30
or $50 for pale. Call
Barb, 488-4629 after 3 p.m.
For Sale: Refrigerator, 1
year old, very small, Call Scott
For Sale: Season football
ticket, unsigned. North stadium
seat. Only $55. Phone 467-1590
evenings. '
-J Th05mne
i iui auiciiuc
i and math, jf
natural logarithms. Six trigonometric oper
ations that cart be Hrformed in three angu
lar modes (degrees, radians or grads). Tw o
constant memories that retain their con
tents eren ivlien the calculator in turned off.
And more. t .
Seven built-in statistical functions sim
plify the task of boiling down targe sets of
data points so you can )crform accurate
analyses and draw reliable conclusions.
The KWer of the Slimline TI-50 is made
easy to use by TIV AOS" algebraic njwrat
ing system, which "provides 15 sets of pa
rentheses and accepts lip to four landing
ocrations. That means you can enter most
problems just as they're written, left
to right.
Two miniature batteries provide up to
two years i f normal operation. And Tl'a
API)" automatic power down feature
helps prevent accidental battery drain.
The Slimline TI-50 include a detailed
owner's manual and a durable Vinyl wallet,
Make sure your next calculator has the
specialized power to handle the problems
your major. See the
Analyst - II and the -
- 50 at your college
or other Tl dealer
1965 Pontl8C. Recently In
spected and tuned. Low mileage
Runs good. $280 or best offer.
63 Triumph TR6
Good condition, Must sell.
472-3537 dayt, 477-2823
74 Ford Pinto, 4 speed, runs
very good, 25 MPQ In town,
new brakes, engine, little rust,
best offer over $1000. Call 472
8312 evenings, ask for Queng.
Martin 035 GUITAR FOR
SALE, 1972 model, excellent
condition, BEST OFFER, call
Spencer days 472-2223 (mes
sages) or eves., 488-0851.
Fur coat for sale. $15. 475
9287. 2-Spanlsh Wineskins $7.00, all
leather. Great for football games
423-6606 for Mitch or Terry.
Epiphone 5-strlng banjo With
case In excellent like-new con
dition. $225. 788-2739.
Apartment sized washer arid
dryer for sale. Price negotiable.
Call 475-9968 evenings.
Complete waterbed, Brand
new 4 poster frame. $175.
Steve, 477-1646.
Brooks Vantage Running
Shoes. Like hew. Women's size
6Va, $15. 435-6089, 473-0325.
ftiT. Oiriftf
2- 2B.R. apt just remodeled.
Within walking; distance of UN
Call for appointment 477-6174.
1 4- 2 bedrooms furnished.
Easily accommodates 2 or 4.
Close In location.
477-361 7-teavd message
Coming Next Week .. .
Brandeis 1st College Night
of the year.
2 bedroom apt. partly furn
ished. $175 plus utilities. Call
1 bedroom apt. 22nd & D.
Off street parking, $195 4- de
posit. 423-6157 or 483-2238.
1 bedroom efficiency, share
utilities, furnished, 1 block from
Campus, $125 474-0873 after 6.
2 bedroom, 5 room upstairs
apt. Lot! of windows, oak
woodwork. $195 deposit.
Heat paid.
2440 Lynn
For rent, one bedroom
apartment, close to university
and downtown. Call 477-5909.
For rent to quiet clean male
student who Wants to live nicely
but inexpensively: 30 x 15 fur
nished recreation room; rugs,
draperies, private bath, refriger
ator, garage. Limited kitchen
privileges upstairs. Queit for
study. 4 miles from campus.
$60 a month plus shoveling
snow. 488-3481 after 4 p.m.
Rock Jazz Sound of
Aug. 31 - Sept' 2
Come in and try us for
dinner tooi
108th & Pine take
Free rent for August move4n
date, SpaclOui one and two bed.
rooms, some furnished, Poof,
Parking. Garages available. Call
432-7475 or see maneger In
apartment No. 311 for Infor
mation, Rent starts at $160. Six
or twelve month contract. No
Call 477-2376 to See clean,
cozy furnished efficiencies from
$155 a month. Meat paid. Large
closets. Earn free rent for
August move-In. 1327 H Street.
Cocktail waitress wanted Fri
day, Saturday, Sunday, 7 p.rri.-1
Countryside Bowl 8i Lounge
Emerald, NE ,
The bally Nebraskan needs
two editorial page columnists!
Undergraduate or graduate stu
dents should apply at Room 34
of the Nebraska Unidh. Please
bring samples of your writing.
Spanish speaking person
needed to assist In Montessorl
classroom. Must be available
Monday -Friday 12:304 p.rrti
Call 489-81 10 days or 475-9158
evenings. '
Must be available Tuesday
Thursday, 8 a.rn.-2 p.m. Will
work as receptionist and with
classified advertising. If Interest
ed, see Anne, Union 34.
Part-time waitresses Wanted.
Day and night hours available.
Apply In person to Terry, Bill
or Mike, ,
Apply now for Jobs this
semester. Flexible hours and
shifts. Apply afternoons in per
son, 13th & R.
Part-time sales position, after
noon, evening end weekend
hours available, salary and
bonus. This is an above average
job for an above average person.
Apply In person at 1907 O St.
Part-time desk clerk wanted.
Call Colonial Inn, 464-5971 for
appt. Ask for Mr. Strauch.
- "" '
Soccer and flag football
coaches and officials needed.
Please call Lincoln VMCA at
475-YMCA for further Infor
mation. ,
Permanent part-time ware
bouse position 4-7:30 a.m. Full
time possible during Summer.
Must be healthy fiml depend
able. Apply Lincoln Poultry 8t
Egg. 20th &M' St.
Part-time night bartenders need
ed. Apply In berson. Ask for
Terry, Bill or Mike. 12th A Q
Upstairs in the Glass Menagerie.
Rd 423 2532
.- . er